Page 42 of You & Me: Part Two

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She sounds irritated and I can tell she’s trying to brush me off when I see a little head full of blond curls and big brown eyes sneak past Emily’s leg. As soon as she sees me she jumps up and down in her footy pajamas.

“Jonafon! Mommy, Jonafon’s here!”

Thank God for this kid because she grabs me by the hand and pulls me right past her mom and into the house. She takes me over to the family room table where her dolls appear to be having a party. I can see a stack of books and Emily’s computer open on the kitchen table.

“Do you wanna play dolls with me?” Ireland asks. How could I ever say no to her?

“Baby girl, Jonathan doesn’t want to play dolls,” she says to Ireland and then turns her attention towards me. “Besides I was just trying to get some studying done while she played, so see? We’re all good.” She’s still trying to get rid of me.

She squirms a little bit as she tries to cover her bra-free chest with her arms crossed in front of her. I think she’s hoping I won’t notice the t-shirt she’s wearing, but there is no way I would have missed that.

“I’m good. Why don’t we play dolls and you do your studying for a bit?”

“Yeah!” My little partner in crime yells, affirming that my idea is better!

“No, you don’t want to babysit,” she says still fighting me.

“I won’t be babysitting. I’ll be hanging with my new friend just a few feet away from her momma. Sounds like fun to me.”

Weakly she says, “Jonathan, you don’t have to do this.”

“I know but I want to,” I assure her.

The thing is I really do want to. She is losing this battle so she may as well just wave the white flag now because I ain’t goin’ anywhere!

“You do not,” she says as though I am pitying her.

“Come on Ireland, let’s give your mom some peace and quiet and you can show me your room and we can play a game or something.”

“Can we play dolls?” she pouts, not letting me get away with not playing dolls so easily.

This kid already has me wrapped around her little finger with those big brown eyes of hers. I am a goner and it looks like I will be playing dolls for the first time in my life.

“Sure we can, princess.”

“Why you call me princess?” she questions me, sounding confused.

“Well, it says it right there on your pajamas,” I point out.

Ireland looks down at her pink pajamas—that have a princess crown on the front with the world Princess below it—and then gives me a little curtsy and a smile.

Yep, I’m a goner.

“Sorry, we thought we were just gonna have a lazy day at home and we haven’t gotten dressed for the day yet.”

“No worries at all. I like this look on both of you,” I say with a smile. “Ireland, let’s get your stuff and you lead the way.”

As Ireland and I gather all of her things off the family room table I can feel how excited she is and how embarrassed her mom is. Walking past Emily with my arms full of dolls, I just can’t resist when I lean in close and whisper, “Nice shirt.”

Heading towards Ireland’s room, with my back to Emily, I can’t help the shit-eating grin spreading across my face.

This little girl is mesmerizing. She is smart, engaging, funny, and so sweet. She gets this all from her mother, of course. Spending time with Ireland, surrounded by all of her things I am struck by the fact that this is all Emily. She has raised Ireland all on her own as a young woman, working, going to school and with Cami as her only bit of family with her along the way. To see this kind little soul that she has created is awe-inspiring.

It’s now around noon and after dolls, books and some coloring action Ireland is now settled on her bed watching Frozen while I sit on the floor leaning against the foot of her bed watching along with her. Well, watching may be an overstatement, I’m looking at the TV while thinking about the vision of Emily in my shirt and those boxers.

At some point, while we read one of several Dr. Seuss books, I saw Emily walk past the room and then when she came by again she was in knee-length yoga pants and a Portland Police Department sweatshirt. It must be Mick’s because she’s swimming in it and it unfortunately, covers her ass.

As I stare at the TV in my own little world I feel something hit me in the face. I look down to my lap to see the offending item is one of my precious Goldfish crackers. I look up to see a smiling Emily in the doorway.
