Page 12 of You & Me: Part One

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I make my way over to the other side of the table where the cue ball has landed, and just as I do I see a group of guys coming to play at the table next to us. I take my shot, and miss of course, and as I turn around there is a cute guy with red hair and a smirk—that says he’s up to know good—looking me up and down without even trying to hide it. He extends his hand and says, “Hey, I’m Paul. Who are you?”

Even though he says it while looking at me like I am his next meal, that part of me that is always nice to everybody extends her hand and says, “Emily, nice to meet you.”

As soon as I take his hand I see Paul’s eyes trained on something behind me. Before he even reaches me I feel him. Jonathan is here and I feel the smile uncontrollably stretching across my face while the butterflies in my stomach kick it up a notch.

A few seconds later I feel his arm around my shoulder. He pulls me into his side and with a gentle kiss to my temple he says, “What’s up, Gracie?”

Oh God, he smells so good. I. Can’t. Breathe. Not only is he touching me but on natural instinct my arm goes around his waist, and we’re holding each other like we’ve done it a hundred times. Oh and he kissed me . . . and called me Gracie again. It feels like he’s stepped up his game from last night and he’s staking his claim. I should mind, but I don’t. I want him to stake his claim and I want Paul and every other guy in San Clemente to see it too.

Confused, Paul says, “I thought you said your name was Emily?”

“It is, my friend here just likes to annoy me,” I say and I can feel Jonathan looking at me. I can sense the big grin on his face and can just imagine what those dimples look like right now.

And with that Jonathan starts walking us away from Paul and always the polite person that I am, I turn and say over my shoulder, “It was nice to meet you, Paul. Good luck with your game.”

“I would say, Paul’s game was going pretty well until I arrived.”

“He was creepy. Thanks for the rescue.”

“Anytime, Emily. Anytime.”

Day turns to night as we all hang out and enjoy another great day of fun and laughter. We stayed at Ole’s for quite some time, walked around town, stopped and ate when somebody came across something they just had to have. Since we’re all such supportive friends, we would all have to try whatever everybody else was eating too. I mean that’s just what friends do; we sacrifice. If I have to spend my day eating street tacos, corn dogs, kettle corn, pizza by the slice and oh yes, cotton candy then that is just what I’ll do to support my friends, old and new.

With seven of us in our group you would think there would be clashing personalities, but there isn’t. We all get along really well. Matt and Sam stay pretty close all day and there is never a time during the day that Jonathan isn’t at my side. The day is spent laughing and having fun as we get to know each other better.

We’ve learned that Devon has a serious girlfriend, Gabrielle, and it’s clear that without a doubt he is completely devoted to her. It’s so sweet to watch him text her throughout the day. He relays messages from her to the guys and vice versa. After one such text where Devon is smiling from ear to ear Jonathan walks up to him and puts his arm around his shoulders and says, “You lucky bastard.” This one moment shows me two things; Jonathan is clearly happy for his friend and that he wants the same kind of love and devotion that Gabrielle and Devon share. This is the only time during the day that I let that scared feeling back into the pit of my stomach. But it doesn’t last long when Jonathan looks over at me with a smile and a wink as he walks with his arm around his friend.

Watching these three big tough Marines not afraid to show emotion with each other is quite a sight. Just like Matt said yesterday, they really are as close as brothers. These three are tight and it’s kind of a beautiful thing to see.

After our day of fun, we wind things down at Nick’s Mexican Kitchen and it is sooooo good. I could eat Mexican food every day, so I know good Mexican food. This is not good Mexican food—this is amazing Mexican food. I can’t eat another bite and as I lean back at our cramped table to let my food settle I can’t help myself as I lean into Jonathan’s side and he instantly brings his arm around the back of my chair and lightly rubs circles over my shoulder. I feel so content in this moment, like right here next to him at a table of our friends, laughing and enjoying myself is exactly where I was meant to be. He takes my worries away, makes me feel calm, and not like the mess I truly am.

I lean my head on his shoulder and can’t help the yawn that escapes me.

“Hey guys, Emily and I are gonna call it a night,” he announces as he throws some money on the table and stands. “She can barely keep her eyes open and I need to get her to bed so that she can get up early tomorrow morning to go on our hike.”

“Oh, so now I’m going on a hike? Early in the morning, no less?” I say following his lead by standing and putting money on the table. I pick up half of the money that he’s left, to pay for my meal, and turn to face him as I reach around and put the money in his back pocket.

“Yes, you are and I’ll be at your hotel at seven am so make sure you get some sleep. I hope you packed some hiking shoes? If not, we’ll figure something else out but I would really love to take you on a hike,” he says sweetly as he pushes a stray hair from my braid behind my ear.

Completely under his spell I simply look him in those beautiful hazel eyes that almost look green and whisper, “Okay.”

Cami chooses this moment to stretch as she fakes a yawn and says, “It has been a long day. I think I am ready to go back to the hotel and relax a bit. Why don’t we all go back, ladies?”

“You guys go ahead,” Sam says. “Matt’s parents will be here tomorrow and I want to spend a little more time with him before we say goodbye.”

We’re all starting to leave when Matt yells, “Irish! Why don’t you and D just take the jeep back to base and I’ll have Santiago give me a lift home in a bit? He’s down at Knuckleheads and it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Only if you’re sure, Shell?”

“Of course I am, the jeep’s yours for the rest of the week anyway. Just take good care of her. You know how much Scarlett means to me,” Matt says with his hand over his heart.

“Will do. You have a good night, Shell. Sam, we’ll see ya soon.” Jonathan says as he turns to leave with the rest of us.

We walk out into the ocean air and start our walk to the hotel. While we walk I look straight ahead as Jonathan walks beside me. I know he’s waiting for me to speak.

I can’t take it anymore. I stop walking to finally ask the questions that I am dying to ask. One of those I know Jonathan is waiting for.

“Two things . . . One, Matt’s jeep is named Scarlett?” I ask finally looking at him and holding one finger up.

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