Page 60 of Triple Threat

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“This isn’t how I wanted to do this shit, sweets. I had a full speech prepared and everythin’,” Hawkeye says when we’re finally back to breathing normally.

He finally slides his cock out of me and grabs a towel I didn’t see to clean me up. After taking care of me, he cleans himself up before tucking his cock back in his jeans and doing them up again. There’s something different knowing I was wearing only a rag while he was still fully dressed from his cut down to his socks. Not a bad different, a very sexy different.

“What are you talking about, Brax?” I ask him, confusion filling me.

“Sweets, you know I love you. You’re the only woman in my life to want me for me. Not what I can give you, not because of the club, and not because of who my family is. You see the man I am when no one else is around and the man I want to be every fuckin’ day. Sweets, you make me want to be the best version of myself and give you everythin’ I have to give. You’re my queen and I want to hand over the world to you because that’s what you deserve. I want to make sure no one hurts you and will burn the fuckin’ world down if they do. Tara, will you do me the honor of becomin’ my wife and spendin’ the rest of our lives together makin’ memories and buildin’ a family?” he asks me, pulling out a ring from the pocket of his cut.

“Yes, Brax. It would be my honor to be your wife,” I tell him, tears sliding down my cheek.

Brax slides the ring on my finger and it’s a perfect fit. Looking down I find a platinum band. Sitting in the center surrounded by skulls is a diamond. Going along the outside of the band are small sapphires. It’s the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. Nothing about it is so large that it’s going to get in the way at work as I make all the candy and treats for the customers.

“I love it, baby. And I love you,” I tell him, leaning forward to kiss him as he pulls me back into his arms.

“I love you, sweets. More than I ever thought possible. Now, let’s eat somethin’ so I can get you back in the house and properly fuck you. I’m thinkin’ we’re gonna start with me havin’ you against the wall as we make our way through the house to our bed. But, I know you want wall sex and I’m gonna make sure you fuckin’ get it, sweets,” he promises me as my head fills with all sorts of images of what he wants to do to me.

Hawkeye pulls out food from the picnic basket and fills a plate of food for me before making his own. We sit surrounded by pillows on the blanket with plates of roasted chicken, vegetables, and mashed potatoes. There’s apple juice for me and beer for Hawkeye. After eating our fill of food and getting dressed, Hawkeye packs everything up and leads me back inside. He makes good on his promise of spending the night worshiping my body starting with him pressing me into the wall and fucking me like I’ve always wanted. Hawkeye will give me everything I want and more. This is just one more way he’s proving it to me. I love this man and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

Chapter Forty-Three


WE’VE HAD LUCIFER and that bitch in the basement a lot longer than any of us anticipated. I’m not going to bitch about it because it’s given me a chance to have a ton of fun with the fucker. A week ago, Lucifer started begging for me to end him. Kevlar and Ricochet laughed in his face as he pleaded for it to all be over with. He knows he’s not leaving our compound alive and it took that long to sink in that he actually fucking lost. The man tried to escape, did more damage to his body, and almost killed himself at one point. I don’t even know how he did it but the chains that are holding him in place may have gotten wrapped around his neck. We fixed that situation for him very quick.

Kevlar and Ricochet have been with me every single time I go to the basement. We all get our hits in and there’s nothing left of him. Everything is ready to shut down and there’s nothing keeping him alive right now. Every day we enter the basement, I wonder if he’s died since we left him the day before. Unfortunately for him, it hasn’t happened yet. He’s still hanging in his cell and today is the day I finally end his suffering.

Siren and Sassy got held up and that’s why it’s taken them so long to get here. They were needed on a different job that was top priority. One of Summer’s other girls needed help with a woman that was helping kidnap children and selling them off to the highest bidder. We had no problem with the delay because that woman needed to be put down immediately. People like her don’t deserve to breathe the same air as anyone else. Sassy and Siren made sure she was no longer breathing and I’m glad to know they just made the streets in that area safer for children to be wild and free. To keep their innocence and never have to deal with the trauma their life could’ve been filled with.

They’ll be here within an hour so we can finish these fuckers off and be done with this shit once and for all. I need Lucifer to be done because these two twatwaffles are the last pieces holding us back from moving on completely. Once they’re gone, we’ll be able to fucking move on and know those assholes won’t be taking another breath. I’m ready to make sure my sisters-in-law and Tara have no reason to ever be afraid again. That they can live their lives without worrying and looking over their shoulder thinking this stupid fucker is gonna get his hands on them again.

Walking into the kitchen after taking a shower, I find Tara at the stove. She’s making breakfast as I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. Moving her hair to the side, I press a few kisses against the side of her neck. She trembles in my arms as I hold her close to me. Tara sinks back into my body and I inhale the cherry blossom scent I associate with her.

