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“Stop pushing … "

A countdown began on the screen.

“Get ready,” Lillian said. “First one serious then the rest are fun.”

When the number ticked to zero, Alexis heard a hissing sound overhead.

“What’s that sound …”

“There wasn’t a flash …”

“This isn’t a photo booth,” she heard Fiona blurt out.

A mist settled on her arms. It reminded her of a spray tan booth.

“The door is locked! They know! They’re trying to kill us!” Lillian screamed and began pounding on the door. “Help! Somebody …”

Light suddenly filtered into the room from the wall opposite the entrance. The women spun around to see a huge man dressed in a tux staring at them through a door he had opened. Beyond him, the lobby of the mansion was filled with mingling people, including the lady who walked in before them.

“Is everything okay, ladies?” he asked. “Is anyone injured?”

What the hell? Alexis’s nervous laugh filled the space. “Of course not. We’re just playing a joke on one of our friends.” Thinking quickly on her feet, Alexis grabbed Lillian’s arm. “It’s her first time, and we were having a little fun.”

Alexis stepped out onto the marble floor and leaned toward the man. Whispering to him, she said, “We told her it was a photo booth.”

The man’s brow lifted as he took in a deep breath through his nose and then chuckled. “Quite the surprise, then. Do you have the key?” Alexis held it up, thankful she hadn’t dropped it before now. The man swept his arm toward the lobby. “Please enjoy your evening.”

The door on the other side of the booth opened, and a couple stepped in. Fiona pushed everyone toward the other guests. Alexis looked around at all the commotion. So many people in various stages of dress. Weren’t these near-naked women embarrassed by the amount of flesh they flashed?

“I knew this was for the bold and beautiful, but this is, like, elite shit,” Fiona whispered.

“Holy shit, these people are hot. Is that, like, a rule or something?” Lillian asked.

“It has to be,” Fiona said quietly.

Alexis watched in silence with the others. People were getting hot and heavy right in the middle of everyone else. Her girly parts were tingling from the display of sex all around them.

“Hey, there, gorgeous.”

The women whipped around, coming face to face with a tall, handsome man who had eyes only for Lillian.

He didn’t seem to notice anyone else, and at that moment, Lillian melted into his embrace.

“I’m Oliver. Can I interest you in a drink?”

Lillian could do little else but nod. She took his outstretched hand, and without a backward glance at her friends, she walked away. Alexis stared at her retreating back with a pang of envy.

“Did you see that guy?” she hissed. “Damn …” As Lillian rounded the corner and disappeared from sight, Alexis sighed. “It’s my birthday. I should be having fun.”

The three of them continued to approach the entrance to the main room, stopping just inside. A crowd of people was gathered in a large common space in front of a winding staircase and underneath towering ceilings.

A moment later, a tall man with black hair and amber eyes approached her. “Your birthday, huh?” he said with a grin. “I’m Magnus.”

Her breath caught in her chest as she stared up at him. Never in her life had she seen anyone so incredibly handsome. To her left, Fiona nudged Chloe. The two women walked away, leaving Alexis alone with her handsome stranger.

Her knees felt weak as she continued to stare into the amber depths of his eyes. He made no move toward her, but she could see the muscles rippling under his skin when he ran a hand through his hair.

Suddenly nervous, Alexis drew back, and Magnus smiled at her. “If it’s your birthday, shouldn’t we be celebrating?”
