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He looks like he might charge at me, or maybe have a stroke. I can't tell which.

"Say something, Molly," I urge softly, turning back to her. "Before your brother actually kills me."

Her mouth moves, but no words come out. I can see the war inside her too—want versus should, heart versus head. But love, I know, love can win any war if you let it.

Time stretches into a tightrope, thin and quivering under the weight of our stares. Jake's features are chiseled from stone—anger, shock, love all mashed together in that rugged face of his.

"Man, I can see it," he finally mutters, eyes flicking between me and Molly. "You're not bullshitting."

"Never about this," I affirm, my gaze locked on his. The ring in my hand feels like it's pulsating, like Molly's heart and mine are pounding in sync, calling out to him.

"Jake..." Molly's voice is softer now, a murmur that somehow slices through the tension.

His eyes hold mine a beat longer, searching, digging for the truth in the depths of my soul. And damn if he doesn't find what he's looking for because something shifts in his posture, a loosening of his shoulders, an unclenching of fists that have never swung at me out of anger.

"Fuck," he breathes out, a chuckle without humor. "You really love her, don't you?"

"More than anything," I reply, the words thick with promise.

It's as if a dam breaks inside Jake, and the floodwaters of his rage recede, leaving behind the bedrock of our years of friendship. He looks from me to his sister, the conflict in his expression ebbing away, replaced by something akin to resignation—a surrender to the inevitable.

"Alright." His voice carries the weight of a thousand unsaid things. "Alright, Tanner."

"Jake?" Molly questions, her voice a mix of hope and uncertainty.

"Damn it, Mol, if I say no, will you listen?" He runs a hand down his face, worn from the battle raging inside him seconds ago.

"Probably not," she admits with a sheepish grin.

"Then what choice do I have?" He sighs but there's warmth creeping into those words. "You've got my blessing. But Tanner, so help me God, if you hurt her..."

"I know the drill," I cut in, grinning despite the gravity of the moment.

"Good." Jake nods, then does something that seals the deal more than any words could—he steps forward and pulls us both into a bear hug that says 'family' in a way signatures on a marriage certificate never could.

"Love you, bro," I manage, my voice muffled against his shoulder.

"Love you too, asshole," he grumbles back, but there's a smile in his voice, a reluctant joy that makes my chest tight.

"Thank you, Jake," Molly whispers, her arms wrapped around us both.

As we step back, I catch the shimmer of tears in her eyes, but they're the good kind—the kind that come when you realize your heart's desires are not just dreams anymore. Jake claps my shoulder, a silent promise that he means every word.

“Uh, there’s just one problem,” I point on.

Molly and Jake both look at me with question marks in their eyes.

She still hasn’t said ‘yes’ yet. I frown at Molly, and she laughs.

Jake chuckles."Go on, then. Ask her properly. I won’t get in the way this time."

I turn to Molly, who's watching me with a look that could stop time.

I drop to one knee again, heart hammering in wild rhythm. "Molly, will you?—"

"Yes," she breathes out before I can finish, dropping to her knees to meet me, her lips crashing onto mine like waves upon the shore.

"Jesus, get a room," Jake groans, but I barely hear him over the roaring in my ears, the thunderous applause of my heart as I hold the woman I'm going to marry.
