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“Are you in a lot of pain?" I say, my cheeks heating as I realise I've just cut him off. "Sorry, you go first,” I quickly add.

“I’m just fine, Lia,” he reassures me. “I’m sorry if I seem a bit off. Just a little stressed, that’s all.”

“With the security plans? Is Robert giving you a hard time? Is there anything I can do?” I ask, chewing on my lip as I step closer to him, wanting to bridge the gap between us, having this sudden urge to comfort him like he's comforted me on so many occasions.

“Just being able to come home to you is more than enough,” he murmurs, lifting his warm brown eyes to meet mine. "I love having you here."

"I like being here," I admit, my heart aching at his words, this feeling of longing settling deep within me. I take a step closer, our bodies almost touching, and I reach out to gently trace the bruises forming on his jaw and cheek. His short beard is rough beneath my fingers, and I feel a jolt of electricity run through me at the contact. Drix's breath hitches at my touch, and I can't help but notice the way his eyes seem to darken with desire.

"Let me take care of you," I say.

He exhales slowly, his eyes searching mine. "You already are."

"I meant your lip," I add, fumbling over my words as his hand comes up to cover mine, pressing my palm against his cheek. The warmth of his hand seeps into me and for a moment we just stand there lost in each other's gaze.

A huge part of me wants to kiss him, to press my body against his and see where this leads, to allow myself to indulge in these growing feelings. But the other part of me, the part that is insecure, uncertain, afraid, won't let me.

I quickly pull away, embarrassed at my sudden boldness. "I'm sorry," I mumble, taking a step back. "I didn't mean to overstep."

"You haven't," Drix says softly, his voice laced with tenderness as he takes a tentative step towards me, closing the distance I had just created.

"Drix," I caution.

"I'm fighting really hard against these feelings I have for you, Lia," he says, gently brushing a strand of hair behind my ear as we stand, caught in this magnetic pull drawing us closer together. "But being near you, it's becoming impossible to deny how much I want you."

I close my eyes for a moment, trying to calm the racing of my heart. Being this close to him is both torture and temptation. I can't deny I'm drawn to him, to his kindness, his strength, his unwavering support.

"I'm scared," I admit quietly, forcing myself to look up at him.

Drix's gaze softens. "Me too, he says softly, his head dipping closer.

My breath catches in my throat as I feel the heat of his body against mine, the soft whisper of his breath against my lips, but he makes no move to bridge the gap, allowing me to make that decision for the both of us.

My mind is screaming at me to step back, but every inch of me wants nothing more than to lean into him and lose myself in this moment. Do I follow my heart, and embrace this growing tenderness between us? Or do I listen to my head that's cautioning me to be careful, to wait.

Before I can make a decision either way, Toby's voice calls from the hallway and we jump apart, the moment gone as he comes running into the ensuite.

"Mama, we're going to play a game of charades! Daisy said Drix is terrible so he should be your partner!" he says, grinning up at us both.

Drix laughs, and I drag in a tremulous breath as he says, "I'll have you know that I am excellent at charades so you might want to reconsider partnering with Daisy."

"Nope," he replies, shaking his head. "Daisy said if we win, she'll let me choose one of her unicorns to keep forever!"

"Is that so?" I ask him with a playful smile, glad for the interruption that has saved me from making a rash decision.

Toby nods enthusiastically, his excitement radiating from him. "Yep! And she has like, a million unicorns, so I really want to win!"

Drix chuckles, ruffling Toby's hair affectionately before glancing over at me. "Well then, Lia, we'd better start strategizing. Can't have my little sister and this genius besting us, now can we?"

"I guess not," I agree.

Toby giggles, tugging on Drix's hand. "Come on, let's go!"

"Just give us a moment, okay?" he asks. "Got to finish up here."

"Okay," Toby replies, his hurried footsteps pounding on the floor as he rushes out, leaving behind a charged tension that still lingers in the air between us.

"Lia," Drix mutters, a hint of apology in his voice as his fingers brush against mine. "I didn't mean to make things so intense."
