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“Pretty sure that jar will be full before the snow clears,” Drix mutters with a shrug of his shoulders.

Daisy's eyes sparkle as she plops back down onto her seat. “That’s a date then.”

Twenty minutes later, after we’ve all finished eating, Toby is begging to watch more cartoons, and Drix is collecting the dishes from the counter to wash up. Outside darkness has fallen, more snow trickling from the sky in soft puffs.

“I’ll sit with Toby,” Daisy yawns, rubbing at her eyes. “I could do with letting all that yummy food settle a bit before filling it right back up with cherry pie. Are you okay cleaning up?”

“Take a load off,” Drix says, rolling up his sleeves as he fills the sink with water and washing-up liquid. I can’t help but notice the intricate tattoos on his forearm and appreciate the thought gone into the designs. Whoever the tattoo artist is, they’re talented, that’s for sure.

“You sure?” Daisy asks, taking Toby’s hand in hers, winking at him as he hops on his feet.

He giggles, and the way she makes him feel comfortable in her presence is really appreciated. Martin was always too busy, or too caught up in his own selfishness to ever really give Toby the attention and love he deserved. So, no matter how I feel about him forming attachments to Daisy and Drix, I can’t deny him this affection when it’s given so freely.

“Of course. You too, Lia. I’ve got this,” Drix adds, jerking his chin towards Daisy and Toby.

“Cartoons really aren’t my thing,” I reply. “Besides, I’m happy to help. Got to earn my keep somehow.”

Drix frowns, but doesn’t comment.

“Well, see you in a bit then. Just give us a shout when the cherry pie is ready, okay?” Daisy asks, as she guides Toby from the room.

We work side by side in silence as Drix washes up and I dry the dishes, the sound of Daisy and Toby laughing at whatever cartoon they're watching, filtering into the room. I wonder why he doesn’t use the dishwasher, but I don’t ask, suspecting that it’s got more to do with spending time with me than it does because he cares about ruining the delicate china.

When the final dish is put away, Drix reaches for me, his fingers gently resting on my arm.

“You know you don’t have to feel like you have to earn your keep around here. You and Toby are my guests. I want you to feel at home.”

My stomach churns at the pity in his gaze. Letting out a sigh, I rest my hand over his, removing it. “Cooking for you all is my way of saying thank you,” I explain.

“That’s not what I meant, Lia.”

“Then what did you mean?”

“You love to cook, I love that you want to cook in my home, and I appreciate it. If that makes you feel more comfortable staying here, then you’re welcome to cook all you want. But don’t feel you have to do that.”

“But I have nothing else to offer. I don’t have any money of my own. I can’t even pay for groceries, let alone the four pounds I owe to the swear jar.”

“You don’t need to pay me for anything. If it makes you any happier, I will probably swear a hundred times more, and that jar will be filled, rightly so, in no time. Toby won’t miss the money you owe.”

“You have to understand, I want to pay you back somehow. I will cook, clean for you even, anything you want. I don’t want to freeload whilst I’m here. I need to do this, please.”

I don’t say to him that living here, under his roof, eating his food, and accepting his hospitality feels like something more than just a kind man helping me out. Despite his words, I know he wants more from me, and that’s something I just can’t give. At least this way we’re on an even playing field. Kind of.

“You’re not my maid, Lia, and as much as I love your food, you’re not my cook either.”

“Then I’ll get a job whilst I’m here? Maybe at the hotel? I could work in the kitchen, clean the rooms? Do you think Dalton might hire me? I could do some shifts, see if there’s a nursery that will take Toby…” My voice trails off as he frowns.

“No, you can’t work for Dalton. It’s bad enough that my sister's working under him.”

“But he’s your best friend.”

“And a terrible boss. The only reason I can just about cope with Daisy working there is because she knows how to handle herself around him.”

“And you think because of my past, I don’t?”

“It’s not that. Despite appearances, Dalton is a complicated man. I don’t want you getting caught up in any of his shit.”

“His shit?”
