Page 6 of My True North

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“We might have to switch back and forth. My au pair is taking classes at UC Santa Barbara. Until school starts for the boys, I have to be here during the days when Elli isn’t.”

“You’re only half an hour from me, and it’s a nice drive along the coast from Ventura to Santa Barbara. I don’t mind switching back and forth.”

“Okay, let’s pick a day next week to start, and I’ll have something ready to put to music.” She hoped.

“Great. I’ll come to your place first, and we’ll figure out a schedule around our rehearsals for the upcoming concert tour then.”

She and her band were nearing the end of a break from touring and rehearsals, and with everything else that had been going on, she hadn’t even given their upcoming schedule a thought. “Perfect.” She and Caleb spent a few minutes discussing days and times before settling on the following Monday afternoon. They set the time and ended the call.

Noise from the kitchen drew her attention. Elli, her boys, and John Clark—their newly hired bodyguard—tromped into the kitchen through the door to the garage.

“Mommy, we got to play with Ben, Andy, JoAnn, and Maddy at the playground,” Jeremy said, his eyes alight with happiness and his face flushed from playing outdoors. “We had so much fun.” He ran to the fridge, tugged the door open, and grabbed a juice pouch. “Can you do this for me, please?” He thrust the pouch at her.

“Sure.” Theresa glanced at Elli and John, and her good mood plummeted. Dread coalesced in the pit of her stomach at the grim expressions the two wore. Something had happened at the park, something involving David or news hounds no doubt. Charlie grabbed a juice pouch too. He managed to get the straw unwrapped and into the pouch on his own. Theresa handed Jeremy’s juice back to him with the straw inserted.

“Okay you two, let’s go wash up and head to the playroom for story time,” Elli said, herding the boys toward the hallway bathroom.

“Can I color while you read?” Jeremy asked.

“Of course, Jeremy. Charlie, would you like to follow along with me in your copy of The BFG?”

“Yeah.” Charlie skip-hopped. “Make the funny voices when your read, okay, Elli?”

Once they were out of hearing, Theresa turned to John. “What happened?”

“Mr. Rhodes showed up at the park. He hid behind trees and bushes and tried to get close to your boys. Elli and I made sure neither of them caught sight of their dad. He took off when I made eye-contact with him.”

John arched a brow. “Theresa, he’s watching the house and tracking the boys’ movements. Not good. I’m afraid he’s going to try to nab them if he can. I called it in to get the incident on record. You have his harassment well documented, and because of his threats, it’s a felony offense. You need to press charges. The sooner he’s behind bars, the safer you and your children will be.”

“I’ll call my lawyer.” Theresa frowned. “Maybe putting David behind bars will force him to get some help.”

“Yeah. I wouldn’t count on that,” John said, slanting her a pointed look. “Your priority is your sons’ safety … and yours. It’s a good thing your yard has a tall privacy wall around it. Speaking of your backyard, I’m going outside to do a perimeter check. Until your ex is dealt with, I suggest the boys stay home. They can invite friends over to play here.”

“All right.” Her heart wrenched. Things had definitely gotten out of hand. Her lawyer had told her the same thing regarding David’s threats, but she’d put off pressing charges. She had no idea how far David would go to get back at her if she did, and that scared her enough that she’d procrastinated.

Theresa took her cell phone out to the back patio where Charlie and Jeremy couldn’t possibly overhear the conversation. After everything her ex had done and said, why was she the one carrying this crapload of guilt? She took a moment to gather her courage, and then she made the call that would set things in motion.

After that onerous task had been completed, she sat with her phone in hand, trying to wrap her head around the fact that her husband would soon be arrested. They needed a dog. A dog would alert her when anyone stepped onto her property. Besides, Charlie and Jeremy would love having a pet, and the responsibility would be good for them.

After doing a search for animal shelters in the area, she’d force herself to sit down and write … something. Writing could be cathartic. Hadn’t Caleb said so? Maybe she’d write a heartrending song about breaking her family apart.

Teresa headed for the cupboard where she kept the cookies and candy bars. She needed the additional fuel to keep slogging through this day.

* * *

“Elli, I’m taking Charlie and Jeremy to the pet store and then to an animal shelter,” she told her au pair as Elli came into the kitchen to refill her coffee mug. “Do you want to join us, or would you rather take advantage of the time off to study?”

“I have some reading to do. If you really don’t mind, I’ll stay here.” Elli’s glance bounced between Theresa and the bodyguard. “John is going with you, yes?”

“Of course.” She glanced at him where he waited by the door to the garage. “Boys, come to the kitchen please,” Theresa called down to their playroom. “I’d like to talk to you.”

Her boys hurtled down the hall and burst into the kitchen with their usual overabundance of energy. Everything turned into a race or a contest with them.

“What, Mom?” Charlie asked.

“We’re going to go buy a crate, a doggie bed, dishes, food, treats, a collar, leash, and toys. Then we’re going to the shelter to adopt a puppy.” She glanced at the clock on the stove. “We have a two o’clock appointment.”

“We’re going to get a puppy?” Jeremy’s eyes saucered.
