Page 4 of Green with Envy

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“No! Fuck no. I’ll do anything. Please!”

Moving closer, I take his hand from Henry and look Sean dead in the eyes. “Next time you want to run from me, you’ll think twice. I will be back in one week and you better have my money. I have no problem taking everything away from you. And I mean everything. Your business, your wife, kids”….glancing down at his hand that I’m about to take the finger from. “Do you understand?”

I don’t wait for an answer. I take what is owed to me. I slice off his ring finger and we watch his wedding ring roll across the floor. I stand up, straightening my suit. Sean screams in the background. Maybe from losing his finger or maybe it’s the threat of what I might do next. Who knows? Men like him are weak. They give into their addictions without giving any thought to the impact on others. He borrowed a ridiculous amount of money from the mafia so he could gamble and drink his life away. He didn’t care that we’d go after his family and business.

Henry and I leave out the front door. “What did you mean you would take away his wife and kids? You know we don’t hurt families.”

I take a deep breath. “You and I know that, but he doesn't. Plus, I would take away his kids and wife. I would make sure they know that he’s a piece of shit, give them some money, and then kill him.”

Henry chuckles and slaps his hand on my shoulder “So true, my man. He is a piece of shit.”

Both grinning, we get in the car and I put it in drive. I head toward the apartment building that Henry and I both live in. We like to stay close to each other in case we have to go out in the middle of the night.

Taking the elevator up to my apartment, I text my Da that I’ve taken care of the job. I put my phone on silent. I’m done for the night. I don’t want to talk to anyone or be interrupted again. After pouring myself a whiskey from the drink cart in the corner of the living room, I walk over to the floor to ceiling windows and look out over the city. This view always gives me a sense of calm. It reminds me of how small we all are. The world might be full of crazy shit, but there is more out there. Good things. Beautiful things.

Like Suri.

I used to love our late-night talks when we were younger. In the dark and quiet, I always miss her the most. I hate that I can’t seem to get her out of my mind. I tap my fingers on my temple as if I will be able to knock out the memories of us together but they don’t ever leave me. They just haunt me.

So much for fucking sleep.

Grabbing my car keys, I head toward the elevator. The need to see Suri is overwhelming. I park my car outside of her house and just wait…staring. Darkness looms over the mansion and it seems quiet. I absentmindedly make my way to the fence on the side of the house that faces the opposite side of the street. I’ve done this before so I know the best way to get to her window.

Reaching the house, I see the lattice that leads up to her window. With no lights on in her room, I assume she’s asleep. The perfect time to get in without her knowing. I climb the lattice and am surprised that I can easily lift the window. Has she been waiting for me? Sitting on her windowsill watching her sleep, I let myself hope. Hope she thinks about me as much as I do her. Hope she still wants me like I want her. And I fucking hope to God she wants to walk away from my brother and possibly our families. She belongs to me and it’s time I get her back.

She looks so peaceful. I walk over to her and my fingers twitch. I know it's a bad idea but I need to touch her. I rub my fingers over her beautiful high cheekbones, hoping she still sleeps as deeply as when we were kids. Her skin feels so warm along the path that I take with my finger tips. Letting out a small moan, she leans into me. I can see her eyes fluttering under her lids. What are you dreaming about, princess?

No one has ever been able to get my attention like Suri. I’ve tried to forget her. I’ve tried to move on. Her tongue slowly swipes along her bottom lip. My eyes follow the movement. Her luscious lips so plump, I lean down and brush my lips over hers. It’s taking everything in me to resist the urge to deepen the kiss. Her hand moves and I notice that she doesn’t have on her ring. I swear she doesn't want to marry my brother. She wants to be with me. It's always been me and her.

“Don’t worry, princess. I vow right here, right now, that I will be the man you marry,” I whisper in her ear.

I lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her pulling her as close to me as possible without disturbing her. She snuggles more into me, laying her head down over my heart. Her hand comes up, gripping my shirt as if her subconscious knows that she is safe. Resting my chin on top of her head I don’t dare move. Not now that I’m holding Suri again…finally. It feels so right. So perfect.

I have to talk to my brother, figure out once and for all what he feels for her if anything. I have to tell him and Da how I’m feeling and what I want. I might lose everything. My family. My job. But if I have Suri, I just don’t fucking care anymore. Her contented sighs, her body pressed to mine, and her little fist keeping close tells me she feels the same way. As the sun starts to peek through the night sky, I know it’s time to leave. For now. Gathering up all my strength I stand up and walk toward the window.

Looking back at her, my heart starts to race. I don't like the thought of leaving her, but I know what I need to do. I will give everything up for her.

Our future starts today, she just doesn’t know it yet.

Chapter four


Bam!! The door swings open and hits the wall, suddenly waking me up. Before I can even register what is occurring I hear her, “Get up! Why do you have to be so lazy? It’s time to get up”

Looking over at my alarm clock I can see that it's noon, but darn it I deserve to sleep in. I’ve been working non-stop for the last four years to earn my degree. Plus working on my very own book. I roll my eyes at Mallory’s antics, simultaneously pulling the covers up over my head, trying to ignore her. That’s when I smell him, was he here yesterday? I try to think back to my memories. I know that I dreamed about him being here with me…Suddenly the covers are ripped from me and all I see is her standing over me sneering, as she yells “Get up now Suri!”

Her voice seemed to go up an octave, causing me to wince. Shit, this isn’t good. Standing up from the bed, “Fine. I’m getting up.”

I go to move to the bathroom, but Mallory blocks my way, her face shows that she is displeased with me. Fuck how did I already piss her off, I just got home yesterday. Mallory finally breaks the stand-off with me, leaning in and whispering “Suri you listen to me you spoiled brat. You need to get ready, we have dinner tonight with Kieran and his family. Don’t embarrass me.”

I’m not sure how my father even deals with her, she is so selfish. She has never been a big fan of me. Even when I was younger, she treated me with such disdain of course only in private. In front of my father, she would only muster up indifference, but that was fine with my father. He didn’t need anyone to give me motherly attention; we had nannies for that. Once my mother died, my father turned into a different person. He left me behind.

I just stare at her, as the loneliness of life starts to seep through. This woman has taken everything from me for selfish reasons. Her lips flatten knowing she isn’t going to get much from me. “I will see you downstairs in an hour, we will go to the store to pick out a suitable dress for dinner.”

Nodding, I take that as a cue that our conversation is finished. I move past her and enter the bathroom, shutting the door. I make sure to take my time getting dressed. I make it down the stairs, right at the one-hour mark. Where I find Mallory standing with a scowl on her face. Which deepens as soon as she sees me. “Let's go. I don’t want to have to be out with you longer than necessary.”

Ten minutes later we pull up in front of an upscale boutique. Releasing a breath I follow Mallory out of the car and into the boutique. I just want to get a dress and get back, so I don’t have to be near this witch longer than necessary. I already have a plan that I’m going to follow in my head. I’m just gonna accept whatever dress she picks out and just wear it. I just want to get this day over.
