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He stared at her intently. “You’d be rich. I’m always looking to expand, and I figured, why not? Do something to help out a friend, eh?”

He snickered. “I could have my lawyer draw up a contract, and you could look it over. Of course, you don’t have to sign anything right away. Or even say yes right now. Just think about it.”

Alexis was startled at the proposal. Of all the things for him to track her down and offer, this wasn’t what she was expecting. She forced another smile and shook her head.

“It’s a very generous offer, Carvin, and I appreciate it, but I think I’m doing just fine on my own. I have no interest in selling, but thank you.”

His polite facade cracked. She saw it happen the moment it did. His slimy smile turned into a snarl, almost as if the animal inside was fighting to get out. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her nervousness turned into genuine fear.

He moved toward her with an unnatural speed. “You shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, Alexis. It could be … dangerous.”

Alexis heard his threat loud and clear, but she stood her ground despite the terror clutching at her chest. “I don’t need a buyout, Carvin. Like I said, I’m doing very well for myself. And if you’d stop calling and texting me, I’d appreciate it. I’m seeing Magnus now.”

She thought by telling him that, he would back away and leave her alone. But she realized as soon as the words left her lips that it was absolutely the worst thing to do. His face went from angry to furious.

“Magnus, huh?” Carvin growled. He moved closer until they were inches from one another. Alexis glanced around, hoping someone milling around the room was noticing this. No one seemed to even be looking.

She did everything she could to keep her breathing even and steady, even though her hands shook at her sides.

“I’m not going to make a scene in public, Alexis, but if I were you, I’d watch my back,” Carvin hissed in a low voice so as not to attract attention.

He pulled away, took a few steps back, and smiled. His pleasant demeanor returned. “I hope the expo goes well, Alexis. See you around.”

She watched him walk out the door. The moment he was gone, she heaved a sigh of relief, clutching the chair for support.

“Holy shit,” she muttered under her breath. Her heart still pounded in her chest. Never in her life had a man scared her like that. She knew Carvin was bad news, and at that moment, she made a very uncharacteristic decision.

She pulled her phone out and dialed Magnus’s number. Her hands shook so badly as she lifted the phone to her ear that she heard the screen rattle against her earring.

Magnus answered on the second ring. “Hello?”

“Magnus, hey, um, are you busy?”

“No, what’s wrong?”

She laughed nervously, suddenly feeling foolish. “I'm sorry, I know you're working right now, but Carvin just showed up at the expo. I was getting the place ready and, um, I don’t know. He threatened me.”

The silence on the other end of the line was enough for Alexis to know Magnus was angry. “He … what?” Magnus’s voice took on a dangerous edge. It was a tone of voice she had never heard before.

“He offered to buy my skincare line, and I told him no. I mean, naturally. I also asked him to stop calling and texting me …”

“He’s been calling and texting you? Why didn’t you tell me?”

For this very reason, Alexis thought. However, now it seemed she needed help getting Carvin to leave her alone. “Well, honestly, I thought you’d get upset, and I also thought I could handle it. But after he told me to watch my back, now I’m not so sure.”

Magnus growled low in his throat. “He told you to watch your back?”

“Look, Magnus, I know you guys are friends, and maybe I’m reading into the whole thing, but he was angry.” She paused when she considered Carvin’s actions. “He didn’t actually do anything. He didn’t attack me. But I told him I was seeing you and to stop texting me. I’m telling you, he was pissed. I just thought you should know, especially considering you’re the … boss or alpha or whatever.”

Magnus growled. “Do you need anything? Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little shaken up, but I think I’m going to turn off my phone for a little while. Call me later or something, all right? I need to wind down and get all of this off my mind.”

She clutched the phone tightly in her hand, suddenly not wanting to hang up and wishing he was there. The adult in her wasn’t going to ask for that. She refused to pull him from his office to come to wrap an arm around her shoulders.

“Good idea. I’ll call you later.”

“Okay. Thanks.”
