Page 23 of You & Me: Part Two

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Once we’re alone I finally head to the kitchen to get Ireland her juice. Once she has her sippy cup and Mickey’s iPad she heads back to the family room, plops herself on the couch and starts watching a movie. Mick and I start cleaning up and once we’re out of Ireland’s earshot, I have to reel my big brother in.

“Mickey, I appreciate you wanting to protect me, but if you are so worried about me going on a ride-a-long with Emmett then why won’t you take me yourself?”

“Emmers, your safety is too important to me and I know that if you were with me I would only be thinking about you and your safety and I might not be focused on the job. I have to be focused on my job. I have to be alert and at the top of my game at all times and if anything happened out there because I wasn’t focused, well…I just couldn’t live with that.”

“I get it, Mick but be nice to Emmett. It’s not like we’re going on a date or anything.”

“Well, I need him focused too, so if he knows that you are off-limits that may keep you safer. I just need you and Emmett to come home at the end of the night.”


He uses his arms to hop up on the kitchen counter and I can tell he wants to talk, so I do the same on the opposite counter, so we’re directly across from one another.

“Emmers, is something going on between you and Kelly?”

Shit! Mickey cannot know about me and Jonathan. He would lose his shit!

“Nope, wasn’t he here with Courtney?”

“Em, Courtney is the ultimate badge bunny. You look up the term in the dictionary and it will be her picture staring back at you. She wasn’t even invited today and somehow she knew people would be here and she just showed up. That’s what she does.”

“They seemed pretty comfortable together.”

“Well, I know he isn’t interested in her. I think he got drunk once and ended up doing the walk of shame from her place, but trust me, that’s happened to many of us. Soon enough she’ll find that one cop dumb enough to actually want something from her, and she’ll get that ring on her finger. But it won’t be me, or Kelly, I can tell you that. Besides, Jonathan seemed a bit distracted by something else today.”

“What was that?”

“That would be you and Ireland.”

“Whatever, Mickey. You don’t know what you’re talking about. He was talking to Cami too.”

“I saw that, but it wasn’t the same thing. Emmers, you know that I would prefer you not date one of my friends and especially not a cop. It’s not that cops are bad guys; it’s just a stressful life. I know you know this and I don’t have to tell you. We both grew up in that life but it’s not what I would wish for you. And Jonathan…he’s a really good guy and the type of guy I would approve of but he’s a cop and a friend. I’m not telling you who you can or can’t date but just be careful and know that if you do go out with him, and it doesn’t work, he will probably still be around.”

“Thanks, Mick. But I don’t think you have to worry about that,” I say swinging my legs back and forth like a little kid up here on my countertop perch.

“Em, I know dad reached out to you and you didn’t call him back. How long are you gonna shut him out?”

“So, you’re talking to dad?” I ask incredulously.

“Yep, he’s my dad. He fucked up and hurt mom and left us, but he knows he let us down and he’s trying. He would really love to meet I.”

“I just don’t know how you can forgive him so easily. He didn’t make an effort until he knew I was back here and it would be easy. He never made an effort to come meet his granddaughter when we were in California. Why does it always have to be what he wants and what’s easy for him?”

“I don’t know, Em, and you don’t have to see him if you don’t want to. Wait until you’re ready, but it might be nice for Ireland to have another grandparent in her life. And even though I know you don’t want to talk about it…she does have another aunt in her life too. Just think about it.”

“I’ll think about it but I am not making any promises, Mick,” I snap.

“I get it. So, how are you and I settling in? Do you need anything?”

“Is her name so long that you can’t say the whole thing, Mick? You can really only bring yourself to speak one letter of her name?”

“Shut up, that’s my name for her. Deal with it. Now, answer me. Do you need anything?”

“Nope, everything is great. Mick, I know I’ve thanked you but I hope you know how much I appreciate everything you’re doing for me and Ireland. Who would have thought when we were kids that you would turn out to be such a great guy? Don’t get me wrong you still annoy the hell out of me, but Mick, I couldn’t do this without you right now. So thank you. Another thing…it’s strange to talk to you about dating, but you’re a good guy and whatever woman out there finally ties you down will be lucky to have you. I’m here anytime you want to talk about your dating life too, you know.”

“I don’t see that happening anytime soon, sis but thanks.”

“I know that you like to date and I know that having your little sister and a four-year-old living with you is probably cramping your style. I promise that as soon as I can we’ll be out of your hair.”
