Page 48 of My True North

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After climbing the steps, she still huffed and puffed but not as much. All the dog walks were paying off. Theresa strode into the clinic and checked in. A few minutes later, her name was called, and she entered Dr. Grayson’s office.

“I spoke to my mother a few minutes ago,” she said before she’d even taken a seat. “Turns out, I’m part Nez Perce. I finished the book about codependency, and I’ve lost ten pounds without even trying.” She settled into the leather chair. “I also fixed things with Caleb.”

“Well, I see we have a lot to talk about today.” Jenna smiled warmly.

“Yes, we do, and I don’t believe I’m going to need any tissues to get through our session today.” She grinned. “I’m excited about my life, and that’s an entirely new experience.

* * *

“Good night, you two.” Theresa kissed her sons’ foreheads after reading to them for a while.

“Mommy, there are three of us,” Jeremey informed her. “It’s Sully’s bedtime too.”

“You’re right.” She flipped off the light. “Good night you three. Sleep well. I love you.”

“Love you too,” Charlie said through a yawn.

“Me and Sully love you, too, Mommy,” Jeremey added, putting his arm around the dog.

Theresa closed their door and set out for the kitchen. There, she poured herself a glass of chardonnay and grabbed her phone from where it sat on the counter. The evening air soft on her skin, she stepped out onto her patio. Theresa settled on her favorite chaise lounge and called Caleb. He didn’t answer, so she texted him, asking him to call her when he got the chance. If he didn’t call tonight, that was okay. She’d see him tomorrow for rehearsal. Talking to him at the end of her day just seemed … necessary.

She sipped her wine and went over the day’s momentous events—talking to her mother was at the top of the list, another productive session with her therapist came next. Her phone rang, and Caleb’s name appeared. “Hey,” she said. “Guess who talked to her mother twice today after twenty-two years of silence?

“Gee, let me think …” he teased. “How did it go?”

“Well, when she called me that first time, I had to pull into gas station parking lot to talk to her because I was so stunned. I was on my way to see my therapist, and my bodyguard was with me, so the conversation was short. I called her back this evening.” She swallowed the lump rising up her throat. “She told me she’d always hoped I’d try to find her.”

“That’s wonderful, Theresa.”

“It is.” She drew in a long breath. “So, I have a favor to ask.”

“Ask away.”

“I’m planning to fly to Washington next Saturday to meet with her, and I wondered if you might be willing to join me. I don’t want to spend the night, just … We’ll have lunch with her, talk, and fly back that evening.” She bit her lip.

“I’d love to,” he said. “We can book our flight tomorrow after rehearsal. How does that sound?”

“Perfect. Thanks, Caleb,” she said. They chatted for a while longer, and said good night. She was left to savor the peace and quiet of her own backyard. Tonight, she’d begin reading the book she’d bought yesterday while out to dinner with Caleb and her crew. She’d chosen a book about the history and culture of the Nez Perce. Next weekend, she’d visit her mother. They had a lot of catching up to do, more than two decades worth in fact.

Chapter Fifteen

“We’re beginning our descent to the Pullman Municipal Airport. Please fasten your seat belts,” the pilot announced over the speaker of the small private jet they’d chartered.

“How are you doing?” Caleb asked.

“I’m nervous and really glad you’re with me.” She glanced at him as she fastened her seat belt. “Other than setting up this meeting, my mom and I didn’t talk much over the phone. I told her I’d rather have our discussion face-to-face.”

“I would’ve done the same, and I’m glad you asked me to join you.” He was always glad to be with her, and at the same time … frustrated. With each passing day, his desire to be closer, to have things settled between them, intensified. Even so, he’d made the right decision to keep his feelings to himself. “Your mom might not want me there for the conversation you two need to have. I can go for a walk if that’s the case.”

“Maybe, but I want you there, Caleb. I don’t think I can face whatever she has to say if you’re not.”

“Let’s play it by ear.”

Sighing, she nodded. “So, the plan is, you’ll pick up our rental car and I’ll wait for you in front of the terminal.” Theresa leaned over and brought her purse up from the floor.

“Yep. That’s the plan, and I believe we’ve managed to avoid the paparazzi.” He hoped that bit of luck held, hence the private jet and the municipal airport. “If there’s a coffee shop inside the terminal, get me a cup, would you? I’ll text you when I’m on my way. I imagine the fleet of rental cars is in a parking ramp or a nearby lot.”

“Sure. With milk.” She grinned.
