Page 59 of You & Me: Part Two

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When he calls me baby, it’s sexy.

When he calls me Gracie, it’s his way of telling me how special I am to him.

Both give me an incredible feeling but in two completely different ways. One is sexy and the other is sweet. I love them both.

I can’t help the extra pep in my step as I go through my morning routine. After getting dressed, I step out of my room and hear conversation and giggles coming from the kitchen. I follow the sweet sound and see an even sweeter picture. Ireland is sitting on the barstool in her nightgown with her little bare feet swinging as she eats what seems to be a bowl of oatmeal. She hates oatmeal. It’s like he has magical powers and I can’t help but wonder what else he might have up his sleeves.

Walking up behind my blond beauty I ask, “What do we have here?”

“Hi, mommy. Jonafon and I are having oatmeal for breakfast.”

“I see that. How is it?” I question knowing that she won’t eat it for me.

“It’s nummy, mommy. It’s got apples in it.”

I walk over to Jonathan and lift my hand to him. He knows what I want and gives it to me with a slap of the hand and a confused look.

“I’ll tell you later,” I mouth to him.

“What about you? Can I make you anything?”

“Thanks, Georgia but I’m okay. I’m just gonna fix myself an English muffin and some OJ and I’ll be set.”

“Well, if you like English muffins then you will love the Kelly McMuffin. I must say it’s my breakfast specialty. Maybe one day if you’re lucky I’ll make you one.”

“That good huh?”

“That good.”

After breakfast, I get Ireland dressed and ready for school while Jonathan lets the dogs out and takes a shower. I’m in Ireland’s room directly across from the bathroom when the door opens and out walks a shirtless Jonathan. His jeans hang low enough to see that he still has that V shape that disappears into his perfectly fitting jeans. He’s drying his hair with his towel and doesn’t notice me gawking as he walks down the hall to the living room where he must have left his shirt. Just seeing his bare skin does something to me.

He was in amazing shape during our time together all those years ago, but now he is seemingly perfect. He’s still lean, but a bit thicker to go with all that cut muscle. Simply put…he looks like a man. He’s aging nicely. Very nicely indeed.

Ireland comes bounding into my face and says, “I’m ready, mommy!”

I shake my head to clear myself of my lustful thoughts and follow her out to the family room. Jonathan unfortunately now has a shirt covering his bare chest and is tying his boots.

“You pretty ladies ready?”

“Yep, all ready Jonafon,” Ireland says proudly. She hooks her thumbs in her backpack straps and sways back and forth while she waits for him. If only she got ready for me like this every morning. So far, having Georgia around has its benefits.

Jonathan throws a red plaid flannel on over his white t-shirt, leaving it unbuttoned but rolling the sleeves up his forearms. Put that together with his jeans and hot as fuck work boots and he is quite the sight. I’m not so sure I want him to come into the school for drop off. All those teachers are going to have heart failure when they see him. God-forbid even one of his dimples makes an appearance while he’s there because none of those women will stand a chance.

Ireland is in her seat—still in the back of his truck—and is talking a mile a minute telling Jonathan all about her new school. She is so excited to show it to him that she’s practically jumping out of her seat. Thank goodness she’s strapped into that thing because she might just bounce right out of it.

We get to school and Jonathan lets them make a copy of his ID and they add him to the list of adults that are allowed to leave with Ireland. When I think about the fact that her list has me, Mick, my Mom, Cami, Alex and now Jonathan. I realize that she is a pretty lucky girl to have so many cool people to take care of her. Once again this just proves that it really does take a village.

As expected, all the teachers at school are completely charmed by Jonathan. It’s a struggle to get him out of there as Ireland walks him around to show him everything!

Once we’re finally out of the school we head to the high school campus. Jonathan pulls up to an empty spot near the front and puts the truck in park.

“Listen, Carter Blackburn, the school resource officer, is fully aware of what’s going on. He’s going to be around if you need him. I’m going to text you his number and I want you to program it into your phone. You know that I’m just a phone call away. If anything happens or even if you just have a gut feeling that something is off, you call me and I’ll be here. Got it?”

“Got it, Georgia. Thanks for worrying about me, but I’ll be fine.” I assure him.

He hops out of the truck and walks around the front to open my door and help me out.

“Just call me if you need anything. Otherwise, I’ll be here at 11:45 to pick you up,” he says putting one hand on the back of my head and gently pulling my head closer to his and placing one of his sweet kisses on my forehead.
