Page 117 of The Thug And His Doll

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“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down. Your father is a bastard, and I’m going to tell him as much.”

“Daisy, this isn’t going to help,” I say, grabbing her arm and forcing her to look at me.

After leaving Lia to give her some space, we headed to Dalton’s suite to talk further. The pair of us have spent the last hour trying, and failing, to get Daisy to calm down. She’s determined to give Carl a piece of her mind.

“You can be quiet too, Drix. How could you keep this from me?” she accuses, her cheeks flushed with anger, her eyes rimmed with angry tears.

“To protect you. I’ve done everything to protect you.”

“When will you learn that I don’t need protection? We could’ve figured something else out, Drix. You didn’t have to do this for me.”

“What choice did he have, Daisy? My dad’s an arsehole. Everyone knows that,” Dalton points out.

Daisy wrenches her arm from my hold and rounds on Dalton, pressing her finger into his chest. “And you’re an even bigger one for keeping this secret. Christ, you could’ve helped Drix. He’s your best friend, for crying out loud. All that money you’ve spent on being a playboy, you could’ve used it to do some good. Instead, whilst you were living it up in the Maldives for months on end, Drix was forced to hurt people to pay off this debt!”

“He wouldn’t have needed to pay off a debt if you had some common sense and saw that prick for what he was!” Dalton snaps back.

Daisy reels back, flinching. “So this is my fault because I fell in love? Because I trusted someone, just like Lia trusted you,” she snarls, turning her attention back to me. “How could you be so stupid, Drix? You lied to her. You lied to me!”

“I know, Daisy. I know, alright! I messed up, and now I’m going to lose the woman I love,” I croak, my throat thick with regret, my heart fucking breaking.

“Not if I’ve got anything to do with it!” she retorts, twisting on her feet and slamming her fist against the door. “Carl Gunn, open this door right now!”

“What the fuck is this?” Carl shouts as he pulls open the door and Daisy shoves past him into his room.

If this wasn’t such a fucking mess, I would’ve laughed at the expression on Carl’s face, instead I follow Daisy inside, Dalton behind me.

“There better be a good fucking explanation for this,” Carl says, slamming the door and heading into the living area of his suite where Daisy waits, her hands on her hips, her anger blazing brightly.

“You, Carl Gunn, are going to release Drix from his debt, right this fucking second,” she shouts.

“Ah, so you know. I did wonder whether he'd ever tell you,” Carl says evenly, dropping onto the sofa as he looks up at her. Still dressed in his suit, he crosses one leg over the other and smiles.

“Did you hear what I just said? Drix will no longer be your enforcer. It ends. Now.”

“It ends when he’s paid off his debt which, as you clearly now know, is a rather substantial amount of money.”

“I heard. Ten million, yes?”

“Well, eight point five. He’s paid off some of it already.”

“Then take Brownstone Estate to pay off the rest. Sell it. You’ll have your money,” Daisy says, her whole body trembling with anger and barely suppressed hatred.

“Daisy, no. That’s your inheritance. It’s your home,” I say, shaking my head.

“No, you’re wrong, Drix. You’re my home,” she says, meeting my gaze before focussing back on Carl. “Take it. Sell it.”

Carl has the audacity to laugh, and my fingers curl into fists. “Wipe that goddamn smile off your face, you bastard,” I shout, lunging for him and grabbing him by the lapel of his jacket. I raise my fist, fucking furious, ready to knock him the fuck out.

He just smiles at me in that snakelike way off his, and threatens, “Do it, and see what happens.”

“Drix, don’t,” Dalton says, grabbing my arm.

I let the arsehole go with a shove, backing off.

“Sell our home. You’ll have your money,” Daisy insists, a hell of a lot calmer than I am.

“Brownstone Estate isn’t worth eight point five million,” he tells her, straightening the lapel of his jacket. “At the most, you’d get four, maybe four and a half.”