“Mornin’, sweets. How are you feelin’ today?” I ask her, wanting to make sure she’s okay after the last few days.

“I’m good. Lyric’s opening up the shop today and should be here soon. That new girl I hired is really working out good. She picked everything up really quick and wants as many hours as I can give her. Goose said her background check was good and I’m ready to be able to take a step back until the baby is born. Lyric is gonna start helping me out in the morning and I have two more people to interview for jobs. I always wanted my shop to be a success, but this is better than I ever dreamed it would be,” she informs me, a smile on her face as she tilts her head.

“That’s good, sweets. Are you sure you’re up for goin’ in the basement today?” I question her, knowing all three girls want to go down to see that skank.

“Yeah. Even if I don’t say anything, I have to be there for Paige and Lyric. They need as much support as they can get and I’m going to make sure I give it to them,” she states as she puts the eggs onto the plates she already has sitting on the counter next to her.

There’s already bacon on the plates and homefries. Looking at the table, I’ve got a cup of coffee at my seat along with some orange juice. Tara has her standard cup of apple juice waiting for her. She’s still upset that she can’t drink orange juice, but buys it whenever she’s at the store for me. I grab our plates and carry them to the table and place them in our seats while she grabs our silverware and brings it over to us. We take our seats and dig into the food she’s made this morning. Tara and I always take turns cooking. Whoever gets up first usually cooks breakfast and then we try to cook dinner together.

I’ve found myself dancing in the kitchen as I cook with my girl. Another thing I never thought I’d do in my life. Tara doesn’t even ask me to dance with her. I watch her move and sway her hips to the beat of whatever song is playing and I can’t help but go to her and dance with her. Some of our dancing sessions lead to me fucking her on the counter, but that’s okay. Those are the nights we get takeout for dinner because we’ve burnt ours. Now I can’t walk in our kitchen without seeing an inch of space where I’ve been buried deep inside my girl. Good memories.

We eat in silence and I grab our plates when we’re done. After rinsing them, I put them in the dishwasher to be run after dinner tonight. Tara slides her sneakers on without bothering to tie them as I grab my cut and we head out of the house. Ricochet and Paige are leaving now too. We all get in my truck and I drive us to the front of the clubhouse. Kevlar’s bike is already parked in his spot and Lyric’s new SUV is in the lot so I know my brother and Lyric are here. The ol’ ladies will watch the triplets while we’re down in the basement so Lyric can get the closure she deserves to have.

The four of us walk inside and find everyone in the common room. Kevlar and Lyric are sitting at a table and we all make our way over to them. I grab my niece from Lyric’s arms and hold her little body close to mine. She’s asleep as I look down at her. Harmony is so damn precious and smaller than her brothers. Today she’s dressed in a little dress with bears all over it. There’s one of those ribbon things around her head with a large bow off to the side. Her lashes rest against the pale skin of her face as her lips are parted and every now and then she makes a sucking motion like she’s eating. It’s adorable as hell.

Sitting in a chair, I feel Tara resting at my back. She places a hand on my shoulder as I look up at her. There’s a soft smile on her face as she looks down at me and I know already what’s going through her mind. She wants kids of her own. It’s no secret that she wants to be a mom and she doesn’t feel she’s gonna have that with me. We haven’t had that conversation yet so my girl thinks that I’m gonna turn her down when it comes to filling her with my baby. A few weeks ago, I would’ve agreed with that statement. Now, I want to have a family of my own. I’ll give my sweets as many kids as she wants. The more I think about having kids of my own, the more I realize it’s something I truly want. Especially holding this little one in my arms.

“Sassy and Siren just pulled up,” Venom says, walking into the common room.

The door opens after a few minutes and we all watch the two women walk in as if they own the building. Sassy has long blonde hair with the palest blue eyes. Her skin is tan and there’s no make-up on her face. Rings cover her fingers and she’s wearing a leather riding suit letting me know they’re on their bikes today. Both girls ride sport bikes because they don’t have anything to carry with them and it allows for a quick escape from whatever job they’re on. Siren is the complete opposite. She’s got long brunette hair with hazel eyes that are too large for her face giving her that innocent look. Her eyes are done in that smokey shit girls are always doing with long lashes that stand out. Her lips are painted a bright red and she’s got her ever-present smile on her face. Like Sassy, she’s wearing a leather riding suit as she unzips the jacket to reveal a crop top underneath it.

“The party has fucking arrived!” Sassy calls out, a large smile on her face.

“It sure as fuck has,” Vanessa agrees, rushing into the common room.

I’m not sure how, but Vanessa has formed a close bond to these two women. I’m not even sure how they even met. Vanessa gives both girls a hug before releasing them as the rest of us stand up. Kasey and Quinn make their way over to us for the triplets and we hand them over. I stand up and stretch my body out. Before going in to end Lucifer, we’re gonna go in with the girls to end that bitch.
