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“Don’t worry, Mama, I’ll be good,” he replies, taking Daisy’s proffered hand.

“You ready to go win some unicorns, little man?” Daisy asks him, her smile as bright as her pinafore dress that’s covered in rainbows and multicoloured unicorns. “I’ve got my lucky dress on. Always win when I’m wearing it.”

“She’s not wrong,” Drix comments, sliding his mobile phone into his pocket just as the doorbell rings.

“You look very pretty,” Toby says, hopping from one foot to the other as Daisy’s smile slips into a frown.

“Expecting a visitor?” she asks, as Drix strides past us, opening the door.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Daisy groans, as surprised as I am to see Dalton standing on the threshold. He’s dressed down in jeans and trainers, with a black turtleneck sweater and a long grey, woollen coat. His hair isn’t as styled as it usually is, and an unruly few strands fall over his forehead.

“Afternoon,” he says, his gaze flicking from Drix to Daisy and back again.

“Well, that’ll be our cue to leave,” she says tightly, helping Toby into his coat before grasping his hand.

“Excellent. The car’s still running,” Dalton adds, dropping his gaze to Toby who just looks up at him curiously. “Hello again, Toby.”

“Hello,” he replies.

“What do you mean, the car’s still running?” Daisy asks, her eyes narrowing at Drix who just shrugs.

“Dalton offered to take you both to the arcade when I told him your plans. We’re due more snow in a few hours, and his car is better equipped to deal with the roads should you get caught out.”

“My car has snow tires, and I happen to be a very safe driver,” Daisy retorts, bristling.

“Even so, I’d feel more comfortable if Dalton drove you,” Drix says, looking between the pair.

“Need I remind you that Dalton has a history of being a boy racer. Pretty sure he’s still racing about in cars when he’s not messing with women he shouldn’t be or poking his nose in other people’s business. So I’m not sure he deserves the safe driver of the year accolade,” she snarks, arching a brow.

“I am not a complete jerk, Daisy. I race motorbikes as a hobby on a track. I don’t race cars on the roads, and especially not when I have a kid in the car,” he adds, ruffling Toby’s hair.

“Not to mention the fact I don’t want to spend any time with you,” Daisy continues pointedly.

“If you think there’s going to be some heavy snow, perhaps you should postpone the outing?” I suggest, wincing when Toby pulls a face. “Sorry, sweetheart. Maybe another time?”

“Mama, you promised!”

“The snow’s not forecast to fall until later,” Drix reassures me. “And even if they get caught in the first flurry, despite what Daisy has insinuated, Dalton is a very competent driver. He took the advanced driver’s test, and aced it. I also happen to know he’s also pretty damn good at the arcades. Aren’t you, mate?”

“I’ve won a few things in my time,” he says, winking at Toby who grins back at him.

“I don’t know,” I hesitate, not because I don’t trust Drix’s word or Dalton’s capabilities, more because Daisy seems incredibly uncomfortable with the idea.

“Please don’t worry, Lia, I’ll take care of them. I promise.”

Them, not him.

Daisy scoffs, mumbling something under her breath.

“It’s only a ten minute drive into town. We can leave early, if need be,” Dalton reassures me.

“Okay,” I nod. “If you’re sure?” I say this more to Daisy than Dalton.

“It doesn’t look like I have a choice,” she mutters.

“Excellent, see you in a couple of hours then? Lia and I are cooking a roast, so get them back for dinner at six sharp,” Drix says.

“I’ll make sure they’re home safe and sound,” Dalton adds as Daisy strides past him, scowling.
