Page 74 of Gold Horizons

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“Just need a little proof here,” I tell him as I see Jane and Cole wiping their eyes.

“This is a fucking horrible prank,” he growls, swiping his hands down his arms and failing to get the ones stuck to his skin off.

“Don’t you swear at me. I don’t like it. Besides, you sooo had this coming.” I grin. “Best. Prank. Ever!” I yell, and this makes Cole and Jane laugh even harder.

“Alright. You win,” he grumbles.

I hold my hand up to my ear. “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear you. Can you say that again?”

“I said, you win!”

“You both heard him, right?” I look at Jane, and she’s nodding excitedly.

“You certainly won this one. I’ll go get the broom,” she says, shimmying around the mess and heading into the house.

And it’s in that second, while I’m not watching Briggs, that he lunges for me. His arms wrap around me, and I start screaming. He’s shaking his head, throwing the glitter all over me, and poor Duke starts howling.

Cole films both of us now, but I don’t even care. My heart is so full.

“You’re going to make this up to me,” he says in my ear.

“Oh, I am?” I ask, with my head tipped back so I can see him and my brows raised.

“Yes, you are. Let me take you to dinner.”

“Like on a date?”

He scowls at me. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing.” I smile brightly at him. “This is a terrible punishment, but if you insist.”

“I do,” he says, leaning down to press his lips against mine.

For our date, Briggs picks me up at five forty-five sharp. He made a reservation for six, and I teased him about him being older even though it’s only by a year and almost pushing into early-bird hours. He pinned me with a scorching look and said the faster we eat, the faster he can get me home and get me naked. No complaints here.

“Avery says this place is really good,” I tell him as we walk into the new little Italian restaurant on Main Street. It’s not that large; there are no booths, only tables, but they are covered with white linens and beautiful stemware. A beautiful bar runs the length of the room on the left side of the restaurant, and the wall opposite the bar is ivory and textured to give off a distressed feel. The accent color is burgundy, and there’s gorgeous lighting. I instantly love it.

“Cole says he’s seen Juliet here twice sitting at the bar,” he says, shocking me as the hostess leads us to our table.

“What?” I grab his arm and glance toward the bar, where people are already lined up for the evening and sitting there.

“Yep. Apparently, she’s been spotted here talking to the same guy.”

Briggs pulls my chair out for me. “Talking to a guy! She hasn’t said anything.”

“Well, we’ve been gone, and we’ve been busy. But you know how small towns are.” He shrugs and smirks at me. This must also be his warning that I should expect people to talk about us after this dinner. Heading out of town, it isn’t as noticed or known, but here we are, front and center, dining together at a new trendy restaurant.

Flutters dance on my insides. I find I like the idea of people talking about Briggs and me together.

We glance at the hostess as she hands us our menus, tells us about the specials, and wanders off.

Briggs watches me, but my mind goes seventy miles an hour.

“I’m just stunned. Did he say if they looked friendly or friendly?”

He chuckles. “I don’t even know what you mean, but if she’s been here with him twice, then I’m sure they’re friendly enough.” He pops open his napkin and lays it across his lap. Tonight, he’s wearing a nice pair of jeans with a fitted button-down. The shirt makes his arms look incredible, his beard is growing back in, and the way his dark eyelashes perfectly frame his eyes, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a better-looking man.

“Maybe we should call her and ask.” This news is just a bit too exciting for me. Has she found someone she wants to date? It’s been a long time. Since her ex, I think.
