Page 102 of Sinful Obsession

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"You sure you should even be out in public?" Josh asks me flatly. He's not concerned about my safety—I think he's actually trying to make me feel threatened.

Sunlight streams through the half-gaped blinds over his office windows. They create a striped pattern across his torso, reminding me of a prisoner's uniform. He's not the one who has to worry about jail.

I smile coyly. "Let's get down to why I'm here."

"Where's Galina?" Audrey blurts. "Is she okay?" It's the first thing she's said since I entered the room. Dressed in a maroon, long-sleeved turtleneck and pale pink ankle-skirt, she's the opposite of Josh's cobalt-blue ensemble. The one thing they share is the same narrowed-eye disdain for me.

Oh, now you care about her? Mila informed me that the car at the scene belonged to Audrey. It's hard not to tear into her for helping Galina meet up with Yevgeniy. I resist because being at odds with Audrey won't endear Josh to my side.

"I'm working on finding that out," I say. "It would be easier with your help."

"How?" Josh asks dubiously.

Folding my arms behind my back I walk around the long table. As I draw near to him, Josh clinches up from his lips to his knees. "The police is hunting me down, but they’re chasing the wrong person. It’s not me they’re after, but Yevgeniy. I need the commissioner to understand that."

"Let me guess." He lets out a hollow laugh. "You expect me to convince him?"

"Yep." I shrug like I'm bored. "Otherwise, Yevgeniy will control the entire police force in a short time. If you think he's dangerous now, wait until he doesn’t need criminals to do his dirty work for him."

Audrey flicks her eyes at her husband. He pointedly ignores her, focusing harder on me. "The police aren't as corrupt as you're implying."

"Says you?" I sneer. "And just how would you know?"

He stands taller with a sour grin. I've seen rotting Jack-o-lanterns that look more pleasant. "Coming here was a mistake."

I take another step towards him, causing him to retreat; his shoulder rattles the blinds.

"Don't take this lightly. Your life is already in danger."

"What did you say?" His eyes flash before his face turns red. "Are you threatening me?"

"I don’t need to threaten you. But I’ve told you that Yevgeniy's spies infiltrated your firm, or do I need to remind you that Yevgeniy found where you'd hid Galina the first time?" He turns a darker shade of red at that. "They've already told the other cops not to trust you." I pause, noting how he's pressing his lips together in a white line. I have his full attention. "As far as they're concerned, you're in bed with me. Which, in a way, you are."

He slaps the surface of the table, making the carafe of water none of us have touched rattle. "Fuck you, Isakov!"

"Josh..." Audrey whispers nervously. She's not as doubtful of my claims as her husband.

He storms forward, his shoulder bumping mine as he passes. His hand chokes the handle on the office door, opening it wide. "It's time for you to leave, Arsen, before I call the cops on you. And believe me, I’m real fucking close to doing it."

"Oh, I’m aware." I gesture around the room vaguely. "But there’s a reason I came here in person.” I look up at the security camera tucked in the corner of the ceiling. “Nice setup you got here. How do you think Yevgeniy will feel once he sees that I’m here?" My voice drops to a true baritone. "Hell, I bet he’s already getting ready to do something."

Josh slams the door shut; Audrey yelps. "You piece of shit, you tricked me!" He comes at me so fast I brace myself, expecting a punch. Josh stops short, his lips wrenching back over his teeth and gums.

Keeping my words steady, and my hands behind my back, I say, "You can go back to hating me once this is over. But right now, I need you to keep the police away until I can rescue Galina and her mother. And then I’ll deal with Yevgeniy."

There are more lines around Josh’s nose and eyes than on a sheet of notebook paper. I glance at his fists, watching his knuckles gleam and swell and flex. He's barely controlling himself. One wrong move and he'll swing on me. He'd lose in a fight, I'm nearly twice his size, but the fallout is what concerns me more. I need him to work with me not against me.

“We’ve already tried that,” he says. “And you nearly died. I’m not falling for this again.”

"He's right," Audrey calls out.

Josh whips around to gawk at his wife. "Audrey, you can’t be serious!"

Folding her arms over her chest, rubbing her shoulders, she goes quiet. She's gathering her words carefully, not wanting to take my side, or go against her husband, but she wants to save Galina just as much as I do.
