Page 44 of You & Me: Part Two

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“Just keeping you safe. We still need to talk about these threats, Em. We’ll do that later though. So, I’ll head out and be back in an hour or so, sound good?”

“Jonathan, I don’t need a babysitter. You don’t have to hang out just because my big brother asked you to check on me.”

“This has nothing to do with Mick. I want to spend time with you and I won’t be able to function if I know you two are here alone. So let me do this, okay?”


Jonathan should be back any minute and I’m one frazzled woman. I don’t know what to do with myself. As soon as Jonathan left I finally hopped into the shower, put on real clothes, did my hair and added a touch of make-up.

I cannot believe that he caught me wearing his shirt. I saw the moment it connected in his brain and how he tried to hide his smile, but of course, couldn’t keep it hidden. I was mortified and waiting for the smart ass comments to start flying my way, but he didn’t make it a big deal. He made his little comment to acknowledge that he noticed but didn’t accuse me of stealing or any other embarrassing thing he could have come up with.

I still can’t believe he spent his day off sitting in Ireland’s room playing with her and just hanging out while she napped. What guy does that? I know he said he wanted to try and that he wanted to get to know Ireland too, but he’s actually doing it. I guess his words weren’t hollow pick-up lines and he meant them. It also looks like he isn’t taking no for an answer, but he also isn’t making any moves. Is this all just a friendly gesture or does this mean he’s still trying for more? Do I want more?

Emily, don’t be stupid…of course, you want more. Now, what are you going to do about it?

“Mommy, do you think Jonafon will like my dress?” Ireland asks as she does a twirl in her Princess Elsa dress.

She is so sweet and kind and I don’t want her heart to get broken this early. Do I subject her to also falling in love with Jonathan knowing full well that he could leave one day and leave us both broken-hearted?

I don’t get to answer the thought in my head because there’s a knock on the door. I take one final glance at myself and decide my skinny jeans and a loose sweater will have to do…

I check the peep-hole and there he is with pizza just like he promised. Taking a calming breath, I unlock the door and open it to dimples. I haven’t seen much of his elusive dimples since seeing him again, and I must say it is quite a panty-dropping sight.

“Sorry sir, but we didn’t order any pizza,” I play with him to hide my nerves.

“I know you didn’t ma’am but I did. You see there are these two really cute girls that I’m trying to impress. I thought I could win them over with pizza.”

I don’t reply because in my head all I can think is that he just said I was cute and he was trying to impress me. Well, me and my four-year-old but still…cue butterflies….

“I drove all the way to Sparky’s to pick it up and I got two kinds just to be safe. Do you think my plan will work?”

I lean on the door and shake my head. “You really are too much, you know that?”

“Ah, you love it and you know it. Now let me in woman!” he jokes as he pushes past me.

He’s right, I do love it. I love all of it. His protectiveness, kindness, humor, dimples, everything about him really.

“You gonna stand there all day or are you going to join us?”

I turn to see him standing by the kitchen table grinning ear to ear.

“Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts there for a minute.”

Not taking his eyes off of mine he says, “Trust me, I understand. It’s been happening to me a lot lately, too.”

I close and lock the door and meet him in the kitchen to get plates and drinks. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ireland is doing a little twirl for Jonathan and asking if he likes her princess dress. I can’t help but roll my eyes.

“I love it Ireland. You look pretty in anything though. You don’t need to dress up to impress me, but I do like it. Have I seen a dress like this in a movie before? Maybe earlier today?”

“Yes!!! You remembered! My dress is just the same as Elsa’s!” she squeals.

“That’s right it is.” Whispering he says, “Don’t tell Elsa but I think it’s even prettier on you.”

“Oh, you are really working it, Georgia. She’s only four, you know that, right?”

“It’s never too early to build her self-esteem, especially if I speak the truth.”

“I think her self-esteem is pretty dang good if you ask me.” All I can do is shake my head as I fix Ireland a plate of cheese pizza and then one for myself.

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