Page 58 of Triple Threat

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Kevlar: You know we got you, Brax. I’m glad you told her about that. It’s good to have it out in the open with the woman you love. You’re giving her all your secrets and that’s a huge step for you. So fucking proud of you, Brax.

Ricochet: She’ll be in my house. I’m not gonna let anything happen to her. You focus on doing what you gotta do and let us worry about your ol’ lady for the day. Who’s going with you?

Me: Glock’s gonna make the trip with me. He’s the only other one who knows. We’re gonna head out after Tara goes to sleep tonight and get there in the early morning. I’ll spend time at the cemetery and then take a few hours to sleep before we head back. We’ll be home tomorrow night some time. If it’s late and Tara’s ready to go to bed, keep her at your place and I’ll come to her.

Ricochet: I’ll make sure she rests. Paige is gonna put on some movies or some shit for them tonight. They’re gonna have a night spent lounging on the couch while they eat junk food and watch those girly movies. I’ll be hiding in the bedroom or something so I don’t have to watch that shit.

Kevlar: You know you wanna watch those movies. You gotta learn about women someway, Chance. I’m surprised you managed to get Paige to marry you considering you got no game with the opposite sex.

Ricochet: Fuck off, bitch! The only reason you landed Lyric is because she doesn’t realize you’re not as funny as she thinks you are. You’re the ugliest one of us and she needs to get her eyes checked. I’ll make sure Paige knows to mention it to her tonight.

Me: You two are fucking exhausting. I’ll bring Tara down soon so they can get started on their movie marathon. Mom and Dad are gonna stay on our floor for the night. He’ll be close by in case anything happens.

I close out of the group message I have with my brothers and shake my head at the two of them. They’re a pain in my ass, but I wouldn’t change them for the world. After making sure I’ve got everything ready to go, I set my bag by the door of the house. The rest of the day I’m gonna spend with Tara no matter what she wants to do. Even if we spend hours in bed while she reads and I watch something on TV. I want to keep her to myself for just a little bit before I take her down to Paige and Ricochet. They’ll monopolize her time and I love that they’re close, but today is a day I need her to myself for a while. I opened myself up and showed her a side of me no one gets. It always drains me and I have to believe that Tara will protect me with everything in her like I do for her. For the first time since that bitch lied to me, I’m putting my complete trust in a woman and it scares the shit out of me.

Chapter Forty-Two


HAWKEYE OPENED UP to me and revealed his last dark secret almost two weeks ago. Since then, it seems as if our entire relationship has changed. He’s not holding back anything from me any longer and knows I’ll support and love him no matter what he says. I mean, there are limits to that, obviously, but not for things in his past. Hawkeye is one of the best men I know and the guilt he feels over the death of this girl shows me what kind of man he truly is. I already knew he was a great man based on how he treats those around him. Seeing him with his nephews and niece also shows me what kind of man he is. He’s been spending more time with them and he always smiles when he’s with the triplets. Ricochet and Kevlar have noticed the change in him and made comments on it a few times.

Everyone is getting ready to head home today. All the parents are making their way back to Clifton Falls or Dander Falls. They’ve been here long enough and the situation with Lucifer and that bitch is taken care of. Well, as much as it can be right now. I know Lucifer is still in the basement and Hawkeye, Ricochet, and Kevlar go down and spend time with him on a daily basis. Hawkeye is getting ready to end him. Though, the three of them can’t decide who should get to actually end the fucker’s life. Kevlar and Hawkeye both have a good reason to be the one to pull the trigger if you ask me. But, Paige was also taken by him and he would’ve hurt her if the girls weren’t rescued when they were. So, the three of us have decided to take a step back and we leave when they start talking about it. This is between them and they’ll handle it one way or another.

I know that two women are on their way to us now too. They’re going to take care of Paige and Lyric’s mother. We’ve been given the chance to go down and say anything we want to her and I’m debating going down if the other two do. Even if I don’t say a word to the skank, I want to be there to show them my support. They’ve both been there for me and it’s time for me to show them I’ll be there for them when they need me. Not that I feel as if I have anything to prove to them—I don’t feel that way at all. It’s more of I know they’d do the same for me and it’s important that I’m there for them.

Doc has also just released me to go back to work. I can’t put in the crazy hours like I was, but I can definitely go there and take care of my shop. So, my plan is to get there at seven so I can make the candy and other things to go in the display cases. I’ll work until lunch time when Lyric will come in. I’ll open and she’ll close. If we feel the need to hire someone else, I’ll make it happen. The shop has definitely been a success and I want to keep it moving forward. Especially with the large orders I’ve been getting for parties and other social engagements. Lyric has been busting her ass making sure it all gets taken care of and completed on time. We’re not delivering orders right now, but that might be something we eventually offer if things continue to pick up.

