Page 63 of You & Me: Part One

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I hop off my counter and Mickey hops off his and I walk up to him and put my arms around him.

“I love you, big brother.”

“Love you too, Emmers.”

Love You More


I can’t get them out of my head. My beautiful Gracie and her cute as hell little girl are all I think about. It’s been six days since I’ve seen them, but they’re always on my mind. What would I have done if she had told me she was pregnant? Is she right, would I not have pursued her? I just can’t imagine not being with her that week. The moment I saw her, she was everything. She still is everything. Fuck, I am such a pussy!

I can hear the guys around me in the locker room talking about Martinez having a ride-a-long tonight. Correction, a hot ride-a-long. She may be hot, but these guys don’t know hot. Emily makes everybody else pale in comparison. Ride-a-longs are a pain in the ass and I avoid them at all costs. It’s just one more thing to worry about in a job that already gives you plenty to worry about.

As I finish putting on my vest and making sure I have all my gear securely in place, I think back to Sunday at Mick’s and how when not talking to me or Emily, Cami was on her phone the whole time, but Emily actually watched the game. She was interested. She is the sexiest woman I have ever met and all girl. But she can hang with the guys and be one of the boys just as easily as she can be a girly girl. She isn’t a high maintenance girly girl either; she is fucking perfect! God, I cannot get her out of my head!

“See you at roll call, Kelly. You better hurry it up—you’ve only got a couple minutes.”

“Thanks Truman, I’m on my way.”

When I close my locker door and head to roll call, I realize that I don’t want to be friends with her. I want her to be my best friend and my Gracie. Why does she always get to make the decisions for the both of us? Why do I just give in to whatever she says? Why didn’t I fight for more when she said no? I need to grow a pair, try again and make sure that I win the argument this time. She thought she was making the right decision last time and she was wrong. History is not going to repeat itself, if I can help it. Not this time.

I reach roll call and slip in at the last second and take the seat closest to the door right in front. I never slip in at the last second. I really need to get my head out of my ass and focus. Now that I’ve made my decision to nut up and get the girl, I feel a bit calmer. I don’t have a plan, but just making the decision to fight for her is enough to make me feel more myself.

Sergeant Callahan finishes briefing us on all the latest information from the streets of SE Portland, and we all get ready to head out to the lot to get our cars.

I walk out with Marnie Benson—who is the only grown up on most shifts and keeps us all in line.

Finn Hardy is walking with us when Benson chimes in. “Hey Kelly, to what do we owe the honor of your presence?”

“Workin’ on whorin’ up some OT Benson. Can’t let Hardy here be the only one who gets to make all the money around this joint.”

“Shut up, Kelly. You know I’m saving to buy a house and we don’t all work your side of the week and have Saturday night’s available to cover when everybody else takes weekends off. Besides, you probably only came in tonight because of the smokin’ hot ride-a-along that Martinez has with him tonight.”

“Jesus, it’s like you guys haven’t seen a real girl in years. You do know you’re talking about Mickey Jacob’s little sister right?” Benson states and I can hear the thumping of my heart in my ears.

“What did you say, Benson?” Both Finn and I say at the same time as we reach our squad cars.

“Yep, so you should watch your mouth there Hardy or Mick will kick your ass. You know Emily, don’t you, Jonathan?”

“Uh, yeah I do. She’s with Martinez?”

“Yeah, she is with Martinez,” I hear Emmett say quietly under his voice as he slaps me on the back.

Fuck me!

I fight the urge to turn and take a swing at my friend. Instead I decide to be mature about the whole thing and turn to give him some stink eye. And that’s when I see Emily coming up behind us.

Surprised and looking nervous she says, “Hey Jonathan, I didn’t think you worked on Saturdays?”

Sorry to ruin your plans with Martinez, sweetheart.

“I don’t but they needed somebody to pull an OT shift so . . . here I am. I didn’t know you were interested in a ride-a-long?”

“Always have been, but Mickey refused to take me. Emmett here over-heard us talking about it and offered. I can’t wait!”

“Well, have fun. I’m sure I’ll see you out there.”

I know I should turn around and load my gear into my car, but she and I just stand there and stare a little too long before she quietly says, “See you out there.”
