Page 98 of You & Me: Part One

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“Nope, I’ve begged her to and she just won’t do it. I told her I would leave with her and for some reason she won’t leave. I don’t understand why he’ll hit her and not me. I could take it so much better than her.”

I rip the corner of a piece of paper off and write my number on it and give it to him.

“Listen, I’m not supposed to do this so please don’t tell anybody that I gave this to you, but this is my number and I want you to program it in to your phone. If you ever have an emergency, and you and your mom need help, you call me okay?”

“Thanks, Miss. J. I really appreciate it, but to be honest I already have it. Jesse said you gave it to him and he wanted me to have it in case my dad ever did touch me. Sorry, please don’t be mad at him. We just don’t have too many adults that we can count on and he wanted me to have it just in case.”

Shit, I could get in so much trouble if any of the staff or parents found out that I gave my number out. I need to be more careful.

“Of course I’m not mad. But again, please don’t tell anybody because I could get into a lot of trouble or even lose my job, okay?”


“Okay, now let’s get that math out and see what we need to go over.”

As Austin gets out his homework, I look up and through the glass on the classroom door I see Jonathan talking with Officer Blackburn. The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach eases just a bit knowing he’s here.

I’m barely holding it together when the bell rings and the students gather their things to move on to their next class.

“See you later, Miss J. Thanks for everything.”

“Have a good day, Austin.”

As soon as the class is clear of students Jonathan walks in. The moment his eyes meet mine I feel a tear glide down my cheek. He wastes no time getting to me and pulling me into his arms.

“I’m here, darlin’. You aren’t alone. You don’t have to deal with any of this alone.”

His words are exactly what I needed to hear, and I feel some of the weight lift off of my chest. He gives me a little squeeze along with one of his comforting kisses to the top of the head.

“Where is it, sweetheart?”


“The note and the picture.”

“Oh crap, duh, sorry.”

I go get the note out of my purse and hand it to him. By this time Heidi can see that there’s something going on. We pull her to the front corner of the room and fill her in on what’s been happening including this latest threat that now involves my daughter.

“Emily, I am so sorry. I had no idea. Do you think it’s Jesse’s family?” Heidi asks as she pulls me into a hug and then holds me by my shoulders. “Go home if you need to, but be sure that you go talk to Principal Utz and make sure that he’s up to speed on the situation, okay?”

“I have no idea if it’s Jesse’s family, but I do know that I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to show any signs of them getting to me. It’s really important to me that I stay, if that’s okay with you?”

“Of course, you do what feels right to you, but please go see Mr. Utz right now and fill him in.”

“Jonathan Kelly, Mrs. Colyer, nice to meet you. I’m a Portland police officer and Officer Blackburn and I are on top of this. We’ll take her to the office right now.”

“Nice to meet you, Officer Kelly. Thank you for helping Emily out with all of this.”

“Of course, we’re gonna head over to the office and I’ll have her back soon.”

Jonathan ushers me out with his hand on the small of my back and we meet up with Officer Blackburn in the hall to make our way to the office.

The principal is in a meeting, so we have to wait in the office until he’s available. I can’t help but fidget. I have one hand worrying my necklace while one leg bounces up and down. Jonathan puts his hand on my leg and strokes his hand up my thigh and then back down to my knee, over and over. Eventually, my leg stops bouncing and I grab his hand in mine.

I turn to look at him. To take more strength from him. He holds my stare; telling me it’s going to be okay without any words. He’s such a calming force and makes the constant anxiety that I feel seem to slip away.

How did I get through these past years without him?
