Page 44 of The Secret Omega

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Without warning, he pulls the scarf from my head and drops it to the ground.

“I don’t want you wearing that anymore,” he rasps. “I want to see all of you now. Especially if you’re touching me.”

All I can do is nod blankly. If I thought he looked different before, it’s nothing compared to now. He looks like an animal. Like no alpha I’ve ever seen before.

Then everything goes black.

The lights from the kitchen and dining room are gone.

I can’t see his face in front of mine anymore, but I can hear him. I can feel him.

Everything shifts.

Noah growls in my ear and presses me even harder into the bark of the tree, his mouth settling on my lips and pulling at them violently.

This is my first kiss.

It’s not a polite kiss.

Or an honorable one.

It’s hard. Mean. Emotional.

All I ever wanted.

Unencumbered in the darkness, we both claw at each other angrily. It’s like we’re taking something out on each other. For me, it’s the reminder that I’ve always wanted him like this but knew I could never have him.

But I have him now.

I almost slide to the ground at the thought, but he catches me and holds me by my bottom, hoisting me up. I’m even with the part of him I touched, and he starts to thrust against me over and over as his lips pull mine roughly, almost angrily.

The pressure of his mouth intensifies, his tongue sweeping into mine. A muffled groan passes between us as his body starts moving against mine rhythmically, and my hands dance across his chest, eventually clinging to his suit jacket as moisture pools in my core.

I can’t stifle a loud groan, my head falling back as a thrill shivers through me. The quicker he moves, the more my ability to stay still evaporates. I move against him, too, squirming to find something.

Now, each time he thrusts, bursts of light explode behind my eyelids, and I can’t help but moan his name, loud and long.

My voice inflames something within him, and he grunts and begins battling with my heavy skirts with one hand while the other hand continues to hold me up. Soon, they’re pooled around my waist, and his hand is working my heavy drawers. His fingers graze my skin, and I gasp at the feel of him, my womb clenching in excitement.

“Noah, please.”

He whispers something in my ear—I can’t say if it was an actual word or just noises—and reaches down to his belt, unbuckling it with rushed, excited breaths.

“Hetty!” A whispered voice brings him to a standstill. “Hetty, are you out here?”

It’s Nancy.

Neither of us moves as a sudden chill moves through the air. It’s as if we’ve been doused by a cold bucket of water.

“Hetty!” Nancy all but wails. “Where are you?!”

“I’m here,” I finally call out. My voice sounds foreign—deep and raspy. Noah’s hand falls from his belt buckle as he steps back. I slide to the ground, my skirt falling into place.

“Oh, thank goodness,” Nancy sighs, hovering on the other side of the tree. If she knows Noah is here with me, she’s doing a great job ignoring it. “You need to come inside now. Your grandmother—she’s gotten … bad. And the lights went out. And the dinner was a disaster.” She releases a pathetic whimper. “Oh! It’s just terrible.”

I bite my knuckles worriedly. Gran. I was out here with Noah when she needed me.

“I’m coming,” I say as loudly as I can, my voice still wobbly. “Go inside. Wait for me in the kitchen.”
