Page 109 of You & Me: Part One

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“Jonathan, it’s perfect,” I lean across the front of the jeep, and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before I reach for my door handle.

“Wait! I’ll get it!” He says, almost sounding panicked.

Wow, chivalry really isn’t dead. He runs around the front of Scarlett and opens my door for me. This service includes a little bow to go along with the hand he’s holding out to me.


With a little giggle, I take his hand, thank him and hop out. As we walk towards the door of the restaurant, I can’t help but look over my shoulder at Scarlett and say, “It sure is good to see her.”

Jonathan gives my hand a squeeze and leads me into the restaurant. They have our table ready for us, and we’re led to our window seat with a gorgeous view of the Columbia River. The restaurant is fairly casual and decked out with a beach theme complete with starfish and seashells for decoration. It’s a cute place, and I’ve never been here, so I can’t help the smile that’s on my face as we take our seats.

Lunch is great, but not anything like the dinner we had at Carbonara’s in California. But who cares? I can’t believe he’s doing all of this to set the mood and take us back to when we met. If only he knew that our time together is forever etched into my memory. I don’t need any reminders. I could never forget our time together. But I do love that he’s gone to so much trouble, and I’m having a great time.

When our server comes back he offers us a dessert menu, but Jonathan says no thank you and that we have other plans.

We do? What in the world is he up to?

After lunch he takes my hand, and we walk out of the parking lot and down the street. It’s a cute little street, lined with little shops on the street level and condos above. I can’t imagine how great those views must be with the river and the mountains in the distance. As we walk past the store fronts, the wind is starting to pick up a bit so he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him. I put my arm around his waist and we cuddle tight to one another. I’m sure we look like one of those annoyingly in love couples that have always made me a little sick. I think I get it now because this doesn’t feel sick at all.

Soon he’s opening the door to a small ice cream shop, and when I look up at him he just gives me a wink. I start to look at the list of flavors when I hear Jonathan order a chocolate cone and a vanilla caramel swirl cone. I spin around to look at him with my mouth hanging open. He has a smart ass ‘yep, that just happened’ grin on his face. A grin that also says, oh yes, I thought of everything. They aren’t the same desserts we had in California, but they are the same flavors, and he knows exactly what he’s doing.

He pays for our cones, hands me mine and leads me to the door. When we leave the shop and start to head back to the Beaches parking lot the wind is howling and it’s even colder. The ice cream certainly isn’t helping things. We jog as quickly as we can without losing our ice cream, and find sanctuary inside Scarlett.

I can see the disappointment on his face when he says, “I had planned on taking you for a walk down along the water, but we can just eat these in here if that works for you?”

“Of course, this is all so great, Jonathan. Thank you so much for everything. This was so thoughtful of you.”

“My pleasure, baby,” he says and a smirk pulls up on one side of his mouth and I can tell he has another question for me. “You still don’t like chocolate ice cream, huh?”


He angles his body so that he’s leaning against the jeep door and I do the same so that we’re facing each other.

“Really? I have this memory of you saying that it wasn’t so bad once? Am I not remembering correctly?”

He’s trying to embarrass me. He thinks the memory of me kissing him, after he made a mess of me, with his precious chocolate ice cream, is something I would be embarrassed of. It’s not embarrassing . . . it’s actually a very fond memory. One I have thought about many times over the years.

“No, your memory serves you correctly, but I was not of sound mind at the time. Doesn’t count,” I say unfazed and take another lick of my cone.

Still trying to embarrass me he tries again. “And what was it that caused you to not be of sound mind at that particular moment?” I know that he thinks I will turn a thousand shades of red and turn shy at his question, but I don’t feel shy around him anymore. In fact, nobody makes me feel more myself than he does.

“You, Georgia. You had just given me one of the best orgasms of my life and I was a bit incoherent. Is that what you’re looking for? Confirmation that you rocked my world that night? I think you know you did?”

He takes a lick of his ice cream, and then leans over to me, pulls me to him and gives me my first real kiss since he picked me up from work. Once again, I can taste the offending chocolate ice cream, but mixed with the taste of him and his expert tongue, it’s more than tolerable. “How about now?” He asks, as he pulls away and leans back against the door looking oh so proud of himself.

I shrug my shoulders and reply. “It was okay. Not too bad.”

“I guess I’ll have to rock your world later and ask you again.”

He sounds determined.

“I guess you will.”

I can’t wait!

We’re both finishing our cones and he explains that he has another spot to take me to. As we drive along the river, the view just gets better and better. It feels so good to be alone with him. I love Ireland, but it’s great to just focus on each other and not worry about what we say or do in front of her. This is some much needed adult time for me and I’m sure for Jonathan too. This kid thing is brand new for him.

A short time later, Jonathan pulls down a little road that leads down to the river’s edge where there is a No Trespassing sign posted. He assures me we are fine, and that he cleared it with a friend that works for Vancouver Police as he puts the jeep in park.
