Page 81 of My True North

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Yes, but you also swore to be her friend forever, his reasonable side reminded him. You made a deal with yourself to remain on the sidelines of her life.

“Oh, shut the hell up,” he muttered.

His heart scrambled up his throat as he parked his Jeep and hurried to his front door. He heard piano music as he entered. Not just any music, but the song he’d written for Theresa, the song where he bared his soul and wrote of his love for her and how she’d awakened his heart.

Woman, you are my true north,

the beacon leading my heart home to you.

My North Star, lighting the way.

Ohhh … tell me it’s the same for you….

His eyes stung as she sang. He walked to his family room, unable to utter a word because his lungs had stopped working, and he had to hold his breath.

Her eyes met his. “Caleb.”

He nodded, stupidly, like he meant to acknowledge that he was indeed Caleb.

“This is beautiful,” she said, her voice hoarse. “Is this the song you wrote for our album?”

“It is.”


“Theresa, I—”

“Caleb, I owe you an explanation.” She rose from the piano bench and approached him. “I don’t want David back, and I never will. I told him I’d think about reconciling because I was caught up in the moment. Because of my children, I’ve always felt guilty about breaking up my family. David knows how to push my buttons.”

“I see.” He was hit by a relief so strong he feared he might drop to his knees.

“No, you don’t, not … not completely.” She twisted her hands together. “Caleb, I love you. You are the first and only man I’ve ever truly loved, and I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have together.”

He knew that intense, searching gaze of hers so well now. “That’s a good thing, Theresa, because I love you too. Not only you, but I also love Jeremy and Charlie.”

“What did you mean when you said you didn’t want to be my backup plan? How could you even think I’d ever see you that way?”

A tear slid down her cheek, and Caleb reached out to wipe it away. “Theresa, I think I fell a little in love with you the day I interviewed to be your band director. But, after losing my wife and daughter, I’d vowed never to risk my heart again. Anyway, you were married.” He sighed. “By the time we made love that first time, I was already head over heels for you, and then you—”

“Oh, Caleb. I told you I wasn’t ready.”

“Yes, and I swore to relegate myself to the sidelines of your life. You needed your space to discover who you were meant to be, and I didn’t want to … complicate things. At the same time, I still hoped you’d come around.” He shrugged. “Then you did, and I could hardly believe my luck.”

“So, when you heard me tell David I’d think about reconciling, you feared you’d be sidelined again? Oh, Caleb, you’re my true north too, my one and only, and that will never change.” Theresa’s eyes filled again. “David is always going to be around, because he’s Jeremy and Charlie’s dad. Can you deal with that?” She continued to study him, her expression vulnerable, pleading. “Do you trust me?”

He drew her into his arms. “I can deal with him as long as I know you love me,” he whispered as he nuzzled the tender spot on her neck beneath her ear. “I do trust you.”

“Good, because I do love you with my whole heart.” She relaxed into him and put her arms around his waist.

“Now that things are settled between us….” Caleb began to walk her toward the hallway leading to his bedroom. “I don’t suppose you have any of that hot, spine-tingling, I-want-you kind of tension needing to be dealt with, do you?” he murmured as he nipped at her earlobe.

She chuckled. “As a matter of fact, I could go for a bit of life-altering activity right now.”

Caleb growled low in his throat and kissed her luscious mouth. His blood ignited instantly, as it always did with Theresa, as it always would. Her answering moan and the way she pressed herself against him added fuel to his fire. He stepped back and reached for her hand. “Come on. Let’s lock this down, because I want forever with you, Theresa. Are you all right with that?”

“I am,” she whispered. “Forever sounds amazing to me.”

He led her to his bed, where he proceeded to show her how much he adored her. He didn’t even mind that she saw the way his eyes misted, or that he probably looked dumb-struck as his own good fortune. She was his, and he was most definitely hers, and that would never change.
