Page 29 of Tangled Innocence

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DMITRI: Drop in at mine before you head out. I have something I need you to do for me.

ALEKSANDR: booooo. boring. youre all work and no play these days

DMITRI: I don’t have the luxury of playtime anymore. I’ve got an empire to run.

ALEKSANDR: you have no idea how glad i am that i was born second.

DMITRI: Be at my place in a half hour.

My head is packed to bursting as I drive home. The whole time, I try to force Wren and her smile out of my head. But it’s still there, even as I walk into my living room, feeling the weight of the day settle on my shoulders like boulders.

Ignoring the siren call of the minibar, I slip down the hall towards Wren’s room. The door is unlocked, so I push it open quietly and step inside.

She’s fallen asleep with the curtains drawn wide. Moonlight cascades into the room and pools around her where she’s curled into a tight ball in the center of the mattress.

As I watch, she moans and thrashes the top sheet off of her, revealing that she abandoned the leggings Bee gave her. The only thing she’s kept on is the thin white t-shirt that hugs the curves of her breasts. It’s not enough to hide the twin points of her nipples or the tanned expanse of inner thigh leading up to where it meets her hip.

Fuck me. She’s got a body that makes my mouth water. When was the last time I looked at a woman and felt this deep, animalistic need to possess her?

With Elena, there was never any question that she belonged to me. She fell into my arms and begged for possession.

But this woman is different. Even with my baby in her belly, I can feel her actively resisting me. Trying her best to put distance between us, to set boundaries, to erect wall after wall after wall.

That doesn’t change the fact that she is carrying my child. And in a few months, her body is going to blossom.

I’m already inside of her.

She just refuses to accept that.

Clenching my jaw tight, I move to the bedside table and pick up her phone. I’m about to leave when she sighs. It’s the softest of sighs, but the sound has my skin simmering.

I’m this close to doing something I regret when I catch sight of my reflection in the mirror hanging over the bed. My pupils are blown wide and my lips parted, revealing the black slash of my mouth.

I look reckless. Unhinged and untamed.

Turning my back on her, I walk out of her room fast. This strange preoccupation with Wren has to stop. If this living arrangement is going to work long-term, I’ll need to erect some walls of my own.

My phone pings in my pocket.

ALEKSANDR: I’m here.

When I walk into the living room, Aleksandr is by the bar helping himself to a generous pour of vodka. “You’re on time for once,” I greet, clapping my palm against his shoulder.

He turns his dark hazel eyes on me and smiles. “Only because I know how crabby you can get when I’m late.”

“Hasn’t stopped you before.”

He swivels the stool around to face me. “I heard about the attack at the clinic. I’m assuming that’s why you asked me here this late?”

I clear my throat. “Something like that. I’ll explain the whole thing to you soon. But for right now, I’m tapped out. I just need this to get done fast.”

Aleksandr looks taken aback, but he nods. “Okay. Later it is. Just tell me what you need me to do.”

I place the phone on the counter between us. “I need you to clone this phone for me.”

He stares at the phone. It’s obvious at first glance that it’s not mine. The screen is cracked, the model is six or seven years outdated, and if none of that was a giveaway, the pink silicone case with BREATHE AND REMEMBER YOU’RE PRETTY engraved on the back would decide things.

He picks it up and gives it a tentative look. “Okaaay. I want to ask questions, but I won’t.”
