Page 81 of You & Me: Part Two

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Fuck that hurt! My throat is killing me!

Seeing the grimace on my face the doctor says, “I know that hurt, Officer Kelly, so let’s try not to talk too much more if you can help it. We had a tube down your throat during surgery, and that’s probably why it hurts so bad. Nurse Jackson, can you bring Officer Kelly some ice water, please?”

As if she was expecting his request, she is right there with a beige plastic cup of water complete with a straw. I start to try to lift myself to drink, but Nurse Jackson gently pushes on my shoulder, shakes her head and brings the straw to my lips.

Emily is still holding my hand on the other side of the bed. She’s squeezing it so hard I think she may break it, but you couldn’t pay me to ask her to let it go.

Once I have my water down, Nurse Jackson moves out of the way, and the doctor moves back in so he’s right in my face and pushes his glasses up again.

“Officer Kelly, my name is Dr. Green and I performed surgery on you last night. You were shot in the head on the right side, just behind your ear, and the bullet left your body through your neck. You are a very lucky man, and most certainly have a guardian angel looking out for you.”

Make that two. I think to myself.

“The bullet didn’t hit any vital organs or any major veins or arteries. During your surgery, we made sure that all of the bullet fragments were taken out and that we closed up the entry and exit wounds. We’re going to need to keep you here for a few days to monitor you, but if you take it easy I think you will heal just fine in no time.”

Wow, I was shot.

I am in a state of shock at hearing that news. It all happened so fast that I don’t even really remember getting hit. I remember turning to yell at Truman, but I don’t remember getting hit.

“Do you have any questions for me?”

I hear him ask the question, but I’m still lying here trying to imagine how it is that I don’t remember getting shot. Shouldn’t I remember something like that?

“Okay, well it’s a lot to take in, but if you do come up with any questions just let Nurse Jackson know, and she can page me. Or press the call button and somebody can come get me. You take care now, and we’ll step out and give you a moment with your girlfriend before we let anybody else in. If you don’t want guests, you just let us know and we can keep visitors out for you.”

Girlfriend? Did he just say, my girlfriend?

Once we’re alone Emily asks, “Are you okay?”

I start to open my mouth to answer her, but she stops me and starts rambling. But it’s a ramble I will never forget as long as I live.

“Wait, don’t say anything. I need to get this out before you have a chance to kick me out. So, please just listen to me. Please hear me when I tell you that you are so much more to me than a good time. I know what you heard me tell Mick, but that was bullshit. Jonathan, I don’t know why I said it, well I do. I was scared and stupid and didn’t want to deal with Mick yet. I told him everything, Jonathan. I told him our entire story from the first day I met you until now. He gets that I am completely in love with you and that he will just have to deal with it. I may not have fought for you before, but, honey I am here and I am fighting for you now. I beg you to forgive me. You are the last person on earth I would ever want to hurt. You mean so much to me, and I will do everything in my power to never hurt you again. I’m not perfect. I will make mistakes. But will you forgive me? Can there still be a you and me?”

I am awe-struck by this phenomenal woman standing before me. My scared little Gracie just told me she loved me. At least I am pretty sure that’s what I heard.



She looks scared to death as she replies.

“Did you just say that you loved me?”

Her face lights up with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

“I did! I love you! I know this is the worst place to say it, and it is so selfish of me with everything you have going on right now, but I couldn’t go another minute without you knowing. I’m in love with you, and last night was just another reminder that life is short, and Ireland and I don’t want to miss another minute with you. That is if you still want me…us?”

“I really can’t believe you, Emily. Do you really think there is a chance in Hell that I wouldn’t want you? I have been in love with you since the first time I laid eyes on you. You’re it for me. You always have been. I love you right down to your bones, baby.”

My beautiful Gracie stands before me with tears streaming down her face.

“So, you forgive me?”

It hurts like hell but, I need to be perfectly clear how I feel for her right here and right now. No more pussy-footing around. I just need to keep it short and sweet, but crystal fucking clear.

“Gracie, I love you and I forgive you. You are mine and I am yours. And I want the whole world to know it. No more hiding. If we dance in the dark again—and I hope we do—it’s not because we’re keeping our love a secret. So, I hope it’s clear, and I mean crystal clear, that we belong to each other and nothing is going to come between us again.” She gives me a nod as tears continue to stream down her face. With one last scratchy sentence, I seal the deal. “Now, come give me a kiss.”

