Page 26 of You & Me: Part One

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“Jonathan, we have our own covered patio or deck or whatever you call it! I love it!” she squeals.

“Go out and take a look,” I tell her.

She slides open the door to the deck and I see her pick up the gift that I left for her. Her mouth drops open and she looks over her shoulder at me and shakes her head. Clutching the next book in the Outlander series to her chest she says, “How did you know?” I start to answer and then she remembers. “Wait, we saw this in the window of that little book store we passed the other night. I said I couldn’t wait to read it and you remembered,” she says putting the book on the little eating table next to her and walking over to me.

I set her bags at my feet in time for her to slide her hands up my chest and behind my neck. The moment I feel her touch me my hands are on her hips and I lift her so that she has to put her legs around my waist and I get to grab that amazing ass of hers to keep her steady.

“I remember everything about you, Gracie,” I say as I look into the crystal blue eyes that are now all I see when I go to sleep at night.

“Thank you, Georgia, I love it. I appreciate the sticky note as well.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you like the book, but I really need to kiss you now.”

Before I get the chance she attacks me with those sweet, delicious lips of hers and within seconds her tongue is doing things that make my dick spring back to life, just like it did at the bar.

God, she is amazing. I could kiss her forever.

As badly as I want to take her straight to the bedroom and kiss more than her mouth I remember that I don’t want her to think this is all about getting her into bed, even though that’s all that I can think about at the moment.

“Maybe we should finish the tour?” I suggest.

“Oh, sure. I kinda forgot there was more to see,” she says sheepishly.

“Well, not much more but still, if we don’t press pause I can’t promise that I will remain the gentleman that I promised you I would be a couple of days ago.”

“Ok, well I wouldn’t want you to lose the title of gentleman because of me.”

Against everything I want in this moment, I release that fine ass of hers and let her drop her legs back down to the floor. I pick up her bags and try to pull myself together. I think she intentionally slid her body down mine as slow as she possibly could, and she certainly left quite an impression.

“So, as you can see just over here we have the kitchen, complete with stainless steel appliances,” I say in my best Real Estate Agent voice. “And over here, ma’am, we have the bathroom. It’s not big but should have everything you need. And through this door we have the master bedroom. Correction, through this door we have the one and only bedroom.”

“So, is this where the magic happens?”

I put her bags on the floor next to the bed, and step towards her, where she’s leaning against the door frame of the bedroom. I bend down so that we’re eye to eye with my hands on her waist and say with all sincerity, “Emily, I have no problem sleeping on the couch. I do not want you to think that I have any expectations. I just want to spend as much time with you as possible before Monday gets here. If the ‘magic’ as you say, happens, it happens and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. I just want you to be comfortable and to have some fun before your vacation is over.”

“I have to say, that your status as a gentleman is still very well intact.”

I kiss her forehead and let her know that I’m going to give her a few minutes to get settled and unpack, and that I will be waiting for her out on the patio when she’s ready. I would really love for the ‘magic’ to happen but I meant what I said, just being with her is truly enough. Even if that means walking around with God damned blue balls.


He leaves me with a kiss on the forehead and then shuts the door behind him. I stand frozen in the spot where he left me, unable to move. I can still feel his lips on my forehead and I’m afraid to move for fear that the feeling will leave me too soon.

Is this really happening? He is just too good to be true. Should I be scared? Should I call Cami to come get me? She does have the keys to my Jetta. I don’t think he’s a serial killer because he made sure to tell Cami where I was going to be and Devon and Matt know as well. No, I think I’m safe. Well, physically. I’m not sure my heart will survive when this is all said and done.

I pick up my bags and place them on the bed, and start to unload all of my things. I check all of the drawers in the little dresser against the wall across from the bed and all the drawers are empty. I check the closet and that’s empty as well. I wonder where his stuff is? I try not to think about it too much and put my things away.

I can hear him moving around in the kitchen and wonder what he’s up to. We just had a bunch of appetizers at Ole’s so I don’t think he’s making us dinner. I know I should just open the door and find out for myself what he’s doing, but I’m suddenly nervous. I’m not sure why but I can’t seem to get myself to leave the room just yet. I need to settle my nerves first.

I find my toiletries and clean up a bit, and then realize that there’s nothing left for me to do alone in this bedroom. I take a couple of deep breaths and put my hand on the door knob.

You can do this Emily. You deserve some fun, and you need to just live in the moment and enjoy this man. This man that is doing everything in his power to make sure you have the best week of your life.

I mean the book! Did he really get me the latest Diana Gabaldon book? I can’t even believe he remembered me commenting on it. He seems to hear every word I say. I have to be careful because I feel like if I said I wanted a unicorn he would find a way to make that happen too. Hell, he would probably put himself into a freaking unicorn costume to make it happen.

With that thought I apply pressure, turn the door knob, and walk down the tiny hall to the kitchen where he seems to be keeping himself very busy.

“Hey, there you are! Sorry I didn’t have this all ready. Were you able to find room for everything? Do you think you’ll be comfortable?” He asks nervously. He seems to be just as anxious as I am, but that can’t be true. He always seems so confident. Well, he did until the moment he was wiping his sweaty palms on his shorts as he asked me to come spend the week with him. It’s kinda cute, I must say.
