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She lifted a brow in defiance at his request, but he didn’t relent. “Just until this entire thing blows over. If anything happens or, God forbid, Carvin does get his hands on you, I need to be able to track you down. It’s merely for your protection.”

His logic made perfect sense to her, and she begrudgingly agreed. “All right, fine. But just until this is all done.”

He chuckled. “You don’t want me to know where you are every second of every day?”

She grimaced. “Not particularly, no.”

It wasn’t that she had something to hide. It was being watched, tracked, followed, and monitored every second of every day that she was struggling with. She understood the necessity and the urgency of it for the time being, but she didn’t have to like it.

Knowing he understood this made it easier. No one would want to be monitored that closely for an extended period of time. It was a violation of privacy, even if the intention was her safety.

He smiled softly. “Just until this is over. Once Carvin is out of the way, I’ll pull my teams back, and you can delete the app. But not until we know for sure you’re safe. Deal?”

Her eyes, large and liquid, lifted to look upon his handsome face.

She nodded. “Deal.”

It was over a week later, a week of incessant tracking and knowing she was being watched and followed. She hated every second of it, and the more time that passed without incident, the more she questioned the necessity of having a team trail her.

However, she made a deal with Magnus, and she wasn’t about to break it. For all she knew, Carvin was merely biding his time, waiting for the most opportune moment to pounce. Chances are it would be when she least expected it.

She knew this, so despite how she felt, she tried to keep her eyes open and her attention sharp. It wasn’t easy. Each day that passed had her dropping her guard just a little.

It was late morning when she concluded an in-person conference meeting with two of her company’s representatives, her new manager, and the four out-of-state associates looking to add her products to their stores.

The success of the meeting had her in incredibly high spirits as she walked to the elevator. She wanted to text Magnus to keep him posted. He knew a lot was riding on this meeting, and he was expecting a message updating him as to the results of what ended up happening.

She pulled her phone from her purse, eyes focused solely on the message she was typing out while she waited for the elevator doors to open. People gathered around, waiting as well.

The doors parted, and she stepped inside, typing away furiously. Once everyone was nestled safely inside, someone pressed the button for the ground floor. She looked up to smile at the person standing next to her, only to gasp in monumental alarm when she saw who it was.


From his back pocket, he withdrew a gun and aimed at her.

“Put your phone away, Alexis.”

She swallowed hard and slipped her phone back into her purse without sending the message she had worked so hard on.

He grinned maniacally at her, and she took a step back, only to hit the rock-hard wall of a body. Her head whipped around only to come face to face with the sneer of a man who shoved her forward.

Her heart pounded, and she drew a shaky breath. “Please, Carvin.”

In a loud, high-pitched tone, he mimicked her. “Please, Carvin.” His sneer faded only to be replaced with a look of disdain. “Shut up, you stupid bitch.”

He grabbed her arm and pulled her in front of him, jamming the gun into her lower back. Her breath caught in her throat, and she bit her lip hard to keep from crying out in fear.

“When the elevator doors open, you’re going to casually walk out of here. Do you understand me? If you make so much as a peep, I will put a bullet in the back of your skull and then shoot every single person I come in contact with. Capisce?”

She nodded, afraid that if she spoke, she’d throw up all over the elevator doors.

“Good girl.”

The doors parted, and she felt him jab her in the back with the gun. She took a tentative step forward, her legs shaking so badly she wondered if they’d be able to hold her up for much longer.

Her thoughts traveled to Magnus, and the tiny glimmer of relief she found was in the tracking app he had her download onto her phone. It was active, so she knew the team he had assembled would know right away she was being forced out of the building at gunpoint with Carvin, and Magnus would be able to track her.

But for the first time in her life, she felt how pathetically weak she was against Carvin and wished she was a panther shifter so she’d stand a semblance of a chance on her own.
