Page 15 of Dark Mafia Villains

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“We’ve got your sister.”

Long pause.


I’m not known for my patience, but I have a soft spot for Wolfe. He’s a little older than Nyx and did his best to take care of his sister growing up. That deserves respect in my book and my friends’. But that doesn’t mean I’ll let him disrespect me. “And motherfucker, we can’t keep her in the dark forever. We agreed to play your charade for a while, but that ends tonight. She snuck into our place and recorded one of those Finely fuckers biting the bullet.”

“Fuck, Marco. I told you I wanted her to stay out of this life.”

“I am giving you the courtesy call because we are men of our word. We said we would keep our distance as long as we could. Four years seems enough.”

“What changed? Why now? Because I am out of town?”

“Here or not, there’s nothing you can do to stop this. We are telling her everything. She is either going to run to the police or come hunt your ass down. I would hate to be on the receiving end of her wrath. But more to the point, we can’t let her fuck this up. Finish up the job already and get back. We have work to do here.”

There’s an audible string of curses when our enforcer seems to walk away from his phone. The next time he speaks through, his voice is crystal clear.

“What have you done to her?”

“Excuse me, boy?”

When we took Wolfe on four years ago it was because he didn’t have qualms about our line of work and understood loyalty. Money talks loud when you don’t have it and it was no different for him. But that loyalty of his to Nyx is about to come full circle and get his ass in trouble. She’s ours now whether he likes it or not.

“Watch that tone.”

“You know how I feel about you three fucking around with my sister. We made a deal.”

He’s talking about doing anything and everything we ask as long as his sister is protected around the clock and looked after in the event of his death. We’ve kept our part of the deal and then some. It’s not our fault she came barging into our lives.

“She fucked with us first. It’s only fair we get to fuck back.”

“You’re my boss, but she’s my sister. I can’t let anything happen to her.”

“Then you should have gotten a job flipping burgers, not working for the mob. If it all works out, she will be your boss by the time you finish your job.”

“You three are a bunch of dicks.”

Rich, powerful, and arrogant dicks to be exact.

“How long do you have?”

There’s a pause.

“The crew here is working around the clock. We’ve dug up another auction window. It goes down tomorrow night.”

Auction windows are places where these fuckers hold underground auctions and sell off abducted women to whoever has the highest bid. It leaves my insides knotted with disgust.

“Ares and Dragon will be attending the auction under the guise of purchasing while I hold back and gather intel on the buyers.”

Ares is the president of the Sons of Bratva Savages—a motorcycle gang with bank accounts as large as ours and attitudes to match. Their reputations precede them. We don’t know them personally, but the Men of Genesis do. It’s the only reason we agreed to send reinforcements to help take down the fuckers trafficking women. My partners and I do a lot of shit to earn the kind of money sitting in our safes, but not trafficking. Have a stash of guns you need offloaded? We can help. Gambling, prostitution with willing girls, and a handful of legal shit that has money rolling in—we do a lot. But there are lines we do not cross.

“This Ares guy. Is he solid?”

“You’d like him. He’s Ryth only with a Russian accent. His crew is some of the meanest SOBS I’ve met. But their girls are the real ass-kickers. They run a tight ship from what I can tell.”

Ryth grunts beside me. He’s arrogant enough to think there’s only one of him on this planet.

“Represent us well, boy, and get back here safely.”