Today is my first day back to work and I’m excited to get back in the kitchen. After showering and getting ready for the day, Hawkeye hands me over breakfast with my vitamin. We sit down to eat together.

“Are you happy to be goin’ back to work?” he asks me as I dig into the eggs and bacon he made me.

“Yeah. I’ve felt horrible with everyone having to be there in place of me. Are you ready to go back to work?” I return, not taking my attention off the food in front of me.

Hawkeye is a damn good cook and knows his way around the kitchen. If I didn’t already think he was sexy, I would definitely think so now. Seeing a man in the kitchen is the definition of sexy to me. Add in the tattoos and muscles and it’s a picture I can’t get out of my head.

“No. I love workin’ on the cars and shit but I’m in the tow truck today. I hate that shit. It’s borin’ as hell and more often than not the owners of the cars that break down want to do nothin’ but argue with me. I have to remain calm and professional instead of goin’ off on them. It’s even worse when the owner is a guy. He thinks he knows it all and there’s no tellin’ him what he thinks is wrong isn’t the problem. I’ve had that shit happen way too many times. But, Brick’s been pullin’ my shifts and I know the other businesses can use his help. It’s time for him to get back to rotatin’ through the different businesses like he usually does,” he answers me as he eats his own breakfast.

“I’m sorry. You wanna stop by for lunch? Maybe meet at the diner or something?” I ask him, not sure if he wants to meet or if he’ll even have time.

“Yeah. We can meet at the diner. If anythin’ comes up and I’m on a tow call when you get out of work, I’ll let you know. Tonight, I’m gonna take you out to dinner though. So, you need to rest when you get home. Take a nap if you have to. I want all of your attention tonight, sweets,” he tells me, his voice turning growly as I tremble with excitement.

“Okay. I love you, Brax,” I tell him, finishing my breakfast and taking my vitamin before standing from the table and taking care of my dishes.

“I love you too, sweets,” Hawkeye says as he stands from his seat and pulls me into his arms.

We can never have a quick, simple kiss. Every time our lips touch, the kiss immediately goes from nothing to full-on in a heartbeat. I open my mouth as Hawkeye deepens the kiss and slides his tongue in my mouth. He takes his time exploring and tangling his tongue with mine. I give him back as good as he gives it to me. By the time he pulls back, I’m breathless and ready to pull him back in the bedroom for the day. Hawkeye presses his lips against my forehead as a light chuckle escapes him.

“Get to work, sweets. I’ll see you at lunch. If you need me before then, call or message me,” he says, letting me walk from the house.

Today I get to drive myself to work since he’s gotta return to work himself. For the first time since all this shit started, I don’t have to have Prospects with me or anything else. It’s kind of freeing to realize the problem has definitely been taken care of. Though, Marco is still down for the count. He’s almost out of the casts, but isn’t there yet. The club has been taking care of him while he heals and I know he feels like shit because he can’t do what he’s supposed to be doing. I get where he’s coming from and I’ve been to see him a few times since he got released from the hospital. I’ve taken the blame on my shoulders because if he weren’t there with me, he’d still be safe and not hurt like he was.

Getting in my car, I head to work as the sun is just starting to rise in the sky. Cedar Bay is still asleep at this time of the day and it’s the most peaceful you’ll ever see it. There’s no one out walking down the streets, all the shops are closed up with the exception of the gas station, and if you do see another car on the road, it’s someone on their way to work. I’ve got my window down as I make the short trip to Tara’s Treats. This is my favorite time of the day and I’m glad to be out and experiencing it again. It’s been way too long.

My work day flew by. Between opening up the shop and then taking care of all the customers, I didn’t get a break at all. I was so happy when Lyric got there early to take over for me. We worked together for the last half hour before I left and everything went smoothly. It was good to be back at work with Lyric as she talked and made me laugh my ass off. Another thing I missed by staying home. Though I spent time with the girls, it’s not the same to me. There’s just something about how we work together and the conversations we have here that we don’t seem to have anywhere else.

After meeting Hawkeye for lunch, I went home and took a nap. When I got up, I took a long bath while reading a book. Instead of turning on the lights in the bathroom, I lit some candles instead. It was so relaxing as I took time to just zone out and get lost in another world. Reading in a bath just hits different and I haven’t done it in way too long.

Once I was done soaking, I washed and conditioned my hair before washing my body. Getting out of my bath, I dried off and applied my favorite lotion. It goes with my body wash and smells like cherry blossoms with a hint of vanilla. Hawkeye loves the smell of it too. He can’t keep his hands off me when I use this lotion. Maybe that’s the idea though because I want him more than ever before and he’s still holding back.

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