Page 9 of Green with Envy

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Ella laughs, knowing that letting off steam is exactly what we both need. The club is amazing. The walls are a dark blue and the fixtures are silver giving it an expensive and elegant feel. Lights flash all through the club as bodies writhe together to our left on the dance floor.

I can already feel my body wanting to get lost in the loud music as it starts to sway, but we decide to make our way up to the bar first. Turning away from the dance floor, we push our way through the crowd. After a few minutes of waiting, a very hot bartender comes up to us asking us for our drink orders. Ella orders us both vodka sodas.

I sip my drink as I take in the scene around me. Already I feel the tension start to leave my body. “Want to dance,” Ella basically yells in my ear over the thumping music.

I nod and we make our way to the dance floor. One Woman Man by John Legend comes on and my body starts to move on its own. I allow all of my problems about Brendan and Kieran to slip away, singing along and letting the music fill my soul. I feel a warm body step up to me, grinding against my back. A hand lands on my hip, but I don’t turn around to see who it is because I don’t care. My body only wants one man, the one I can’t have.

The song changes and I continue dancing with the stranger until I hear a low deep growl right in front of me. The sound causes my whole body to react, the hairs on the back of my neck prickling in anticipation.

Chapter nine


Kieran and I enter the club and head straight to the VIP lounge. Da sent us here to talk to Mikhail, a known billionaire and also the head of the Bratva. We still haven’t found out who is stealing from us, but we know that Zeev and Mikhail are missing merchandise too.

We all get drugs, guns, and other items from a few German organizations. My guess is that one of these assholes is taking from us and them too. Now we just have to narrow it down and prove it.

I see Mikhail as soon as we enter the VIP room, standing at the balcony overseeing his kingdom. I notice that his gaze stays focused on someone in particular. Kieran and I make our way toward him. Mikhail’s bodyguard notices us first and notifies him. He turns toward us and grins, greeting us, “Boys, so happy to have you here.”

His slight accent is the only indication that he’s Russian since, like Kieran and I, he grew up in the States. His family came over a few generations ago, taking over the Bratva. Mikhail is about ten years older than me and still loves to party. After indulging in the club scene so much, he decided to open up his own. The media loves to call him the Russian Playboy Prince.

I grin back at him, shaking his hand. “Mikhail, it's been a bit. I love what you’ve done to the place.”

“Yes, this is something,” Kieran chimes in as he looks around the room and his eyes hone in on someone across the room.

“I heard that you might have gotten some information that you wanted to share with us.”

Mikhail nods his head. “Yes, my sources tell me that one of our allies is double-crossing us. There are whispers that our German allies might have a group of rebels within them.”

He just confirmed what I was thinking, but we need more intel. “Do you have any thoughts of who it could be?”

Mikhail seems to give it some thought before he says, “No but I’ve had some run-ins with a Johann, but that doesn’t answer why he would be stealing from Zeev and you.”

“Not sure who this Johann could be. I’ve never heard of him but maybe Da had some run-ins with him…” Before I can finish, my eyes turn to the dance floor and that’s when I see her. She looks fucking stunning, freer than she has in ages, dancing away with her friend Ella. It brings a small smile to my face.

As I’m drinking her in, another man saddles up behind her and puts his hand on her hip.

“Motherfucker.” Before I even realize what I’m doing, I’m making my way toward her. No one touches what’s mine.

I stand in front of her trying to contain the beast within, growling out, “What are you doing, Suri?”

Her body instantly reacts to my voice. That’s my girl. Before she can think any better of it, she moves toward me leaving the man who touched her behind. I grab her wrist and pull her into my chest, I lean down and rub my nose against her neck, snuggling into her.

“Fuck, you smell so good.”

We start to sway with the music, losing ourselves in one another. This is what I miss. It’s been four years and she still lights me up like no other. I grind my cock against her pussy. “Do you feel what you still do to me, princess?”

She lets out a small whimper as I grind even harder into her. My hand comes around her neck bringing the shell of her ear closer to my mouth and I whisper, “You’re coming home with me.”

“I can’t.”

“Princess, it’s not a choice. You will come home with me.”

She wrings her hands together. She’s nervous. Her eyes leave mine and gaze behind me. I follow her line of sight to Kieran with another woman. I shake my head. He is an ass to be hitting on someone right in front of her.

But I don’t give a shit about what he does and neither should she.

“You don’t need to worry about him. You won’t be marrying him,” I whisper in her ear.
