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But what keeps me awake is the way her face crumpled when Toby had shared what his bad dream was about. She had broken at that moment, and I had wanted so badly to tell her how I feel. To explain to her that I would never, ever hurt her like that bastard had. That I love her. That I love him. Instead I’d told Toby, and the way he’d looked at me in that moment will forever be burned into my memory.

A fierce kind of need to protect them both rushes through me, and I push up on my bed, knowing that sleep won’t come for me tonight. Instead, I draw my legs up, resting my elbows on my knees as I cup my head, trying to figure out what to do. Daphne had been right, I need to tell Lia the truth about who I am. I can’t betray her trust like her ex had. She deserves to know everything about me. I decide that first thing in the morning I’ll do just that.

A knock at the door has me lifting my head. “Daisy?” I question.

When the door pushes open and Lia stands before me, my heart fucking sumersaults in my chest.

“Is it Toby?” I ask, shifting on the bed, ready to help.

She shakes her head, her long hair slipping over her shoulders. “He’s fast asleep. Can I come in?”

“Please,” I reply, watching her closely as she steps into the room. The light from my bedside lamp throws the room in a soft golden glow, and I swear to fuck her hair glimmers in a halo like some kind of fallen angel.

Gently closing the door behind her, she presses her back against the wood, uncertainty crossing her features. “I can’t sleep,” she explains, and I can’t help notice the way her hands tremble.

“You and me both,” I reply with a smile that falters as she steps toward me.

There’s something about the way her eyes are smudged with mascara from her earlier tears, and the simplicity of her pale blue cotton pyjamas that has my heart constricting.

“Drix, I want to say something,” she says as she walks towards me.

I shift to the end of the bed, my bare feet resting on the carpeted floor. Wearing only boxer shorts, I momentarily wonder if I should put more clothes on, but when she reaches me, her legs pressing against my knees, I’m too distracted by the way she stares at me to do anything about it.

“Toby never saw Martin hit me. I think maybe he heard some things he shouldn’t have when I thought he was sleeping…” her voice trails off as her lips tremble.

“Please don’t tell me that bastard…” I can’t bear to even think of the words, let alone say them out loud.

“I’ve lost count of the times he took from me when I didn’t want him too,” she admits. “When I told you earlier it had been a long time since I’ve been with a man, I meant willingly.”

My fingers grip onto the duvet cover. “That bastard,” I hiss, my whole body vibrating with rage as I drop my head. I want to find that man and fucking kill him.

“But I don’t want this moment clouded by those memories. Please, Drix,” she begs, reaching for my chin, tipping my face upwards. “Right now, I need you to…”

Her voice trails off as she stares down at me, and I force my fingers to uncurl, dragging in a steadying breath. “I need to tell you something, Lia,” I say, ready to confess all my sins, to bare my soul to her.

She shakes her head. “Not now. Please, I just need you to be with me here. Just us together in this moment. No more talk of the past. No more heartache. Not tonight. I can’t take it.”

“Anything you want, I’ll give it to you, Lia. Fuck, I’d go and find that arsehole and squeeze the life out of him if you asked me to.”

She cups my face, her thumb brushing over my cheek tenderly. “What I need now is to feel adored, treasured, Drix. I need you so damn much.”

“You have me, Lia. Now, tomorrow, forever, if you want. You have me,” I whisper back.

Our gazes clash and she nods. “Then make love to me. Erase what he did to me. Please.”

“All fucking night long,” I reply. “I’ll make you forget that man ever existed. I will erase his memory from every inch of your skin and replace it with my touch, my kisses, my everything.”

She nods, her fingers trailing from my skin as she reaches up, and with shaking fingers slowly begins to undo the buttons of her top. I watch her, caught in the moment of sheer vulnerability as she reveals herself to me, inch by precious goddamn inch. My gaze trails down her neck to the expanse of skin bared for me. Her breasts hang heavily, two stunning globes of flesh, resting just above the curve of her stomach.

Lifting my hands, I trail my fingers against her skin, gently pushing the cotton aside, revealing her beautiful breasts fully to me. Her nipples are puckered, surrounded by the softest pink areola, and I groan, unable to hold back what she does to me. My dick hardens painfully as my thumbs brush against the tips of her nipples, fucking jerking in my boxers as she moans softly.

“Fuck, you’re stunning,” I whisper, cupping her in my hands, gently massaging her heaviness.

Leaning forward I press a wet kiss between the centre of her breasts, right over her heart. Then I wrap my arms around her back and tug her between my legs, resting my cheek against the softness of her chest.

“Drix,” she stutters out as my breathing hitches and my hands slide up her back, holding her against me.

“I’ve never felt like this,” I admit, fucking choking on the words as I nuzzle against her.
