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“Fuck!” I growl as I set a pace that's both punishing and perfect. Our bodies move together in a wild rhythm, each stroke driving us closer to that edge, that sweet abyss of pleasure.

"Say my name," I order her. “Let me hear who you belong to when you come all over my cock.”

She pants, her nails digging into my shoulders.

“Come on, gorgeous,” I urge her. “I’m almost there.”

"Tanner!" she screams as she comes apart under me, her climax triggering my own. I'm lost in the rush, the intensity, the connection that's so damn much more than physical.

We lie there afterward, hearts racing, still joined as we catch our breaths under the stars.

This is more than a stolen moment.

This is everything.

I pull Molly closer. Our sweat mingles, the scent of us—a heady perfume of love and lust—wraps around me like a blanket. I press my lips to her forehead, whispering words meant only for her ears.

"Stay with me," I murmur against her skin, each beat of my heart spelling out her name. "Forever."

"Always," she breathes back, her fingers tracing lazy circles on my chest. Her smile is tired but blissful, a perfect reflection of the satiation that hums through my veins.

We're pieces of a puzzle that fit only in the dark, away from prying eyes. Away from Jake—her brother and my best friend.

It's a dangerous game we're playing—Jake's trust hanging by a thread, our future uncertain—but damn if it doesn't feel worth every risk.

Molly must be thinking the same thing becuase she begins, "My brother...” Her voice trembles as she trails off without finishing her sentence.

"I know," I say simply. "Let's not think about that now. Let's just be here, together."

"Okay," she whispers, sealing the promise with a kiss so tender it could break hearts.

My arms tighten around her, and I can’t help it. I realize that I’m willing to throw everything away—my friendship with Jake, my life, hell even my soul—for her.

* * *

The days drag like a rudderless ship lost at sea. Every second apart from Molly is an exercise in restraint, a battle against the tide of desire that threatens to pull me under. I catch glimpses of her across town, our eyes locking in a silent conversation that leaves my skin tingling with anticipation. At the café, her laughter spills over the rim of her coffee cup, a sound that stirs something deep within my chest.

She texts, and I can almost hear her voice, see the curve of her lips as she types.

Missed you.

Counting the minutes.

I pocket my phone with a grin that doesn't quite reach my eyes. It's torture, this waiting game, but every stolen touch, every secretive smile we share is fuel on the fire of my longing.

I realize I can’t be with her everyday. Not if we’re going to keep this hidden from Jake.

But fuck it, I can’t stay away from her. I’ve waited long enough.

Once it's night, I climb up the trellis to her window. The cool metal bites into my palms, but the thrill of seeing Molly, of being near her, fuels my ascent.

I slip through the open window with practiced silence, a skill honed from years in the military now repurposed for clandestine trysts with the girl who owns my soul.

"Jesus, you scared me," she hisses, but her wide-eyed surprise gives way to a mischievous grin. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't stay away," I confess, my breath hitching as her nightgown slides to reveal creamy thighs in the moonlight. "Needed you."

"Tanner," she hisses, “Jake is right down the hall!”
