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“To be fair, it looks a million times better on you than it did on me, you’re welcome to keep it.”

“There’s no need–”

“Shush, it’s yours,” she grins. “Besides, I wore that dress when I was experimenting during my very short-lived emo stage, and I’m kind of into brighter things these days,” she says with a laugh as she looks down at her rainbow striped corduroy dungarees and fluorescent green socks.

“You were emo?” I ask, grinning.

“For about a week. Then I realised the style didn’t really suit me. Some people might think I’m quirky, but I like the me I am when I dress this way.”

“I love your style too,” I reply.

“You might be the only one,” Daisy shrugs. “Dalton loves to rib me for my fashion choices.”

“Dalton’s an idiot.”

Daisy smirks. “You’re not wrong.”

“Thank you, Daisy, for this. For everything. Are you sure you’re okay staying in and watching Toby for me?”

“I told you, it’s absolutely fine. You go on and have a lovely evening, Lia, and don’t worry about Toby. We’ve got a date with the Smurfs Christmas movie and a huge bowl of toffee popcorn waiting for us.”

At the mention of popcorn and Smurfs, Toby jumps to his feet, grabbing hold of Daisy’s hand. “Come on, Mama, time to go, we’ve got a date!” he says proudly.

“We sure do, buddy,” Daisy agrees as they both follow me from the bedroom.

With my heart beating like a bass drum, I grab hold of the railing and descend the stairs. Waiting by the front door is Drix, who has his back towards us, talking quietly on his phone. Dressed a little more smartly than I’m used to seeing him, I falter on the stairs, my eyes dropping to his tight arse and strong thighs hugged by black jeans. He’s wearing that same deep brown leather jacket he always does, that moulds perfectly to his upper body.

“Oh God,” I mutter, feeling extra insecure given how incredible he looks.

“She’s ready,” Daisy sings out, giving me a gentle push in the back, forcing me to keep moving.

With his phone still pressed against his ear, Drix turns around and my whole body flushes with heat as his gaze lifts slowly upwards from my feet, coasting over my legs, my waist, breasts, until he finally rests his gaze on my face. Tingles rush down my spine at the look in his eyes and for the first time in my life, I understand what it feels like to be truly desired. It’s disconcerting, and also confidence inducing.

His mouth parts, and for a second there’s silence as he drinks me in, his eyes flicking from my lips to my chest and back again.

“Fuck,” he mutters, and behind me Toby giggles.

“Another pound for the swear jar,” he says happily. “It’s almost full!”

“Doesn’t she look amazing?” Daisy asks, passing me with Toby who is looking between us both, no doubt wondering why we have seemed to have lost the power of speech.

“You look… Fuck…” he shakes his head, realising he’s still got the phone pressed to his ear. “We’ll be there in fifteen,” he quickly adds, flicking off the phone and tucking it into his jacket pocket.

“Well?” Daisy presses, trying and failing to hide a smile.

“That was Ben asking where we were,” Drix says.

“I wasn’t talking about your phone call. What do you think of Lia? Doesn’t she look good enough to eat?” she adds cheekily.

“You look incredible, Lia,” Drix agrees as I step towards him.

“Thank you. You look incredible too,” I say, my cheeks flushing at my response. “Handsome. You look handsome,” I correct myself.

“Well, as much as I’m enjoying watching you two stumble for words,” Daisy says with a laugh. “You should get going.”

“Wait, before we go, I have something for you,” Drix says, striding over to the side table on the other side of the room. He picks up a huge bunch of red tulips, edged with orange, handing them to me.

Drix drags his gaze away from me, clearing his throat. “Yes, right. Do you have a coat? It’s cold out.”
