Page 41 of My True North

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Is this what people refer to as euphoria? Theresa practically floated across the sand, Caleb beside her. She’d faced her fear, risked revealing her innermost feelings, and she’d come through the ordeal triumphantly. This had been her very first attempt at completely baring her soul with someone she cared a lot about, and Caleb had actually listened. He’d heard her. She hadn’t been met with criticism, mansplaining, or an attempt to convince her she didn’t actually feel what she’d described. Caleb had been respectful, supportive, and caring.

She fought the urge to jump up and down like a kid, or to run through the foamy surf, kicking up her heels. This must be what athletes felt like when they set a new world record. She wanted to announce her achievement to the world. Didn’t she deserve a medal to wear around her neck?

“Rehearsal went well yesterday. I don’t suppose you’ve heard anything from Mary yet about the single?” she asked, doing her best to contain her jubilant emotions.

“No, but I’m sure she’ll contact us once there’s news.” Caleb made a growling noise deep in his throat. “Don’t look now, but I see a camera with a telephoto lens aimed our way. We should probably head back to the car.”

“You know what? No. I don’t care, and I’m not going to let whomever it is ruin my evening. This beach is beautiful, the weather is perfect, and so is the company. Let’s pretend we don’t see him.”

“It’s a her this time.”

“Okay.” She grinned. “We don’t see her, do we?”

Caleb chuckled. “I guess not.”

“So, you and Jeffery jog together?” she asked.

“Sometimes we do. I jog as often as I can, and if our schedules line up, we go together. It’s good because our competitive streaks kick in, and we’re both motivated to go a little farther than we would otherwise.”

“I need to get into better shape,” she muttered under her breath. “I’ve been thinking about taking a yoga class.”

“Do what’s right for you, Theresa. Whatever you choose, do it because you want to and not because of what anybody else thinks.” He glanced at her. “Yoga is great. I do yoga to stretch before jogging.”

Again, no lecturing, no comments about her excess poundage, simply conversation and affirmation. She appreciated Caleb more every time they were together.

“We should head back,” he said, placing his hand at the small of her back for a mere instant. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

“Me too.” Even that brief touch sent her pulse racing. She couldn’t deny the attraction between them, especially now that she knew he was such a fantastic lover. Still, she couldn’t risk ruining what they had together. She didn’t want to cross any lines. Theresa corralled her errant hormones. Caleb’s friendship meant too much to her to muddy the waters.

They turned back toward the parking lot, walking in companionable silence this time. Once they were inside Caleb’s SUV, he turned to face her.

“I want you to know you’re an amazing woman. You’re incredibly strong to have gotten through what you have without resorting to drugs, alcohol, or other self-destructive kinds of behaviors.”

“Oh, I—”

“You’re also an exceptional mother. Jeremy and Charlie are so lucky to have you, and they’re great kids because of who you are. On top of all that, you have this incredible talent. I’ve thought this often, but I never said it out loud. Your ex is a moron, a real pea-brain-waste-of-space. He should’ve worshipped the ground you walked on instead of trying to grind you into the dirt. You deserve the very best life has to offer, and I hope someday you’ll realize that.”

“Aw shucks,” she rasped out. “You’re going to make me cry.” She didn’t know how to handle such praise, but that didn’t prevent her from soaking it all in. She tucked Caleb’s words away in a place where she could take them out and try them on whenever she wanted. “You’re pretty amazing yourself, you know. You also deserve the very best life has to offer.”

“Hmm.” He pulled out of the parking space and headed for the highway. “Right now, the very best life has to offer would be a thick-cut porterhouse steak, medium rare with a loaded baked potato, and a salad—or a ribeye steak. Either one. Prime rib would work too. I’m not picky.”

Theresa laughed. “Sure. Let’s start with dinner.” Totally relaxed and at peace, she savored the very best life had to offer—time with her best friend. She looked forward to tomorrow’s rehearsal and Monday’s musical collaboration with him. For the first time in her life, she had lots of things to look forward to, and all because Caleb McGee had taken the time to show up in her life when she’d been at her lowest. She glanced his way. “I hope you know how grateful I am to you for everything.”

“Ditto, Theresa.” He nodded. “This is a two-way street we’re on. The feeling is mutual.”

Their eyes met, and she saw the truth of his words plainly in his gaze. Warmth flooded through her, and tears threatened. She nodded back. “Good.”

With every fiber of her being, she intended to hold on tight to what she had with this wonderful, sensitive, respectful man. A surge of possessiveness shot through her, taking her by surprise. She didn’t know what to make of the feeling, yet she didn’t feel threatened. Another new experience and something to think about.

By the time they pulled into the restaurant’s lot, her stomach was growling. Caleb turned his high-wattage grin her way, and her heart somersaulted along her ribcage.

“Hungry?” he teased; his brow cocked.

“Apparently.” She laughed again. She could get used to this easiness, this level of comfort with another human being. As she walked toward the restaurant’s entrance, a verse came to her, words about trust and opening up to possibilities. Music and lyrics swirled around in her head. She could hardly wait to get home and start working on song number three for their album.

Chapter Thirteen
