Page 152 of Forbidden Need

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Her eyes blurred though the obvious angle of the weapon was pointed her way. He’d killed her grandpapa and now she knew the truth of his crime. Guilty not only of taking bribes from the Manzanis, her father was a murderer too.

“Why did you have to kill him? Why did you—”

“Because the city is more important than blood.” Except he wouldn’t give himself up for it. “None of this would’ve happened if—you should’ve listened to me. I told you. I asked you. If you’d just told me the truth, told me who you saw and—”

“Turned on a family I love?” The McDades. “No.” That meeting in the stairwell, of her and her father, was the watershed. At the time, she hadn’t realized it; now it seemed so obvious. “You’re not in control, haven’t been in control. You’re dancing to a Manzani tune and expecting me to do the same.”

“This is about the city!”

“This is about pride!”

What gets men like him dead. How right Strat had been. Except her father wasn’t done. How many people would he take with him before he fell?

“You can’t understand,” her father spat.

“I understand!” Anger burst out of her. “You’re a coward! A useless, lying—”




“An embarrassment. You’re spineless—”


His arm straightened and Conn moved fast, shoving her down to the floor with one quick action. A short pop jolted the air. What just…?

Her man turned as she tossed her hair from her face and—blood.

There was blood on Conn’s chest.

“Oh my God,” she gasped, scrambling across the floor, climbing up in a crouch.

Like nothing had happened, her guy caught her against him, balancing her weight with his strength.

“Mo Grá.”

Conn’s focus landed on her father. “You should’ve finished me.”

“If she moves, I will.”

“No!” she shrieked, pressing herself against Conn while speaking to her father over her shoulder. “No more, please.”

“You have to learn, to know there are consequences,” Ronald said. “This is your fault, Sersha.”

“You fucking—”

“No,” she said, using all her power to prevent Conn from crossing the room.

Another shot burst and she screamed when the round whizzed past her ear. “No, stop!” Forcing Conn backwards, she pushed him to the massive oak framed couch to sit him down and straddle him. “Baby…” Ripping fabric from a pillow, she pressed the material against the wound. “Sit still.”

“I’ll rip him fucking open—”

“Baby—” With her hands on his shoulders and her knees squeezing into him, she fought to keep her guy steady. “Please…”

She fumbled for the phone in his pocket, grabbing it out to—
