Page 105 of You & Me: Part One

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We left the school and went grocery shopping. The only hiccup we had there was Emily fighting me in the line at the checkout over me paying for the cartful. I really don’t know how many times I have to tell her that I take care of what’s mine, but I remind her again. I think she only relents out of embarrassment and not wanting to cause more of a scene than we already have. The checker was clearly entertained by our little argument.

After the store we head home and put groceries away. I take Frank and Frances on a walk and Emily has a small lunch waiting. While Emily does some studying. Ireland drags me to her room where we have a princess party. I’m sitting on the floor with a tea cup in front of me and a tiara on my head while I pretend to eat finger sandwiches and drink tea. I mean that’s what any civilized princess would do. The truth is, if it keeps Ireland content so that Emily can study, then I will do what it takes.

After the princess party has wrapped, Ireland sets herself up with a movie in her room. It is amazing how tech savvy she is. She didn’t need any help at all. She is so much like her momma . . . strong and independent. While Emily grades some placement tests, and Ireland watches a movie, I start to prep for dinner.

After our dinner of chicken stir-fry, Emily takes Ireland off to the bath and I clean up the kitchen and listen to ESPN in the background. As I’m cleaning it hits me that I’m in Mick’s house. Fucking Mick. He’s going to kill me when he finds out I am in love with his sister. You know what, Fuck Mick . . . I knew Emily before I knew him.

Just as I am about to sit down on the couch to watch the latest scores for the day, Ireland comes out in her adorable footy pajamas and drags me to her room. Emily is pulling back the covers and waiting for her to hop in.

“Can you both read me a story?”

Emily looks at me to silently ask if I mind and I give her a little nod.

“Two short ones, how’s that?”

Already knowing what she wants Ireland gives us her instructions. “Okay, but Jonafon has to read Five Little Monkeys Jumping On the Bed and you read Goodnight Moon, mommy.”

Even I know we’re getting off lucky because those are both really short. Even though reading to her isn’t a chore I wouldn’t mind a little alone time with her momma.

Two books, kisses for Ireland, her stufties and one drink of water, and Emily and I head out of Ireland’s room. Before I even realize what’s happening my back is against the wall and this time it’s Emily that’s attacking me. She doesn’t start off gentle either. It feels like she has been waiting all day for this make-out session against Mick’s empty wall. It’s like the moment was finally hers to take and she is fucking taking it. I am certainly not going to stop her.

Her hands are in my hair and she gives a little tug which causes me to growl. She whimpers into my mouth as she pushes herself closer to me. My hands are all over her, I can’t seem to settle on one spot. I just keep roaming all over her back, through her hair and grabbing that amazing ass of hers.

She pulls her lips from mine and kisses her way down my neck, then back up to my ear lobe where she takes a tiny nibble then whispers into my ear.

“Thank you . . . for everything.”

I start to speak, but she presses a finger to my lips. I silence myself immediately.

“Please don’t sleep on the couch tonight. I can’t remember the last time I slept as good as I did in your arms last night.”

“I slept good too.” She lets me reply back this time. “Only I do remember the last time I slept that well, and it was with you a million years ago. You sure you want me to sleep in your room with you?”


“Whatever you need, baby.”

Once I’ve given her the answer she was looking for she asks me to wait just one minute and runs into the bathroom. She leaves the door open behind her but is back before I can figure out what she’s doing.

She joins me in the hall and takes me by the hand and leads me to her room. I feel like I’m in a dream; a dream that I don’t want to wake from even if by sleep she means just sleep. That is fine by me because this is the first time she has made the first move and truly said what she wants. If just sleeping curled up in each other’s arms is what she needs, then that is what I will give her. Would I love more, of course, but just sleeping next to her last night on top of the covers was heaven, and I’ll take more of that piece of heaven any day.

Once we’re in her room she shuts the door behind us but her eyes never leave mine, and she is still holding my hand. She takes a few steps backwards and then drops my hand. Without any hesitation she reaches for the hem her shirt and brings her shirt over her head and drops it to the floor. She is standing before me in her pink lace bra and jeans. As if that couldn’t be any sexier she reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a condom and drops it on her bedside table to make her intentions clear.

Is this really happening?

Is this my Gracie? Being this bold and taking what she wants?

As if answering my internal question, she unbuttons her jeans and then bends over pushing them to the floor and stepping out of them, revealing her matching pink, lace panties. The amazing view in front of me leaves me speechless. I am awe-struck by her beauty. I’m still finding it hard to believe that my dreams—that have haunted my sleep at night for years—seem to finally be coming true.

“Jonathan?” I hear her ask me, confused, and then I see her cross her arms in front of her stomach and a look of insecurity crosses her gorgeous face.

I snap out of my awe-inspired gawking and give her a small shake of my head, there will be no hiding from me tonight, or ever, if I have my way. I take her hands in mine and interlock our fingers together and look at every inch of perfection she is offering to me.

“You are so beautiful, baby. You have nothing to hide from me.”

I let go of our hands and fill mine with her beautiful face. As I speak the words, “I’m gonna kiss you now, Gracie,” she is already nodding her head. She knew what I was going to say and she wants me to kiss her as badly as I need to kiss her.

We stand in each other’s arms and I kiss her with all the tenderness that I hope to convey to her. I want her to know what this means to me. What she means to me, and I don’t want to rush this in any way. I pull her further into my embrace and slide my hands up the soft skin of her back. God, I’ve missed the feel of her skin and I need to touch her everywhere. As my hands roam, one tangles in her soft waves to pull her even deeper into our kiss. My other hand trails back down her back and to her perfect ass.
