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My head is spinning, my heart is pounding, and all I can think about is Chase’s skin, his body, the tiny trail of hair that starts at his belly button and disappears under the top of his jeans. I’m hot all over, and I lie to myself that the warmth of the pajamas is making me sweat.

“Chase,” Lindsey says through gritted teeth, “Can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure, babe, what’s up?”


From the corner of my eye, I see her drag him into the bathroom. The door slams with a bang.

Elaine returns from her phone call, looking happy and flushed from the cold outside. Her hair is windblown, with tiny droplets of water sparkling in it from the snowflakes. I can’t help but feel jealous that all these girls are so pretty while I’m such a mess.

“What’d I miss?” Elaine asks Daria, ignoring me completely.

“Nothing,” Daria says, poking around on the food tray. “Chase and Lindsey are fighting again.”

“What’s new?” says Elaine, brushing the last few snowflakes from her shoulders. “I don’t see why he doesn’t just dump her already. She’s not even pretty when you really look at her. Guys just see the blonde hair and the tan and they think she’s hot, but when you really look at her face she’s so…plain.”

“If guys think she’s hot it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not,” Daria says. “She’s hot to them.”

“She’s also a really good person,” I say, unable to contain my irritation at how they constantly rip on their friends the moment one of them is gone.

Elaine lets out a cruel, mocking laugh. “Andthat’swhat guys think is hot. I’ll have to remember that the next time I’m riding your boyfriend’s face.”

“What?” I demand.

She shakes her head. “No wonder you’ve never gotten laid.”

I’ve never wanted slap someone across the face so badly. “Not gonna happen,” I say, trying to sound light. “Todd’s with me now. Exclusively.”

She rolls her eyes. “Exclusively,huh? How about when we’re in Winter Park, all warm and cozy by the fire, watching the snow fall outside and drinking hot toddies? Or relaxing in the hot tub after a day on the slopes, when he might need a little massage to help get out the tension, and things heat up from there?”

“Todd’s a good guy. He’ll be thinking about me when he needs to be,” I say, gritting my teeth.

“Riiiiight,” she drawls. “Like when he needs to keep himself from getting too excited so he can last longer, then he’ll think about what a dorky prude his girlfriend is. That would do the trick.”

“Better than a cheater,” I say, glaring at her.

She just cackles. “You’re doubting him already. I can see it in your face.”

I hate that she’s right more than I hate the thought of him sleeping with her again. I’m not that sure about my relationship with Todd, despite what he told Daria. He may be able to fall in love with me someday, but he was already in love with Elaine. Maybe he still is.

“Besides,” she says in the purring voice that means she knows she’s won, “guys have needs. If you’re not meeting them, he’ll find someone who can.”

“I can.”

Daria and Elaine both stare at me. My chin rises of its own accord. “What?” I demand. “I never said I was waiting for marriage. I was just waiting for the right time or the right guy or whatever.”

“And Todd’s the right guy?” Daria asks, arching a brow at me. I catch her darting a glance at the closed bathroom door, behind which the hushed voices of Lindsey and Chase argue.

I think about Chase and my resolve waivers.

But really, what does it matter? He’s with Lindsey, and he’ll always be with Lindsey. I’d go to my grave a virgin if I was waiting for Chase London.

What does it matter what he thinks? He’s already with someone—someone who meetshisneeds. Why shouldn’t I meet someone else’s?

Isn’t that part of my job description as Todd’s girlfriend? He’s a nice guy, even if I’m not attracted to him. He deserves to get what he needs from me. And I can get it over with so everyone will give it a rest and stop teasing me about it.

“Sure, why not?” I say with a shrug. “It’s not a big deal. You guys do it all the time.”
