Page 159 of Road to Salvation

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“We really don’t have to capture them. Asmodeus won’t know either way if they die by accident.”

“Yeah, it would just be easier to kill them.”

The first one steps off the stairs with one foot raised, and the second one never hits the ground.

Slayer’s tentacle reaches out and slaps the Demon in the chest, lifting him off his feet before whipping him back to his mouth for a killing blow at the Demon's throat.

Screams ring out as Lynx—in his tiger form—jumps from the shadows and takes out the next Demon. Three Demons get past Lynx and turn to circle him, but I activate my glaive and give the one closest to me a kidney shot before he turns and swings. I back up but trip over the fucking leash and land on my back with an oomph.

The Demon smirks down at me as he raises his knife for a killing blow, but Reaper jumps onto my belly, making me cough and my eyes water. The Demon scoffs but doesn’t stop the arc of his blade descending. Reaper arches his back and his flames burst higher, burning the Demon’s face and making him drop his knife.

Zeke flanks him and grabs the Demon by his head and simply rips it right off of the fucker with a roar.

“My lady.” He smiles down at me and helps me up.

"Thanks,” I tell him with a curtsy, quickly praising Reaper for saving me before looking around. The five demons that came down the stairs are in pieces, yet we all seem to be fine.

“Is everyone okay?” I check, shaking off my close encounter.

“Yep, just another day’s work,” Moni says, smiling down at her sai.

“They might have been scouts. We need to move,” Knots advises us.

Fuck, he’s right.

“How does jogging sound?” JP smiles and gives me a look.

“It sounds like death,” I moan. ‘Knots? I’m scared to ask. I don’t want to put strain on you.’ I reach out while I pull out my map.

‘Nonsense. I will not die down here. Lead the way,’ he says, and I take off.

We run down the tunnels for about an hour, following the twists and turns before we take a moment to catch our breath in an open cavern and have a drink. I check on Knots and refresh his shield. I almost ask for a longer break when we see lights coming down the tunnel we were just in.


“We know you’re there, little ones,” a squeaky voice calls out.

‘Let me see what’s going on,’ Slayer says as he slinks back down the tunnel.

‘Won’t you be seen?’ I ask, freaking out just a tad.

‘Nah. I can throw my form. If they do see me, it won’t be the real me,’ he explains.

“Let’s pack up and be as quiet as possible. We should be at the door soon,” I say as everyone turns back from watching him leave.

“You mean the gatekeeper and the monster,” Moni says while sporting her pale white bark and wide eyes. I know she’s scared to death, but she’s acting so brave.

‘We’ll meet you down the right-hand tunnel, okay? The other one looks like it leads to a dead end,’ I tell Slayer.


We start jogging down the path, and that’s when I hear Slayer cuss up a storm.

‘We’re fucked! I’m a badass and all, but even I know when we need help, and this is it.’


‘They have a small force coming this way. Maybe thirty or forty Demons, and they are armed,’ he explains.
