Page 30 of Touch Me

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I wriggled down my deck chair to move my legs out of the shade of the umbrella and into the sun. “I met this guy.”

“And . . .” Lolly was just a little too eager.

“Will you let me tell you?”

She peeked at me over her Chanel sunglasses. “Sorry.”

A beach ball rolled toward me, and I waited until a young boy grabbed it and ran off again before I spoke. “His name was Henry Addison. He was a tad older than me.”

“How much older?”

I scrunched up my nose. “A bit over twice my age.”

Her jaw dropped. “Whoa. And?” She leaned toward me. “I bet he showed you a few moves.”

It was my turn to peer at her over my glasses. “How’d you know that?”

“Honey, you’ve only had sex with boys. It’s about time you found some real experience.”

“Alexander was twenty-four.” I pointed out.

“He was a self-centered prick.”

She had that right. I’d only had sex with two men before I’d started dating Alexander. The first was Will, who I’d lost my virginity to. But I was so drunk at the time, I wasn’t entirely sure if his dick had penetrated me.

The other man was Ryan, the supervisor at my dad’s work, who had insisted that we kept our relationship a secret. The forbidden sex we had was exciting, but it was always so quick, and he would be finished before we’d even removed our clothes. So, no, I couldn’t really say I’d experimented much before I’d settled down with Alexander.

I glanced at Lolly. “Did you play around before you met Calvin?”

She tugged her sunglasses off, pulled the band out of her hair, and tussled her long blonde tresses over her shoulders. “Of course, babe. A girl’s gotta experiment. How else do we figure out what we want?”

“How many did you try?”

“Oh, I don’t know, twenty.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Fifty.”

“Fifty!” I gasped.

“What?” Tutting, she flicked her hand at me. “I lost my virginity at seventeen, and I met Calvin at twenty-two. That’s five years of experimenting. And look, I did all right.” Her husband walked toward us with Maddox on his shoulders.

The sun glistened off Calvin’s sculpted muscles; his smile was magnificent. He had one of those grins that captured me. I believed a smile told so much more than happiness. Smiles were often lined with sorrow or loneliness.

I’d know—I’d used those smiles myself.

“What’re you ladies talking about?” Calvin dropped Maddox onto the towels laid out beneath the second beach umbrella near ours. Maddox dove straight into the icebox and pulled out a juice drink.

“Sex,” Lolly whispered.

I slapped her arm.

“Oh great, my favorite topic.” Calvin grinned at me and wriggled his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes.

Calvin tugged his towel off Lolita’s beach chair and dabbed his face and arms, then he tossed it back at her and reached into the icebox. “Want a drink?” He removed a Corona for himself and plucked the top off with an opener that was a permanent fixture to the cooler box.

“Ready for a wine?” Lolly’s raised eyebrows expressed her eagerness.

I checked my watch; it was two o’clock in the afternoon. My shift started in seven hours. Plenty of time. “Yes please, I’d love one.”
