Page 49 of Cruel Fate

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A loud crashing noise came from the basement as I managed to stop the bleeding on my palm. Dominik didn’t so much as flinch at the sudden noise, let alone move. He only raised an eyebrow. He might’ve been as composed as ever, but the worry in regards to his sister was genuine.

He, too, had bags under his eyes. His glasses hid it, but not completely. “A friend of yours?”

I ignored him and stared at the bewildered Felix. “Got them.”

Before he was able to tell me the location, I was on my feet. My guns were prepared in the car, so I grabbed the keys and was in the driver’s seat within a minute. Dominik took his car and followed me.

As soon as I was out of the driveaway, Felix called.

“I sent you the location.”

“How did you find it?”

He hesitated. “I didn’t. Well, I did, but I was sent the location anonymously. I didn’t trust it, so I managed to check it with a method of my own. If they’re not at that warehouse, then it’s likely that they’re… no longer alive.”

“I’m suggesting you shut your fucking mouth unless you want to lose your tongue.”

I threw the device out of the window. My hands gripped the steering wheel, and fury slowly overtook me. Of course, it had crossed my mind more than twice that Kaya might be dead; however, she was too smart to allow herself to get murdered by some dipshits, and Bogdan Kalashnik needed her alive. Given that she didn’t have information he needed, killing her would be pointless and would steer him away from the goal.

With Kaya dead, everyone who was supporting Aleksei would shut their door to Bogdan, cut off any remaining contact, and kill him when the chance was given, all to earn Aleksei’s favor.

I wasn’t as active in the underworld activities as of late, but the word had spread quite quickly. Aleksei had earned the nickname ‘blue-eyed monster’ and if he hadn’t established his authority before, he sure as fuck had now.

The war against the previous Pakhan wasn’t officially declared, but it was only a matter of time. People from various criminal organizations, both small and big, were lining up, bowing at Aleksei’s feet, and offering their help.

Even Isaiah Sterling, the biggest drug trafficker in the world, who was nicknamed The Drug Lord, had offered his services to Aleksei. That alliance would dominate the world if Aleksei accepted it. Bogdan’s best chance would be to crawl into a hole and never be seen in public again.

I sped through the streets, following the location. Of course, it had to be across the city, in the part of town where crime was as normal as breathing the air. No one there would question screams or blood; they were all used to it.

Something in my chest snapped. My stomach twisted, and I could barely see through the cloud of rage. “Come on, little lion,” I chanted. “I’m almost there.”

The location was an abandoned house that could barely be called that. The windows were smashed—one wrong move and the entire thing would collapse.

As I exited the car, Ilya and Dominik pulled up behind me. Ilya mumbled something to Dominik, to which the man nodded his head. Within seconds, Ilya was next to me, and we walked inside.

I could hear voices in the basement, and I rushed to the scene with Ilya in tow. He didn’t say anything, but he knew I was taking the lead, and he was there as a backup. I didn’t know how many of them were there or what to expect.

The basement was as ugly as the rest of the house. Broken bottles, glass shattered on the floor—even blood on the walls that had dried long ago. It was like a scene from a damn horror movie. Though it didn’t reek as I’d expected it to.

There was only one door at the end of the narrow hall, and I nodded at Ilya.

Slowly, I knocked on the door.



The knocking on the door took the goons by surprise. I laughed at their disoriented faces. They were unsure if my father sent someone to help or if they were fucked. And the answer was the latter.

The man in front of me was quick to step back and put his dick back into his pants, but he didn’t have enough time to zip himself up.

My heart fluttered, and relief washed over me. It was a bit later than I’d expected, but he wasn’t too late, and that was all that mattered.

“Who the fuck is that?”

The knocking came again.

“If someone is polite enough to knock, you should open the door.”
