Page 83 of You & Me: Part One

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“You gonna stand there all day or are you going to join us?”

I turn to see him standing by the kitchen table grinning ear to ear.

“Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts there for a minute.”

Not taking his eyes off of mine he says, “Trust me, I understand. It’s been happening to me a lot lately, too.”

I close and lock the door and meet him in the kitchen to get plates and drinks. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ireland is doing a little twirl for Jonathan and asking if he likes her princess dress. I can’t help but roll my eyes.

“I love it Ireland. You look pretty in anything though. You don’t need to dress up to impress me, but I do like it. Have I seen a dress like this in a movie before? Maybe earlier today?”

“Yes!!! You remembered! My dress is just the same as Elsa’s!” she squeals.

“That’s right it is.” Whispering he says, “Don’t tell Elsa but I think it’s even prettier on you.”

“Oh you are really working it, Georgia. She’s only four, you know that, right?”

“It’s never too early to build her self-esteem, especially if I speak the truth.”

“I think her self-esteem is pretty dang good if you ask me.” All I can do is shake my head as I fix Ireland a plate of cheese pizza and then one for myself.

“It is and that’s all because of you, Em. She’s awesome . . . you’ve done a great job.” His tone is now serious and sincere.

He comes to stand next to me to make up his plate. I will not get choked up while eating pizza, but he sure is making it hard with comments like that. He wasn’t kidding when he said he was trying to win us over and it looks like he is giving 110% effort at impressing us. Standing this close to him isn’t hurting anything either.

A quiet ‘thank you’ is all I can get out.

All of the sudden I see my little angel trying to strip in the middle of the living room floor.

“Ireland, what are you doing?” I ask hurrying in her direction as she struggles with her dress.

“I don’t want to get nuffin’ on my dress. These are spensive mommy.”

“Let’s run to your room real quick and we’ll get you changed into something else.”

After a quick change, pizza and a movie—where Ireland sat pressed up against Jonathan’s side the entire time—it’s time to wind down and clean up. After I pick up the pizza boxes and plates it’s time for me to get my mom face on.

Pointing my finger in the direction of the hall I get Ireland’s attention.

“Okay, bath time baby girl.”

“No, what about Jonafon?”

She is working this just as much as he is! Ugh! She’s acting like she is never going to see him again. Truthfully, this is a worry of mine too.

He’s looking at me like he’s asking if it’s okay, but I can tell he’s already made his decision. These two are quite a little team. God help me!

“How about I go take Frank for a little walk while you’re in the bath and I’ll say goodnight to you before you go to bed. Sound good?”

Ireland, of course siding with Jonathan, squeals yet again. “That sounds awesome!”

Ireland walks up to a snoring Frank and tells him to be good on his walk and then grabs my hand and leads me away.

“His leash is on the hook in the laundry room. Thanks again for everything, Jonathan,” I say in resignation.

“My pleasure, really.”

He turns to get the leash and I head towards the bathroom where Ireland is already stripped down to her birthday suit.
