Page 71 of You & Me: Part One

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“I’ll take that as a yes, then?”

“Oh God, it burns Cami. No more!”

“That’s why it’s called Fireball, chica. Now, do you still love him?”

At that moment Kings of Leon starts playing in the background and one of my favorite memories of our time in California comes back to me. . . .

It’s Thursday evening and we’d spent the day at Universal Studios. Jonathan has built a fire for us on the beach, and we’re listening to what is now ‘our’ album while we make s’mores. It is the perfect way to end a perfect day. As I’m trying to lick all the sticky marshmallow goodness off of my fingers, Jonathan comes over to assist. He puts each of my fingers in his mouth and makes sure that all the sticky goodness is now gone.

“You have a little something . . . right here. Looks like chocolate, don’t mind if I do.” He uses that amazing tongue of his to get the chocolate off of the corner of my mouth and then gives me a sexy, little smile. Everything he does makes my heart nearly flutter out of my chest.

“Come Around Sundown” is the perfect music for tonight. I’ve always loved Kings of Leon but this new album is . . . well, it’s just perfect. It’s set the mood for our week and we haven’t stopped playing it. At this particular moment “The Face” comes on and Jonathan takes my hand and leads me a few feet from the fire. He holds me in his arms and we slowly dance to ‘our’ music, on the beach, in the dark, in front of the fire. I think this might just be the most romantic moment of my life. There’s no talking, no kissing—just my head on his chest as we sway to the music. The song ends and when “The Immortals” starts, and is a little peppier, he swings me out from him and then back into his chest. He starts trying to do some sort of funny swing dancing thing, but it doesn’t work, and we both start to laugh. Before we know it, we’re both just being the dorks that we are and acting a fool. We do every random dance we know and not very well. Jonathan does do a mean sprinkler and my running man is usually pretty epic, but not in the sand. I fail miserably.

We’re both out of breath from dancing and laughing our asses off when the next song comes on. It’s a mellow tune that causes Jonathan to pull me back into his arms and we start swaying again. This time though there are words and kisses.

“This has been the best week of my life, Gracie.”

“Mine too, Georgia.”

“I wish we could just freeze time. I could stay here on this beach with you forever.”

There are no words that would say it better than he just did, so I just kiss him to let him know how I feel.

“God, I do. I still love him. He’s it for me. I know it now and I knew it then. Cami, you are so right . . . he’s such a good man. You should see him on the streets at work. He’s so respectful and kind to everyone he comes in contact with. There was this homeless man, named Willy, that he has a full on friendship with. He checks on him to make sure he doesn’t need for anything. Do you think Mick is doing any of that?”

Alex, surprisingly comes to my brother’s aide. “I wouldn’t imagine he is, but you never know. People are different at work than they are in their real life. Besides, you know better than anybody that Mick’s frat boy image is just an act. Your brother is a good man, Em. It’s nice to hear how great Jonathan is at work though.” I just shrug, not really wanting to talk about my big brother right now.

“Then there’s Ireland. the two of them just clicked! She took to him so easily. Watching her in his lap was almost too much for me. It was like all my dreams coming true. She doesn’t take to most men easily and she just took to him. He’s all I think about! I can’t believe he lives here and works with my brother and knows my mom! How did that happen?”

“Sweetie, it’s loud in here but you don’t have to shout. We can hear you just fine,” she says with a grin.

Oh boy . . . I sure do feel all warm and fuzzy inside. My first drink and now two horrendously awful shots are hitting me quickly. I’m not sure there’s enough fry bread to save me now.

“Cami, no more drinks for me. Let’s share a mac and cheese and then I need to get my butt home.”


“Wait, how are you gonna drive us home? You’ve had as much as I have.”

“Nope, I’ve just had the Bellini. I didn’t really drink the shots. Those were all yours honey.”

“You suck, Cam!”

“Oh hush, how else am I gonna get you to tell us how you really feel about him? Besides you’re a cheap date.”

She’s right. I’m slumped and leaning my cheek on my right hand and my words have begun to slur just a tad while I try to get deep with Alex.

“Alex, he’s so freaking hot and the sex . . . Alex . . . oh my God, the sex. There are just no words. I wonder if he’s gotten better with age? Not sure how that’s possible and I do not want to know who he might have practiced with, but God what I would do to have that man again. He is hot, sweet—remembered how I take my coffee after all these years—gorgeous, adorable, hot, strong and hung!” A little hiccup sneaks out at that last outburst and Alex just laughs at me. “Oh and don’t forget he rescued the cutest dog ever and her name is Frances! He’s hot and he rescues dogs, Alex!”

“Then why don’t you tell him how you feel?”

“Alex, he doesn’t need to be tied down with an instant family, and I have issues. You know that!”

Cami replies before Alex gets the chance. “You’re stupid, that’s what your issue is. Nothing will ever hold you back from your life more than your own insecurities, Em. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that, but you are both amazing and stupid at the same time. Hopefully, one day you’ll wake up and realize how much you have to offer. Now eat your mac and cheese so you can sober up and we’ll get you home and to bed.”

“Love you, Cam.”

“I know you do, Em,” she says as she bumps my shoulder with hers. “And I love you right back.”
