Page 61 of You & Me: Part Two

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“Okay, but I’ll be with Blackburn or right outside your door.”

The bell rings and the first few students start to trickle in.

“I have to go, class is starting. Thank you and see you after class. Thank you so much, Jonathan.”

“On my way, Gracie.”

I hang up my phone, take the picture and send it to Jonathan. I throw the picture and the letter in my purse and put my purse in my desk drawer. I can feel myself shaking, but I’ve stopped the tears from falling. Taking deep breaths to try to appear normal, I get up and go check in with my kids.

The bell rings and Austin walks in with Heidi right on his heels, and she closes the door behind her.

“Hey, Miss J. How was your weekend?”

“It was good. How was yours, Austin?”

“Not too bad. Just hung out with Kayla all weekend and actually did a little studying.”

“That’s great, Austin. What did you study? Please tell me it was math?” I ask him, trying to stay engaged. He’s a great kid so it’s easy to fall into conversation with him.

“I did. Math and Spanish. I’ve narrowed down the sections I need to go over with you today if we have time. I have my math test next period so I would love to have it fresh in my head.”

“No problem, we’ll make sure to find time. Hey, how are things at home Austin? I know things were pretty rough last week.”

“You know, it’s been better. Dad is still drinking a lot and I walked in the other day and he had just hit mom and split her lip open, but when I jumped in between the two of them he just walked away. He still has never touched me, but he hits mom sometimes when I’m not there.”

“Austin, I am so sorry. Your mom still won’t press charges or leave?”

“Nope, I’ve begged her to and she just won’t do it. I told her I would leave with her and for some reason, she won’t leave. I don’t understand why he’ll hit her and not me. I could take it so much better than her.”

I rip the corner of a piece of paper off and write my number on it and give it to him.

“Listen, I’m not supposed to do this so please don’t tell anybody that I gave this to you, but this is my number and I want you to program it into your phone. If you ever have an emergency, and you and your mom need help, you call me okay?”

“Thanks, Miss. J. I appreciate it, but to be honest I already have it. Jesse said you gave it to him and he wanted me to have it in case my dad ever did touch me. Sorry, please don’t be mad at him. We just don’t have too many adults that we can count on and he wanted me to have it just in case.”

Shit, I could get in so much trouble if any of the staff or parents found out that I gave my number out. I need to be more careful.

“Of course I’m not mad. But again, please don’t tell anybody because I could get into a lot of trouble or even lose my job, okay?”


“Okay, now let’s get that math out and see what we need to go over.”

As Austin gets his homework, I look up and through the glass on the classroom door, I see Jonathan talking with Officer Blackburn. The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach eases just a bit knowing he’s here.

I’m barely holding it together when the bell rings and the students gather their things to move on to their next class.

“See you later, Miss J. Thanks for everything.”

“Have a good day, Austin.”

As soon as the class is clear of students Jonathan walks in. The moment his eyes meet mine I feel a tear glide down my cheek. He wastes no time getting to me and pulling me into his arms.

“I’m here, darlin’. You aren’t alone. You don’t have to deal with any of this alone.”

His words are exactly what I needed to hear, and I feel some of the weight lift off of my chest. He gives me a little squeeze along with one of his comforting kisses to the top of the head.

“Where is it, sweetheart?”
