Page 2 of Green with Envy

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His hardened eyes settle on me, he points his fingers at me with a deep growl. "You need to remember your place and do as I say."

I just shrug my shoulders, not wanting them to know that by not answering my question, I’m even more curious. Placing the paper in my pocket, I huff out, "Fine."

I look over at my best friend, Henry, “Let’s go.” Turning my back on my father and brother, I return to my car as Henry climbs into the passenger seat. We don't speak to each other, both inside our heads trying to figure out why we would be sent to enforce such small debts.

As we are driving Henry must decide to ask the question that’s been on both of our minds. "Why do you think they’re sending us to collect this payment?"

I shrug my shoulders and then refocus on the road ahead. "Who knows? Kieran and my father don’t explain anything to me. But I saw Suri today, so I need the outlet and something to keep me away from her.”

Henry sighs and returns to looking at the road. If he has any thoughts about me seeing Suri, he keeps them to himself.

Chapter two


My heartbeat thunders in my chest as I sit here in the car. The car headed to the end of my life. A little dramatic I know but that’s how it feels. The closer we get to my father’s mansion, the more I feel the metaphorical bars of my jail cell closing around me. I knew this day would come, I just didn’t think it would come so fast.

The tiny amount of freedom I’ve had over the last four years has vanished. I know I should be grateful that my father and stepmother allowed me to have that time, but it wasn’t enough.

The driver turns the corner and I see the gate of the mansion ahead. My breaths start to pick up and my chest constricts so tightly I start to panic. I need to get myself together. If I want to survive, I need to be strong.

Remembering the technique that my best friend Ella taught me to help calm myself down, I close my eyes tightly and count to ten. Taking a deep breath, I concentrate on how the air fills my lungs. I hold it in and then release it as I count backward from ten. My breathing starts to instantly calm. I continue to think about all of the good things in my life. I’ll be ok. I have a friend who cares about me.

The thought of Ella makes me smile. I met her junior year in high school and we have been inseparable ever since. She was my only friend other than Brendan and Henry. I spent most of my time with Brendan. I’d never cared to waste my time with anyone else.

I remind myself of more good things as we get closer to the house. I’m almost done with my book, and I just graduated with a degree in creative writing. These are all accomplishments that I achieved. No one can take them away from me.

Keeping my eyes closed, I take another deep breath counting backward and forward from ten. As I’m counting my blessings, I hear the noise of a throat clearing.


Ignoring the driver, I take one last breath. As I’m letting it out, I hear him again. “Uh…Ma’am.”

Knowing he won't stop unless I acknowledge him, I slowly open my eyes. He tries again. “We’re here. Ma’am.”

I gather my purse and get out of the car, whispering, “Sorry. Thank you for the ride.”

My legs feel heavy as if they’re made of lead. Forcing them to move, I make my way toward the front door. Thankfully, the driver helps bring my luggage up to the house. I apologize and thank him again before handing him a generous tip and walking through the front door.

One of the housekeepers comes through the living room cheerfully greeting me. “Hello Miss Suri, welcome home.”

Looking around, my stomach drops. No one but the housekeeper is here to greet me. I don’t know why I’m surprised. It’s been like this since my father married Mallory.

My stepmother has always seen me as a nuisance. She ignores me for the most part, except for when she needs me to do something for her. She is a master manipulator. She always knows exactly how to hurt me, emotionally or physically.

I give her my best smile though we both know that it’s fake. “Thank you, Ariana.”

I take another breath. “You’re fine, Suri,” I mutter under my breath. Heading toward the stairs to retreat to my room, I decide to ask the question weighing on my mind. “Ariana, do you know where my father is?”

She looks at me with pity in her eyes. “Your father and Mallory are in the city for the night.”

I hate that look on her face. I’ve been getting it ever since I was five. When my mother passed and he decided to marry a woman that doesn’t want anything to do with me. He was the best father until her. Now he just does what he can do to keep her happy. Meaning he forgets about me. I need to get away from it. Pushing my curls back away from my face, I whisper, “Thank you.”

Walking into my room is like going back in time four years ago, a time when my future was changed with one simple deal. A deal I didn’t make but yet broke my heart all the same.

My room reminds me of Brendan. So many countless hours we spent sitting on my bed, talking, laughing, planning. I loved being in my room until that final day.

Now, the memories start to assault me all at once like scenes in a movie. My father and Mallory entering my room, telling me we have to talk. The sinister smile on Mallory’s face…
