Page 100 of You & Me: Part One

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All I know is that I am itching with frustration not having Emily and Ireland in my presence. I have never felt the fierce need to protect anybody like I do these two.

Georgia: Hey, you cool with me picking Ireland up a little early?

Gracie: Uh . . . sure is everything okay?

How do I tell her that I just need to have one of them with me so that I don’t lose my fucking mind? I don’t.

Georgia: Everything is good. Just thought I could take her for a snack and then come pick you up. It really will only be 30 mins early.

Gracie: Sure. She will love it.

Oh, thank Christ. I drive as fast as I can to Ireland’s school that we just left a few hours ago. It feels like forever after seeing the picture and knowing that whoever this is knows her name. I should probably look into the fact that it could be somebody at the school. Not sure how Emily could have hurt anybody’s family, but right now I will search any avenue that I can to figure this out.

I arrive at the school within minutes and as soon as I walk in, I see Ireland sitting and listening to story time with all the other kids. I sign her out and head to where the kids are gathered. As soon as she sees me her mouth drops open, her eyes go wide and she gasps! I put my finger up to my mouth to remind her to stay quiet and she instantly pops her cute little hand over her mouth. She gets up from her spot on the floor and runs over to me and jumps in my arms.

The fact that she is so comfortable with me—and has been since the first time I met her—is something that I can’t wrap my brain around. I feel like I’ve known her for her entire life . . . if only that were true. I cannot even imagine how adorable she was as a baby because she is the cutest kid I’ve ever seen. Her big brown eyes do me in every time she looks at me and it’s like she knows I’ll do whatever she asks.

“Why you pick me up, Jonafon?” Ireland asks as I strap her into her little booster seat in the back seat of my truck. I never thought I would see one of those in the back of my truck, but it’s a nice accessory if you ask me.

“I just wanted to see you and I thought we could go get a snack and pick your momma up together. Sound like a plan?”

“Sounds like a great plan!”

“I was thinking we could run up to Elka’s and grab a scone?”

“Yuck, I don’t like scones, Jonafon. What else?”

“Well, they have lots of different treats there so we’ll find you something, I promise.”

“Okay, deal.”

After getting our treats at Elka’s, we head to the high school to pick Emily up. I put the tailgate down and Ireland and I sit with our legs swinging, eating our treats and waiting for Em.

Not too long after, she walks out of the building and my heart soars when I see her face light up when she sees us waiting for her. These two have turned me into a damn ball of mush and there is no denying it.

Shit J, these two own you already.

I hand Emily her scone and Ireland shows her what’s left of her flower shaped cookie. I pick Ireland up off the tailgate and get her settled into her booster seat. On the drive home, she tells her mom all about me coming to get her and our trip to Elka’s. You would have thought I had taken her to Disneyland she is so excited.

Shit, Disneyland with Ireland. That is something that needs to happen.

“Wow, sounds like you two have had some fun. Don’t get used to it, baby girl. We won’t have Jonathan around forever to come pick you up for trips to Elka’s. Don’t get too spoiled.”

Are you fucking kidding me right now?

I really cannot believe after all the feelings I have conveyed to her over the last few days that she would have the balls to say something like that to Ireland, of all people, and with me sitting right here in the truck next to her! You have got to be fucking kidding me. The moment the words came out of her mouth, it felt like she had taken a knife and shoved it right through my heart.

“Where is Jonafon going?”

“I’m not going anywhere, Princess.” I grunt out with a clear edge to my voice. If Ireland weren’t in the truck with us I would pull this mother fucker over and deal with this, but she is in the truck and so I just keep on driving.

“Jonathan?” Emily quietly asks for my attention from the passenger seat.

I can’t even look at her as I grip the steering wheel so hard my knuckles are turning white. I can feel a twitching in my jaw.

“Jonathan, what’s wrong? What did I say?”

“You said we wouldn’t have Jonafon forever, mommy. I think that made him mad.”
