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"Look at you, my brave little pilot," he coos, setting her down gently but keeping one hand secured around her waist. She wobbles on her feet, still dizzy from the flight, her curls a wild halo around her flushed face.

"Again!" she demands, always hungry for more adventure, and I can't help but admire her spirit.

"Give me two secs, kiddo," Jake says, glancing over his shoulder with a grin. "Gotta make sure these two lovebirds get out the door first."

I slip my arm through Tanner's, feeling the coiled strength beneath his suit jacket. He looks every bit the dashing rogue tonight, his blue eyes alight with mischief and promise.

"Remember, bed by eight and no sugar after seven," I remind Jake, though I know it's like preaching to the choir. He knows the drill better than anyone.

"Roger that, sis," he salutes with a wink. "Now go, enjoy your night of unfettered passion and debauchery."

"Unfettered passion" is definitely on the menu, and I can feel its heat simmering just below my skin, waiting for release.

"Behave," I tease him, leaning in to plant a kiss on our daughter's forehead. "Mommy and Daddy will be back before you even miss us."

But she’s not even studying us. She only has eyes for her favorite playmate—Uncle Jake.

"Alright, let's give these lovebirds some space." Jake scoops her into his arms again, tickling her sides and eliciting a peal of laughter that fills the room with light.

"Have fun, Jake," Tanner rumbles, his voice low and intimate as he nods his thanks.

"Always do," Jake replies, already pulling out a board game from the shelf. "Go on, get out of here!"

Tanner pulls me close, his hand warm against the small of my back, guiding me to the door. We step out into the night, and the chill in the air is a delicious contrast to the warmth we leave behind.

"Freedom," I sigh, feeling the anticipation fizzing through my veins as we head towards the car. The moon hangs low, a witness to our escape, while the stars twinkle with knowing approval.

"Ready to make some memories?" Tanner asks, his voice a velvet promise that wraps around me, enticing as the night itself.

"Let's make the kind that keeps us up till dawn," I answer, my pulse racing as I imagine the hours ahead—undressing each other with eager hands, exploring familiar paths with new fervor, whispering secrets between kisses that taste of forever.

As Tanner opens the cab door for me, I slide in, the fabric of my dress whispering against my thighs, a prelude to the symphony of sensation I know awaits.

The cab door shuts with a soft thud behind us, sealing us in our private cocoon of leather and longing. Tanner's fingers find mine, setting the night ablaze with possibilities. I watch his profile, rugged and assured, the streetlights casting shadows that play over his chiseled jaw. He catches me staring and winks, the blue of his eyes sparking mischief.

"Ever been to La Petite Fleur?" he teases.

"Only in my dreams," I quip, feeling the corners of my lips rise. "Do they serve fantasies on a plate there?"

"Only the ones you can taste, touch, and savor," he says, his voice a low rumble that sends shivers dancing down my spine.

La Petite Fleur is an intimate haven, nestled between towering buildings like a secret whispered between lovers. The maître d' knows Tanner by name, and his smile widens when he sees us together. "Mr. and Mrs. James, right this way." His accent is a caress that beckons us deeper into the restaurant's embrace.

Candlelight flickers on linen-clad tables, each a small island adrift in a sea of soft music and murmured conversations. Our table is a secluded alcove, petals strewn across the surface like kisses waiting to be claimed. Tanner pulls out my chair, and I sink into it, the scent of roses wrapping around us, a fragrant reminder of our first official date after we told Jake about us.

"Happy anniversary, wife," he says, his hand finding mine across the table, skin against skin like a promise renewed.

"Happy anniversary, husband" I echo, squeezing his hand, my heart thrumming a rhythm that mirrors the candle's dance.

Wine arrives, crimson and bold, mirroring the flush of excitement on my cheeks. We toast to us, to now, to the moments that weave the tapestry of our shared life. Tanner's gaze holds mine, intense and unwavering, and I lose myself in the depths of his oceanic eyes.

"Remember that time we got lost hiking?" he chuckles, breaking the spell with a memory that has us both laughing.

"Lost? You mean that 'scenic detour' you took us on?" I tease, recalling the hours spent wandering, the eventual relief of finding our path, the adventure tinged with the thrill of the unknown. The way Tanner fucked me in the tent…

"Best detour of my life," he grins, the heat in his expression not solely attributed to the wine. "It led me right where I needed to be."

Our meal unfolds like a seduction—each course more enticing than the last. We feed each other tastes of decadence, forks flirting, our eyes saying more than words ever could.
