Page 113 of You & Me: Part Two

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There are whoops and hollers all around us, and Jonathan looks beyond relieved. He reaches out for Ireland and she goes into his arms. He props her up on one side, and pulls me into his other side and kisses me on the temple.

“Jonathan?” Ireland says quietly so only the three of us can hear her, and internally I praise her for finally being able to say his name correctly.

“Yes, Princess?”

“If you marry mommy, does that mean you will be my daddy?”

Jonathan turns to me with tears pooling in his eyes and asks me without saying a word what the answer to this question will be. I answer him with a slight nod and he turns back to Ireland.

“It would be my honor to be your daddy, if you want me to be?”

“I do! I really, really do!” She says excitedly. She reaches for me and we put our three heads together with our arms around each other and she whispers. “I can’t believe I’m gonna have a daddy.”

“What’s wrong, baby? Why are you crying?”

His voice brings me back to the present, and it’s then I realize that I have tears falling down my face while I turn my wedding ring round and round my finger. I often do this while thanking the previous owner of this ring for the amazing man she brought into my world.

“I’m good, sweetie. I was just thinking back to our wedding and how happy Ireland and I both were that night. I still cannot believe you got everybody there. Not to mention every detail down to my dress and a two-week honeymoon in the Irish countryside planned without me knowing. I will never understand how I could have been so dense. How did I not notice that something was up?”

I still wonder this after all these years.

“I had a ton of help and let’s just say I found lots of entertaining ways to keep you distracted. I can show you one of those ways now, if you want?”

I giggle and smack his arm.

“Some things never change.”

“Not when it comes to you and me, baby. What we got is a forever thing and that ain’t ever gonna change.”

“I love you, Georgia.”

“Love you, Gracie”
