Page 14 of Vows of Love

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My eyes narrowed at her. “Grown men do not mope.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but my attention was suddenly diverted to the front of the room. Shocked, I froze in my seat as the woman of my dreams slid into the chair reserved for the maid of honor. Before I could react, Emma cleared her throat and announced that it was time to start. She then asked everyone to be seated.

“Why don’t you start things off, Brielle?” she asked before sitting at a table with Avery’s parents.

Brielle muttered something to Avery, then stood up and smiled, her eyes scanning the room. “I’m terrible at speeches. And—” Her words abruptly halted as her gaze landed on me.



Brielle abruptly stopped speaking, and she blinked a few times, obviously trying to figure out if I was real. Emotions flitted across her face, anger, relief, sadness, and then anger again, though she tried to hide it behind an emotionless mask.

What the fuck?I sat there and glared at her, wondering why the hell she would be mad at me when I wasn’t the one who’d snuck out and disappeared. Avery was looking at her friend with a concerned expression, and I shoved back my urge to stalk over to Brielle and demand an explanation. But I wasn’t going to do anything to disrupt my nephew’s happy day. Although, I did wonder if Avery had known…no. I shook that thought off. I knew Avery better than that.

Brielle dragged her gaze away from me and cemented her easygoing mask before forcing a soft laugh. “Sorry about that. Like I said, I’m terrible at speeches.”

Avery giggled and nodded as she mouthed, “She really is.”

“But not so bad that I would turn down the chance to stand by my best friend’s side when she married her boss.” Briellesmiled at Avery and winked. “Oops, I meant to say man of her dreams.”

Avery rolled her eyes. “Yeah, sure you did.”

She glanced around the room, and her nervous gaze landed on me again. Why did she have to look so damn delicious? Her soft pink dress fit her like a glove, and jealousy surged to the surface when I wondered if she was wearing underwear. The fabric was smoothing everywhere, without a single line. I imagined ripping the dress from her curvy body, and memories from our night together bombarded me, making me hot with lust and fury.

Leaving my champagne for the end of the toast, I picked up a glass of water and took several long swallows, but it did nothing to cool me down. My mind kept going over scenario after scenario, imagining what I would say when I finally got Brielle alone. One thing I knew, by the end of the night, her ass would be so red she wouldn’t be able to sit down tomorrow. And if the state of my dick was any indication, she’d feel me in her pussy every time she moved.

Everyone clapping brought me out of my head, and I once again started intently at Brielle as she sat back down in her chair. She lifted her flute of champagne, then brought it to her plush lips to take a sip. I felt a touch of smug satisfaction when I saw her hands tremble, spilling a little of her drink onto her dress. She leaned over to whisper something to Avery, and they exchanged a few words before Brielle stood and scooted around her chair. She seemed a little unsteady as she walked away from the table, heading straight for the nearest exit. I narrowed my eyes when I realized she deliberately avoided looking in my direction.

“Excuse me,” I murmured to my sister—who was in the middle of telling me something—as I stood and stalked to thesame door Brielle had disappeared through. I glanced left, then right, and spotted the sign for the restrooms.


When I reached the door, I punched it with my fist, sending it crashing against the wall. Brielle stood at the counter, reaching for a box of tissues, but at the sound of my entrance, her head whipped in my direction. I stormed into the bathroom, my hands clenched and my eyes spitting fire.

Brielle lifted her arm, putting her hand up, and hissed, “Leave me alone, Lennox. I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

“Right now? Or ever?” I growled in accusation, a muscle jumping in my jaw.

Her blue eyes flared with anger, and she snapped, “Really? What in the world do you have to be angry about? I’m the one who has the right to be mad. Not you.”

“Angry doesn’t begin to cut it,” I snarled as I stalked toward her, forcing her to take several steps backward until her back was against the wall of one of the stalls. “I moved past that emotion days ago.”

Straightening her spine, she poked a finger against my chest. Any other time, I would have thought it was fucking adorable. “I’m sure that’s not the only thing you moved past this week.”

My brows drew together, confused by her vague comment. “I have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.”

“If you only wanted one night with me, you should have just said that instead of getting my hopes up for more,” she accused, her eyes filling with tears that she was clearly fighting to hold back. “And you definitely should’ve used a condom. It’s irresponsible to go around having unprotected sex with women you never plan to call again. If that’s what you do all the time, you could have dozens of kids out there that you don’t know about.”

I opened my mouth to make a sharp retort, but I was stunned speechless. My anger melted into confusion, and I sighed.

“How in the fuck was I supposed to call you, Brielle?”

My question seemed to puzzle her as well. “What?”

We’d get back to the phone call, but first, I needed to clear up this twisted idea in her head about me and other women. “I’ve never gone bare before. Just with you, baby,” I whispered as I cupped her cheeks. “I never would’ve done that if I hadn’t intended for us to be forever.”

“Forever?” she echoed softly, her eyes widening, hope sparking in the bright blue depths.
