Page 45 of My True North

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“Hell yeah. I want to learn about your people’s history too.”

“Okay. We can stop by the bookstore before we eat. I’ll let Charlie and Jeremy pick out a few new books while we’re there.” She sighed, and her gaze returned to her children. “You know what, Caleb?”

“What, Theresa Anne?” he teased.

“Right now, in this moment, I’m happy—really and truly happy.” She hugged his upper arm for a second. “I’m so glad I have you to share all of this with.” She frowned. “So, what’s your middle name?”

He groaned. “Do I have to tell you?”

“Yes, you do,” she said, her tone teasing.

“Montgomery, Caleb Montgomery McGee. It’s the family surname on my mother’s side.”

“Well, Caleb Montgomery McGee—that has a nice ring to it, by the way—someday I hope I can be there for you in a time of need the way you’ve been here for me.”

Her words went straight to his heart. “I hope so too.”

She held out her pinky finger. “Let’s form a pact to be there for each other through thick and thin.” She grinned. “I never got to do this with anyone when I was a kid, and I’ve always wanted to.”

He imagined what her childhood must’ve been like. Forming a pact with a trusted childhood friend would’ve made a huge difference in her life. Let me be your knight in shining armor, your confidante, and a solid rock to stand on when you find yourself on shaky ground.

Caleb linked his little finger with hers. “Done.”

Yep. This is hell, said the unwanted advisor on his left shoulder.

Chapter Fourteen

Tuesday morning, Theresa sat on her bed with her cell phone gripped between her hands. Jeremy and Charlie were in their playroom with Elli, and occasionally the muffled sound of their happy voices reached her. John had stationed himself somewhere outside, keeping watch.

Theresa glanced at the slip of paper beside her and studied the few lines providing the link to her mother. She’d been sitting like this for twenty minutes, trying to work up the nerve to make the call. Home number or work number, which should she choose? With school starting soon, Vanessa would be at work. If she called her home number, she could leave a message. Then, if her mother wanted to contact her, she could. If not, so be it.

Just do it already!

Wait. What if someone else answered? What would she say then? Theresa frowned. Her mother had probably moved on, started a new family. For all Theresa knew, she might have half brothers and sisters. Maybe they’d be nicer than the father and brothers Theresa had been stuck with. A girl could hope.

Drawing in a long breath, she held it as she entered Vanessa’s home number. It rang and rang, finally going to voice mail. The breath she’d been holding left her in a rush as the sound of her mother’s voice filled her ear. Long forgotten memories flooded her mind—hugs and kisses, giggles, bedtime stories, and trips to the playground with her brothers.

“Hello, this is Theresa Anne Rhodes, formerly Morris … your daughter,” she added needlessly. “If you’re willing, please call me back. I’d really like to talk to you.” She recited her cell phone number and hung up.

Theresa flopped back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She’d done it; she’d made the call, and now all she could do was wait. Her phone began to ring, and she almost jumped out of her skin. “That was fast.” She sat up and checked the caller ID. Her manager’s name appeared, not Vanessa’s number after all. Theresa hit accept. “Hi, Mary. What’s up?”

“Hey, Theresa, Columbia wants to record your new single and get it on the airwaves before your tour begins in October. I’ve already spoken to Caleb. So … you two are collaborating on an album and this is the first song?”

“Yes.” Her heart was still pounding from the expectation that it had been her mother calling.

“That’s great. I need you both to come in ASAP so we can write up a contract regarding licensing and shared royalties. Talk to Caleb and get back to me today. I’ve given him a few different times to choose from.”

“I will.”

“Good. So, how are you doing?” Mary asked. “The Woman’s Day article is on the racks. I think it turned out really well. Have you seen it?”

“Yes, they sent me a few prerelease copies.” As always, she didn’t like the pictures of herself, but otherwise, she was happy with the article. Hopefully it would kindle an outpouring of donations to no-kill shelters. “I’m fine. Working on the new album, rehearsals, and my children keep me really busy. The divorce is behind me now, which is a huge relief, so things are looking up.” She’d still have to get through the trial for David’s harassment, but she had no idea when that might happen.

“I’m glad.” Mary paused. “You are aware of the rumors circulating about you and Caleb, right? Is there something to them?”

“Caleb and I are good friends. If it weren’t for him, I probably would’ve quit this business. He’s been nothing but supportive and helpful.” Her tone came out a little too defensive, and Theresa’s face heated.

“I see. I had no idea you were thinking of quitting. I wish you’d said something to me. We could’ve talked it through,” Mary said.
