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He pulled her back into his embrace, then used his magic to pull the covers over them. “Do you want me to stay here while you meet with your family?”

Violet looked up at him from where she lay, her eyes still red and swollen. “Are you that afraid of facing Thalea and my mother?”

“I’d rather not have a knife thrown at me by another Elder.” He shrugged. “I will come if you need me to. But I thought you might want some time alone with them. I can join you later on and get the awkward first meeting with the in-laws out of the way.”

“It would be good to talk to them on my own. I haven’t seen them in twelve years…” She sounded anything but happy about the prospect.

He dropped a kiss on her head. “They already love you.”

“You say that because you are too nice.”

“I love you as well. Just thought you should hear it from me.”

“I know.”



Even in its current state of decay, Sagewood was the most beautiful place she had ever been. On one side, the tar-colored rock shores met the striking waters of the Leona Sea. On the other, the tall mountains of Obsidian rose high like ribbons of trees and snow, obscured by the mist.

She fixed the collar of her coat, confident that it covered most of her skin, and tapped her boots against the board of the inn’s entrance. The rhythm matched that of her quickened heartbeat. Gavin had insisted on walking with her to her family’s home. He would explore the town and discover a way out of here by boat while she spoke to her family.

He was taking his sweet time getting ready. Did he really have to ask if the shifters had arrived last night? They couldn’t be far. While the caves had been dangerous, it seemed that Ellie knew what she was getting herself into… even if she had let herself get roped into this adventure while drunk.

Her nerves made her extra jumpy. Every creak or howl of the wind increased the crawling sensation over her skin. The early morning sun was peeking over the horizon. Violet adjusted her scarf over her head for what had to be the eleventh time and hoped it hid most of her features from anyone hunting for an out-of-place sorceress.

“They didn’t come here last night.” Gavin’s voice made her jump. She assumed a defensive pose and pulled her blade from the belt that crossed diagonally between her breasts. “Woah.” He chuckled, lifting both hands either side of his head. “It’s just me, love. Are you feeling anxious?”

“I want to get this over with.” The ache in her chest hadn’t subsided. With each passing moment, it embedded itself deeper in her heart, making it hard to breathe around the image of her father’s death. “I know you’re worried about the shifters, but they both look tougher than you and I. They probably camped somewhere overnight to avoid traveling while it was dark.”

“Yeah… Neems do tend to come out at dusk.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Should we call for the horses?”

“No. I’d prefer to walk there.” She cleared her throat and softened her voice. “I haven’t been here for a long time. I want to see what’s changed.”

She peered over Gavin’s shoulder as she spotted several riders arriving at the front of the inn. Three men were handing their tack to the footman that Gavin and her had met last night. They wore black tunics with rich, furry lapels, a rare sight in this part of the world as it never usually got that cold. It could only mean they’d traveled here from far away.

Adrenaline rushed through her veins, warming her body just as Gavin’s hand draped over her arms and he pushed her against the facade of the building. His lips devoured hers in a hungry, yet stiff kiss.

She wrapped her hands around his neck, swooning with the tender caresses of his tongue. He placed his arm over her head, invading her senses with his scent and the warmth of his body.

Someone was hovering nearby, casting a shadow over them. Gavin pulled away from her and shifted so that the bulk of his body shielded her from view. “May I help you?” he said, his voice ringing deep. He was shielding his face with his extended arm.

“You and your woman are blocking the bulletin board.” She didn’t like the sound of the man’s voice. It had a slimy quality to it.

“It seems to me we’ve left you enough space, since there’s nothing there to see. Move along.”

Violet brought her hand down Gavin’s torso and clutched the hilt of his sword, her heart pounding harder now, sweat prickling against her skin. Meanwhile, the other men were already climbing up the steps to the inn.

“Hilbert, why are you bugging these two? We aren’t looking for a couple or trouble.” The laughter of the second man gnawed at her nerves. She slid the blade from its sheath. Slowly.

“Of course.” The man’s eyes burned through her scarf as he joined the others, and they wandered into the inn.

Gavin’s warm breath didn’t move away from her face. The spicy scent of magic hung in the air. “Bounty hunters,” he whispered.

“Why are they in the area?” She could feel him, still tense under her hand, although the men were out of sight.

“They travel around the kingdom to find work. A small group together like this is common. We have to be careful because it’s only a matter of time before we are the ones being hunted. We must leave soon.”
